The Great Awakening

Hier nog iemand die onze waardering verdient.

Mike Smith gave up everything — his career, a beautiful home, a very nice income among other things — to do the Out of Shadows documentary exposing the truth about Hollywood and the Deep State which he released in 2020. In that film, which went crazy viral with over 100 million views within months despite the cabal censorship of it, he exposed Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, MKULTRA, Pizzagate and much more!

His sequel, Into the Light, explores some of these topics further including AI, 5G warfare and psychological manipulation.

The other day, Mike got the honor to be on stage at Mar-A-Lago with President Trump who thanked him for his work. It was so nice to see someone who is actually the real deal get recognized for their sacrifice for the truth for once.

Congratulations @Crux41507251 — and well-deserved! I love you, and I’m very proud of you. ❤️

Be careful who you follow. Ik zet de tekst van deze tweets onder elkaar.

Nick is pretending that he is like Candace Owens and just persecuted for being anti-Zionist. That is bullshit. Nick 100% is anti-Semitic. He openly advocated for pedophilia saying every man wants to marry an untouched 16 year old and that's what he wants when he turns 30. He is a creepy little man with a Jesus gimmick whose never opened a Bible.

Loomer Zionist friend of Nick's is another attention seeking troll, said to "Glass Gaza". Neither one of them give a damn about Palestinians and Nick stated his dream is the US becomes a White Catholic monarchy. Loomer brands her self on "hey we don't like illegal immigrants right conservatives?" except when it's her tribe moving in to Palestine.



Being a keyboard warrior can either be a heroic or a cowardly enterprise. Anons were all heroes during the C19 psyop. Some fell for the Ukraine psyop. But A LOT fell for the Israel psyop. Q is a deprogramming operation which does not spare its own followers. The end won't be for everyone.

“Victimhood” is the veil behind which evil monsters can hide their atrocities

As long as they can force the perceived “victimhood” status on others then guilt and sympathy, inherent goodness, are then used as the weapon to defeat humanity.

To win - all you have to do is notice it and stop believing the BS.

To lose - all you have to do is continue to choose not to notice it.

It’s that simple.

Israel is fighting Syria.

Ukraine is fighting Russia.

Russia is in Syria protecting Syria.

ISIS is in both Syria and Ukraine fighting Syria/Russia.

Azov Battalion is in Gaza fighting alongside the IDF.

Do you understand how this is all connected?

We got elite sex traffickers and blackmail videos/audios getting mass exposed in 2024, even in the media!

Yall know it’s habbenin, right ?

Yall know it’s beeeeen habbenin, right ?

In what NWO/DS controlled world and time such as this one, do we get to see (their) own powerful people continue to be forced into the light exposing their awful crimes past what the NWO/DS media can control?


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