Bekijk deze video van een joods-Amerikaanse activiste, die een boekje open doet over de schandalige manier waarop Palestijnen dagelijks worden behandeld onder Israelische bezetting:
Ik vond deze woorden tussen de commentaren de moeite waard om hier te plaatsen:
Are any of you Christian? Well if you are, they believe that Jesus is in hell in boiling shit and that his mother was a whore. You love someone who believes that about your god?
Google: (Greater Israel Project). The two blue stripes on the Israeli flag represent the Nile and Euphrates rivers. This is why we (the US) are fighting in the Middle East.
Divide and conquer, pre-occupying others country by religions based on falsified information in books written by an English kings' munks. A book rewritten by an English king that used translated Egyptian scrolls as guideline for the book and make the story about mangods. After that he killed most wisemen of other tribes and clans by means to destroy and steal important knowledge we already had so he could become "god". That was what the Roman empire wanted. Everything that is sold under tax and was portait as new, nobody ever discovered these things, is just ignorant. They make money of criminal activities under the pretence of the symbol of doing good in name of the pagan god while actually worshipping the opposite.