
Anatoli Sharii es un periodista de investigación y político ucraniano que vive refugiado en España que reclama protección policial al Gobierno español tras las amenazas de muerte constantes que recibe por parte de grupos neonazis de Ucrania que han llegado a intentar asaltar su casa.

Anatoli Sharii is een Oekraïense onderzoeksjournalist en politicus die als vluchteling in Spanje verblijft en die van de Spaanse regering politiebescherming eist nadat hij voortdurend doodsbedreigingen heeft ontvangen van Oekraïense neonazigroepen die zelfs hebben geprobeerd zijn huis te bestormen.

Nieuws dd 24/2/21 Diario16
Shariy lo ha denunciado todo ante el juez. Todo es todo. Con nombres y apellidos, ha identificado a los dirigentes de Cuerpo Nacional que se han instalado en España (Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla…); la mayoría de ellos huyendo de la justicia internacional.

Shariy heeft alles aan de rechter gemeld. Alles is alles. Met naam en toenaam heeft hij de leiders van het Nationaal Korps geïdentificeerd die zich in Spanje hebben gevestigd (Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla...), de meesten van hen op de vlucht voor de internationale justitie.

In Spain, a Ukrainian refugee sprayed pepper spray in the face of his boss, a Russian woman.

Kristina hired a man from Odessa as a cook in her café in the town of Orijuela Costa. As it turned out later, he turned his Ukrainian colleagues against her and claimed that he wanted to smash the café. Two weeks later, the new cook attacked Kristina's husband, and sprayed her with pepper spray.

The girl went to the hospital, where the beatings were recorded. Now she intends to bring the case to court.


You know what pisses me off the most about this? That there are Ukrainian refugees who are normal people, who are actually running from the combat zones and who are ready to live in a tiny room and work any kind of job to feed their families. BUT because of the guys like this one, they are also facing difficulties and prejudice now. 😡

Wat is dat toch met die naz's daar in Spanje?

Het wordt er niet beter op met die Ukronazi's in Spanje:

In Madrid during The Immortal Regiment march a man with a Ukrainian flag was arrested for assaulting peaceful attendants of the Victory Day commemoration.


Ukrainian Nazis have contacted a Spanish Far Right figure, asking for help for a Spanish Neonazi mercenary been captured by the Russians, but she's turn them off and refused to get involved... 😅😅😅😅

Another provocateur in Spain.

It is interesting that no one actually attacks him, but there is an inscription: "Russians are attacking Ukrainians"

Ukrainian "Refugees" in Madrid have set up a tattoo "studio" in an old abandoned garage where other fellow Ukranian "patriots" can get the "memory" of the war with ink on their skin.
Spoiler, there are Nazi tattoos, but in this piece of propaganda from the Western Spanish Media they call it "devotion for Ukraine" and "Slavic symbols"


Van geeneen van de genoemde ook maar eens ooit gehoord. bv die voetballer jeb ik nu eventjes opgezocht, wel uitgezonderd Betis dit jaar, zijn dat tweede en derderangs ploegjes waar ie voor gespeeld heeft. En toen ie voor Betis uitkwam was dat ook in tweede divisie.
Hier gaat de nieuwe set, Solo si es si, naar de senaat. Wat houdt deze oa in : enkel een ja is een ja, maw er moet toestemming geheven worden bij sexuele relatie. Uiteraard zou je zeggen, maar met deze wet moet nu de aangeklaagde bewijzen dat er toestemming was. Dus als VB een vrouw een aanklacht indient wegens verkrachting, is ze verkracht, en dient de aangeklaagde te bewijzen dat er geen sprake is van verkrachting, maar dat er toestemming was. Het príncipe van onschuldig tot het tegenovergestelde is bewezen, wordt met deze wet omgekeerd, schuldig tot je kan bewijzen dat je onschuldig bent.
Ukrainian refugees are evicted from hotels in Spain before the start of the tourist season

Humanitarian organization can no longer sponsor their accommodation at the same prices.

According to the Spanish edition of El Pais, the majority of Ukrainian immigrants do not want to change their location, because their families and children have already begun to settle in the country. However, many hotel rooms were booked by tourists for the summer even before the refugees settled.

Those Ukrainians who rent housing from private owners will have a difficult time – in the season, the fee increases by tens of percent. Apartments for Ukrainian refugees are paid from the Spanish Red Cross Fund, but the organization will no longer be able to sponsor summer-rate accommodation in resort areas.

Spanish Police and media have started to conceal the Nazi tattoos of arrested ultras and confidents. I wonder why.
A leader of Nazi organisation Ultras Sur, link to Azov Battalion since 2014 it's been arrested for attacking a political rival.
Notice how in the video his Nazi tattoos are been covered up.

◾Spanish volunteers are fighting for Ukraine in Kiev.
At least five volunteers from Spain have just joined the Azov battalion in kyiv to fight the Russian invasion.

◾Azov has already recruited European volunteers in the past during the most violent phase of the war in Donbass.
Many of those ex-combatants came from European far-right circles. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Azov recruitment channels in Spanish are now full of pro-fascists and references to the Blue Division.

◾The Azov battalion is an official part of the Ukrainian armed forces, although it does not represent its entirety. It is a particular but not minor group, it has hundreds of combatants, who take advantage of European far-right networks to finance themselves and recruit.
Effectively, there are Spaniards enlisting through the Embassy of Ukraine.

◾In the Pictures, some Spanish and a well known female Fascist volunteer from Portugal.


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