frequenties lijkt het toverwoord en dat is waarom ik een groot fan ben van de essentiële oliën.
Essentiëel oliën zullen ten allen tijden, welke goede olie je ook gebruikt je frequentie willen verhogen. Maar of je nu sinaasappel of frankincense gebruikt, de oliën beschermen voor allerlei negativiteit.
Pure Essential Oils Have Very High Frequency
The effectiveness of essential oils cannot be fully understood without some discussion of frequency. Frequency is a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points. Every living thing has an electrical frequency. Robert O. Becker, M.D., documents the electrical frequency of the human body in his book, The Body Electric. A "frequency generator" was developed in the early 1020's by Royal Raymond Rife, M.D. He found that by using certain frequencies, he could destroy a cancer cell or virus. He found that these frequencies could prevent the development of disease, and others would destroy disease.
Bjorn Nordenstrom, a radiologist from Stockholm, Sweden, wrote the book "Biologically Closed Circuits". He discovered in the 1980's that by putting an electrode inside a tumor and running a milliamp D.C. (Direct Current) through the electrode, he could dissolve the cancer tumor and stop its growth. He found electropositive and electronegative energy fields in the human body. Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology in Cheney, Washington, developed new equipment to measure the biofrequency of humans and foods. He used this biofrequency monitor to determine the relationship between frequency and disease. Measuring in megahertz, it was found that processed / canned food had a zero MHz frequency; fresh produce measured up to 15 MHz frequency; fresh produce measured up to15 MHz; dry herbs from 12-22 MHz; and fresh herbs from 2-27 MHz. Essential oils started at 52 MHz and went as high as 320 MHz, which is the frequency of rose oil.
A healthy body typically has a frequency ranging from 62 to 78 MHz, while disease begins at 58 MHz. Clinical research shows essential oils, having the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, can create an environment in which microbes, disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live.
Truly, the chemistry and frequencies of essential oils have the ability to help man maintain an optimal health frequency. It is wonderful to discover that essential oil frequencies are several times greater than frequencies of herbs and foods. For years, research has been conducted on the use of electrical energy to reverse disease. Scientists in the field of natural healing have believed there has to be a more natural way to increase the body's electrical frequency. This led to the research and subsequent discovery of electrical frequencies in essential oils.
Patients felt better emotionally when oils were diffused in their rooms. It seemed that, within seconds, these patients were more calm and less anxious with little exposure and inhalation. Certain oils acted within 1-3 minutes; others acted within seconds. It is fascinating to think that oil applied to the bottom of the feet could travel to the head and take effect within one minute. The more results that that have been seen, the more research has been initiated.
Unhealthy Substances Cause Frequency Changes. In one test, the frequency of two individuals - the first a 26 year old male and the second a 24 year old male - was measured at 66 MHz each. The first individual held a cup of coffee (without drinking any), and his frequency dropped to 58 MHz in 3 seconds. He put the coffee down and inhaled an aroma of essential oils. Within 21 seconds, his frequency had returned to 66 MHz. The second individual took a sip of coffee and his frequency dropped to 52 MHz in the same 3 seconds. However, no essential oils were used during the recovery time, and it took 3 days for his frequency to return to its initial 66 MHz.
One surprising aspect of this study measured the influence that thoughts have on the body's electrical frequency. Negative thoughts lowered the measured frequency by 12 MHz and positive thoughts raised the measured frequency by 10 MHz. It was also found that prayer and meditation increased the measured frequency levels by 15 MHz.
Essential Oil Frequency Chart
Go To to Search for the Frequency You Need
Abundance 78
Acceptance 102
Aroma Life 84
Aroma Siez 64
Awaken 89
Brain Power 78
Christmas Spirit 104
Citrus Fresh 90
Clarity 101
Di-Gize 102
Dragon Time 72
Dream Catcher 98
EndoFlex 138
En-R-Gee 106
Envision 90
Exodus II 180
Forgiveness 192
Gathering 99
Gentle Baby 152
Grounding 140
Harmony 101
Hope 98
Humility 88
Immupower 89
Inner Child 88
Inspiration 141
Into the Future 88
Joy 188
Juva Flex 82
Magnify /Purpose 99
Melrose 48
Mister 147
Motivation 103
M-Grain 72
PanAway 112
Peace & Calming 105
Present Time 98
Purification 46
Raven 70
R.C. 75
Release 102
Relieve It 56
Sacred Mt. 176
SARA 102
Sensation 88
Surrender 98
Thieves 150
3 Wise Men 72
Trauma Life 92
Valor 47
White Angelica 89