
"Enemies of the people" are identified in schools in Latvia.

Eighth-graders of Riga schools were given interview sheets about relations with Russia, the situation in Ukraine, parents' political views, etc.

Among the answers are typical horror stories about the possible "entry of Latvia into Russia" and the "termination of the existence" of the country.

Children are forced to take surveys under the pretext of participating in an international Study of Civic Education.

🇱🇻In Latvia, they are looking for a "replacement option" for a monument to the Builders of Riga.

The mayor of the capital said that the authorities are already working on a plan to demolish the monument to Soviet soldiers, write @news_lv.

It is necessary to make an estimate and arrange legal issues.

The mayor (suddenly) said that citizens will decide what will be on the site of the dismantled monument.

Citizens were not asked for their opinion on the demolition of the monument.

Especially those who laid flowers on May 9-10.

⚡️ Russians in Europe will be sorted into "good" and "bad":

People who left Russia because they did not accept the war will be able to simplify their life in exile. The Russian anti-war conference to be held tomorrow in Vilnius makes this one of its tasks.

After the outbreak of the war, many opposition activists were forced to leave the country for fear of persecution. Now they face discrimination abroad because of their Russian passport. Politicians, activists and experts will discuss this problem tomorrow at a meeting of the anti-war committee.

The committee is expected to draw up an "anti-war declaration" by signing which the individual delegates to the committee the right to represent them. According to one of the organizers, those who sign such a declaration will probably receive a “good Russian” document, which would facilitate checks in banks, when obtaining visas, and also open access to services that are not available to Russians.

"The Europeans have fallen into a trap, the main winner of which is Putin."

The French newspaper Les Echos writes that a sharp rise in gas prices provides record revenues for Moscow in the face of a reduction in purchases from Europe.

The publication claims that Russia will receive $100 billion from Europe for gas this year. This is twice as much as in the past.

Poetin verkoopt minder gas maar heeft een dubbele opbrengst. Goed idee, die sancties! 👍

🇱🇹The Soviet monument at the cemetery of the Red Army soldiers was destroyed in the south of Lithuania.

It was assumed that it would be "carefully" removed from the pedestal by a crane. But they couldn't be careful — the sculpture fell and split.

The local authorities justified its demolition by the fact that the existence of the monument made them think that the Soviet army was still in Lithuania.

"Though a local, though a plaster, but a Soviet soldier," concluded the mayor of the Varensky district, Algisa Kashety.

The monument was located in the cemetery of the Soviet soldier-liberators.

‼️The European Parliament voted for the creation of an international military tribunal against Russia‼️

They "missed" to add Bill Clinton,Tony Blair,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Javier Solana,Wesley Clark,Hillary Clinton,Barack Obama

We stevenen af op een internationaal tribunaal! Het maakt niet uit de beschuldigde Rusland is, de feiten zullen overwinnen!

NEW - Russia permanently bans 963 Americans including Biden and Harris from entering the country, according to a list published on Saturday. Trump is not on the list.

Wimbledon punished for discrimination of Russians

The Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) has stripped Wimbledon of ranking points due to the suspension of Russian and Belarusian players.


They trained for a long time, they dreamed a lot, they tried their best to challenge themselves. But they were removed from the sport.

This video is a reminder that sport is a unifying force that can unite us all and that must remain outside politics.

Previously, Russian and Belarusian athletes were suspended from Wimbledon, in response to this, the ATP and WTA stripped the international tournament of rating points and accused the organizers of the competition of discrimination.

Why more and more Western brands are trying to return to Russia

Today about 400 foreign companies have left Russia: permanently or temporarily. These are companies from completely different industries — from tire manufacturers to banks. For some, the reason was sanctions, compounded by problems with logistics. Someone thought that business in Russia is too toxic.

That's just more and more companies are thinking about how to continue to make a profit in Russia. Suddenly, legalized “parallel” imports can help some of them, when you can always say: “no, we are not importing our brand to Russia”.

So many will return. With gray schemes, through third countries, but they will return. But it is difficult to predict how they will do it. There are many ways: to reopen unchanged, to sell a Russian legal entity to partners, or to conduct a complete rebranding, selling their products under a new “name”.

China is overwhelmed with love for Russia and hatred towards the US.

The Chinese respondents were asked to select countries they sympathize with from a list of 25 countries. Russia received the highest ranking (79.8%) and the US the lowest one(31%). Respondents appreciate the Russian foreign policy the most (73%) and that of the US the least.

The majority of the survey participants stands for a friendly policy towards Russia (74%) and a tougher stance towards the US (61%).

The Chinese also name Russia on the list of their most desired tourist destinations (58%), one of the most preferred places to get higher education (52%) and the country whose culture they find the most attractive (71%).

A vast majority of the respondents believe that Russia is important for economic development (79%) and has the highest influence on China (82%), while 79% consider this influence to be positive.

Source: The Central European Institute of Asian Studies @socio_news

The spiritual leader of Russian Muslims, the Chair of Russia’s Muslim Spiritual Administration Ravil Gainutdinov, said on Saturday the Islamic world understands Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to hold a military operation in Ukraine.
"The entire Islamic world, the Arab world, treats our president’s decision with understanding. They are looking for the victory of Russian politics, and they have absolutely no interest in the hegemony of one country, in the creation of a unipolar world," he said.
"That is why no country in the Arab world imposed any sanctions on Russia. This is very important. Even as NATO members, even being under pressure, they refrain from imposing sanctions against our country," he said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 television channel.

En allemaal.betalen ze keurig in roebbels:

🇫🇷🇷🇺France has not found an alternative to Russian gas

This is reported by the French newspaper Monde diplomatique.

Suppliers of natural gas to the EU — Norway, the Netherlands, Algeria and others — cannot meet the increased demand for gas.

There are other players in the market: Libya and Egypt. In the first case, gas will not be supplied because of the ongoing civil war in the country. Egypt does not intend to become a supplier because of prudence in relations with Russia.

Nigeria or Angola will also not be able to become a "reliable replacement for Russia" due to its remote geographical location and lack of capacity.

🇭🇷 Croatian MEP has publicly proposed the EU to impose sanctions against the US and Saudi Arabia.

“The incredible lie and hypocrisy that sanctions against oil and gas from Russia will help stop the fighting in Ukraine. If we were the ones really fighting for peace, then we should immediately impose sanctions against Saudi Arabia, which has been fomenting war in Yemen for several years. It would also be necessary to impose an embargo on oil and gas from the United States, which took part in more wars than any other European country,” said Mislav Kolakusic

1 voor 1 gaan ze allemaal om:

Franse energiereus gaat Gazprom in euro's betalen

Engie heeft bevestigd dat het zijn volgende betaling aan de Russische gasproducent Gazprom vóór het einde van de maand in euro's zal verrichten, nu beide bedrijven overeenstemming hebben bereikt over een oplossing die in overeenstemming is met de Europese sancties.

Nadat Rusland had geëist dat het voor zijn gas in roebels zou worden betaald, heeft de Europese Commissie haar standpunt omgedraaid om het blijkbaar verenigbaar te maken met de EU-sancties.

De euro's worden door de bank simpelweg omgezet in roebbels. Rusland krijgt gewoon zijn zin.


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