Zie de film Grounded via youtube
Vanaf 24 min 30: over aarding tegen snurken.
In dit boek
http://mercola.fileburst.com/PDF/EarthingBook.pdf staat ook dat aarding verlichting geeft bij veel slaap- en andere problemen.
Zie dit citaat p. 132:
In my profession, there’s a tremendous amount of burn out because
the work is very physical. You use a lot of energy. I’ve been at this for
twenty-four years, and even if I go home tired now, I go to bed, sleep on
the bed pad and get up and I’m ready to go. And my husband has expe-
rienced the same thing.
He stopped snoring the first night he was on the
pad. We have been able to sleep fabulously.
Of deze (p. 151):
I was also amazed at the effect of sleeping grounded on my significant
other. He had a slight sleep apnea problem diagnosed by his doctor. He
used to wake up during the night, gasping for breath. Sometimes he could
go back to sleep right away. Other times not. He also used to snore so
loud that I couldn’t go to sleep. I would have to go to bed first and then
he would come in later. The grounding changed all that as well.
In a cou-
ple of months, his snoring tapered off and then stopped. The apnea took
longer but it also eased up and then went away. He hasn’t had that prob-
lem for more than four years.
“For the last five years of her life,
my mother slept grounded. She died
in 2005 at the age of ninety-six. She
was a horrible snorer until she slept
grounded. Her snoring stopped as well, and I believe the grounding gave
her some comfort and ease in those last years of her life.”
p. 183:
The participant reported that her husband, who was not part of the
study, but who was sleeping grounded next to her, “began sleeping
fewer hours, has more energy, and has stopped snoring.”
Meer daarover ook hier:
Hiervoor ging het ook over de magnesiumhuishouding: daar helpt aarding ook goed bij.
Verder: er is ook een link tussen magnesium en vitamine d.
En tussen vitamine d-tekort en snurken:
Deze arts linkt de slaapproblemen zoals hoofdpijn, slaaptekort en apneu bij haar patienten aan vitamine d-tekort: voor wat betreft apneu / tandenknarsen / snurken heeft ze het over de juiste afstelling van slaapverlamming voor onze slaap die zoek is bij die drie fenomenen.
Dit is dus een neurologisch iets: bij tandenknarsen is er te weinig slaapverlamming en bij apneu en snurken te veel opdat je kaak te los hangt, waardoor je keel blokkeert.
dr. Stasha Gominak
(bijv. vanaf 6 min 30 )
The world epidemic of sleep disorders is linked to vitamin D deficiency