George Galloway kent zijn geschiedenis. Hij legt haarfijn uit dat Engeland in de Balfour Declaration in 1917 Palestina beloofde aan de zionisten en dus rechtstreeks verantwoordelijk is voor de conflicten die daar spelen:
Galloway verkondigt het Palestijnse perspectief, iets wat voortdurend genegeerd wordt in de anglo-zionistische media. Dit perspectief:
Palestinian protesters were neither terrorists nor heroes. “We are just normal people, living under every kind of oppression you can imagine.” “It is about being oppressed some 60, 70 years,” he said. “(The protests) are just the anger that has exploded.
Het geweld in Jeruzalem en in de westelijke jordaanoever duurt onverminderd voort:
En geen internationale inmenging graag:
En waar gaat het nu allemaal over? De plek waar de Al Aqsa-moskee staat is volgens de zionisten ook de plek waar de Tempelberg hoort te staan. Het liefst verwoestten zij de moskee dan ook. Maar klopt het wel wat de zionisten beweren? Is dit wel de plek van de Tempelberg?
While it has not been widely published, it assuredly has been known for more than 40 years that the 45-acre, well-fortified place that has been mistakenly called the "Temple Mount" was really the Roman fortress—the Antonia—that Herod built. The Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque are contained within these walls. The area is called the Haram Al-Sharif in Arabic.
Mike Rivero hierover:
So, Israel is willing to risk regional if not global war to tear down Al Aqsa Mosgue and the Dome of the Rock, and they don't actually KNOW whether or not this was the real site of the first temple?!?
Actually, archaeologists have known for forty years that the Temple Mount is NOT the location of the fabled First Temple, but the remains of a Roman Fort, the Antonia, built by Herod. The actual location of the First Temple, as near as anyone can determine scientifically, is actually on Mount Ophel, 600 feet to the south. So, what is the point in a holy war over a sacred site when you cannot actually find the sacred site?