Kucinich was vroeger juist een vam de beste politici onder de Demicraten. Ook.een outsider, helemaal geen traditoonele corrupte politicus a la Pelosi, Waters, Warren, Newsom, AOC, etc. Waarom zou hij een slechte campagnemanager zijn?

Laatst bewerkt:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr says the quiet part out loud & fully destroys his campaign.

“Israel is a bulwark for us... it’s almost like having an aircraft carrier in the Middle East. If Israel disappears, Russia, China, and BRICS+ countries will control 90% of the oil in the world and that would be cataclysmic for US national security.”

Would love to see all the people who gave me crap about RFK Jr’s Zionism tell me “Israel-Palestine is just one issue!” now that we’re on the brink of WWIII. Happy to have never supported his Zionist warmongering. Unhappy that my fear of US funding of more wars & genocide is true.

This goes to show RFK's profound ignorance as well as his total lack of human dignity.

How in the hell does anyone figure that Israel makes America's relations with the Arab states easier? That they keep the straights of Hormuz open, rather than being the reason for the greatest risk of their being closed? If it wasn't for Israel the US would have normalized relations with Iraq and Iran in the 1990s. If Likud and their neocon agents hadn't lied us into Iraq War II, it never would have happened. It was also the Israel Lobby virtually alone who demanded Obama's dirty war for AQ vs the Shia and friends in Syria, which led directly to the ISIS Caliphate and Iraq War III.

Supporting Israel is against the interests of the United States of America.

RFK jr and Mary Richardson Kennedy were both friends with Ghislaine Mexwell. They used to pluck young girls from the NY academy of arts, Eileen Guggenheim complied with Epstein (with Wexner's money) scheme and would introduce the young girls to high rollers. Maxwell was at Mary's funeral. RFK Jr is secually compromised by the israeli blackmail ring.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Role Woody Harrelson's Father Played in the Assassination of JFK "Woody Harrelson's dad was involved in the assassination, and he confessed multiple times...He was a professional hit man. He had been recruited out of the military, worked for the CIA, and then worked for the Carlos Marcello mob and he died in maximum security prison for the murder of a federal judge. But he was a very, very interesting character, and he confessed at one time. But then he told Woody the story, which Woody told me."
Vandaag 60 jaar geleden dat JFK werd vermoord.
Volgens mij één van mijn vroegste herinneringen. Ik was 2 jaar oud, het nieuws zelf drong niet echt door maar de reactie van mijn moeder heeft veel indruk op me gemaakt. Ze was ontdaan en in tranen toen het bericht via de radio binnenkwam.....

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