
Hier iets om te overdenken op 5 mei, Bevrijdingsdag:

"We were firing purposelessly all day long. Hamas was nowhere to be seen," one tank sergeant was quoted as saying.

An infantry sergeant is quoted as saying that, once Israel deemed civilians had mostly fled an area of operations, "there weren't really any rules of engagement".

"The idea was, if you spot something, shoot," he said. "If you shoot someone in Gaza it's cool, no big deal."

Another first sergeant, from an infantry division operating northern Gaza, said that he was told that, “if it looks like a man, shoot. It was simple: You’re in a motherf***ing combat zone. A few hours before you went in the whole area was bombed, if there’s anyone there who doesn’t clearly look innocent, you apparently need to shoot that person.”

A captain, who didn’t want his unit to be publicised, said: “During the briefing with the battalion commander on the night of the incursion, he was asked what the rules of engagement were, how we conduct ourselves, whom we shoot and whom we don’t. What he said was – and this was the general gist of things – ‘We are entering a war zone.’ Meaning, what we prepared for during training – combat in urban areas. The IDF distributed flyers informing the residents of the areas we were entering, and that anyone remaining in the area was in effect sentencing themselves to death. That’s what was said.”

“Every single day and in countless ways, Palestinian children are victims of Israeli human rights violations, with no child considered too young to be spared the oppression being meted out by the Israeli occupying forces and extremist settlers,” Ambassador Riyad Mansour wrote in the letter released late Saturday, Ma’an News Agency reported on Sunday.

The letter further added, “These crimes committed against our children are intolerable and unacceptable,” pointing out that abusing children by Israel is in violation of international humanitarian and human rights laws.

We zijn helemaal niet 'bevrijd'. Zo lang er nog psychopathische khazaren actief zijn wereldwijd die zichzelf beschouwen als 'uitverkorenen' en andere rassen en volkeren geen knip voor de neus waard vinden, zijn we niet vrij.

Tony Cartalucci over de Garland shooting:

As with all other staged provocations, including similar shootings in Paris, France, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Sydney, Australia, the suspects were well known to state security agencies for years, but allowed to conspire and carry out predictable, deadly, and politically highly convenient attacks. All of this echos the similar and long-since exposed staged provocations of the notorious "Operation Gladio," carried out by NATO.

En dit is de visie van Kurt Nimmo op de gebeurtenis:

Daniel Pipes’ Middle East Forum (MEF) funds David Horowitz’s Freedom Center which in turn funds Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer’s American Freedom Defense Initiative.

MEF is closely linked to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), where Pipes was an adjunct scholar. WINEP is a spin-off the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, one of the more influential advocacy groups in the United States dedicated to promoting Israeli policies in Washington, including confronting Iran and Arab nations opposed to Israel and its policies in regard to the Palestinians.

Additionally, MEF is linked to the American Enterprise Institute, a think tank that played an instrumental role in promoting the invasion of Iraq. Its board of trustees is a virtual who’s who of the financial and corporate elite. Former Vice President Dick Cheney, who led the propaganda charge into the lead up to invasion and its disastrous result — more than a million dead Iraqis — figures prominently on the board.

Grootscheepse NAVO-oefeningen aan de Russische grens:

Uiteraard wordt dit weer andersom geredeneerd. Dit zou nodig zijn vanwege Ruslands 'expansiedrang' om de Baltische staten opnieuw in te nemen. Waarom tuinen toch zoveel mensen in deze propganda? We vierden gisteren 70 jaar vrijheid! Willen we ons dit nu weer laten afpakken door een stelletje oorlogshitsers?!

7 'complottheorieen' die waar bleken te zijn:


Breaking The Silence, een organisatie die Israelische (ex)soldaten de kans geeft om zich uit te spreken tegen de Israelische oorlogsinspanningen, heeft nu getuigenisverklaringen van soldaten naar buiten gebracht, waaruit blijkt dat er gericht op Palestijnse burgers is geschoten tijdens het laatste Gaza-conflict van vorig jaar:

Zie ook mijn post bovenaan de pagina van 5 mei.

En zo ziet de realiteit er in Gaza nu uit:

Saoedische grondtroepen in Jemen:

Dat zal ze nog eens duur te staan komen. Een grondoorlog is een heel ander verhaal dan een land platbombarderen vanuit de lucht. Guerillatroepen bedienen zich van hinderlaagtactieken en kennen het terrein beter...

De CIA steunt ISIS via Zwitserse bankrekeningen:


In Nederland hebben we ook sites als

If a lobotomy is out of your price range, there's no need to worry. If you can afford an internet connection you can terminate any risk of having to think critically about anything controversial as long as you remember to visit Run by David and Barbara Mikkelson, two absolutely unqualified Coincidence Theorists, can be relied upon to relentlessly provide a "that's nothing to worry about" angle on any and every troubling fact brought to light by the now prominent independent media.

Bekijk dit filmpje van 4,5 minuten over Gaza vorig jaar en vertel me dan nog eens dat Israel alleen maar zichzelf moest beschermen:


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