Robert Kennedy JR succinctly explains how both parties are subservient to the military-industrial complex. Everyone who pays attention to politics needs to understand the truth about never-ending wars:

"Both parties are the parties of war. We have eight hundred bases abroad and each one is picking a fight with somebody. And we've spent eight trillion dollars on useless wars since 2001 and look what we've gotten for it... the whole world is in chaos because of that. We left Iraq worse off than we found it. We killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein..We created ISIS...

Three days before John F Kennedy was inaugurated as President, Dwight Eisenhower gave a speech, which should be regarded as the most important speech in American history, where he warned America against the emergence of a military industrial complex that would turn us into an emporium-abroad and a national security state at home. And put the weapons manufacturers in charge of American democracy and today that is exactly what has happened. And we are addicted to this pipeline of new wars. Who is funding both the Democrat and Republican party? It's Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing and Lockheed. They need to put NATO in every country in Europe because then that new country has to adopt NATO weapon purchase specifications. It's a guaranteed market... It's all a big money laundering project which we need to unleash ourselves from."
@TheChiefNerd @VigilantFox

Honestly @RobertKennedyJr this is why you should step down from running (admirable but you cannot win the presidency), join forces with @realDonaldTrump and start focusing on fixing this deep seated corruption that permeates our entire health care industry. With the right leaders in our government, we can actually fix some of the immense problems we currently face. You know this administration will continue to destroy everything. We need leaders to win our country back!!!

Be one of those that history remembers, for a time like this, as being a patriot willing to step into the fire of the adversity we face and help get us back on track as a constitutional republic. Clearly, we’re off the rails.


Wow. Robert Kennedy JR just said that Jeffrey Epstein told him to his face that he ONLY did insider trading on the stock market as he elaborates on his plane ride with the trafficker.
"I asked him about investing in the stock market. He said I don't invest in anything on the stock market unless I have inside knowledge. I had just met him and he was telling me that he was committing federal crimes. And then the plane landed in Chicago. We thought we were going down in New York. A very beautiful woman standing next to a Mercedes. He said my plans have changed and I have to go to Europe. He got off the plane and went to another plane and he and the girl got on it. And Ghislaine was sitting there crying. And I just thought he was a creep....
I asked him about how he made his money. I knew he was the money manager for Leslie Wexner. How did you go from a math teacher at Dalton School to that... He said some Chinese people had approached him, who had been taking advantage of American grifters and he had succeeded in doing it. And that had launched his career. And that didn't make any sense. It raised fifty more questions. How did the Chinese guys find you? When somebody is talking to you and you have a meter that says this doesn't make any sense."
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that Epstein was working with the intelligence agencies and had a handler.
Who was giving him the inside knowledge?
@andrewschulz @RobertKennedyJr

Kennedy speaks on his father's death and how MK Ultra and the CIA may have played a role.
-Sirhan Sirhan was small in stature. He had super human strength at the moment of the shooting. The bullet that killed Kennedy was shot from behind yet Sirhan was never behind him. The carbon tattoo showed that the bullet came from mere inches from his head. They can account for every bullet out of the gun fired by Sirhan.
-The police destroyed evidence at the scene. Destroyed photos and would not take the gun to trial.
-Sirhan had vivid memories of staying in a hospital for months yet the hospital only had records of him staying at an hour after he "hit his head."
-The man behind Robert Kennedy, Thane Eugene Cesar, was a self proclaimed CIA agent. He hid to the Philippines after and no one questioned him.
You can read a full breakdown on this assassination here:


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