The Great Awakening

I am a TRUTHER. I understand that my posts may disturb and make you feel uncomfortable. Although this is not my intent, I promise you! My intent is to provoke your mind. To make you think critically. To have an objective mind and to question the official story. I understand that you may feel like lashing out in anger. I understand your position, I was once there myself not too long ago. There is an awakening of consciousness taking place that we are currently experiencing and we are only at the cusp of it. I know it can be very difficult to break the chains of conformity because we have been programmed to FEAR thinking outside the status quo box.

We are awake and waiting for you.

In the almost 7 years since they started, has even ONE person proposed an alternative reason there are almost 500,000 searchable sealed indictments?

Not one legal connected person who identified some change in the way they do legal processes?

Not one leftist fact checker slavering to disprove Q-tards?

I actually found only one mention of it, back in 2019 I think, from ABC News, and the reporter actually proposed the ones in DC were from Mueller.

Since that didn't turn out, there hasnt been one mention in the media.
I've seen literally thousands of comments and tweets and yet not one single human has a rational explanation.


You heard it here first.
It’s actually habbening.

We’ve watched bad actor after bad actor come in and try to bring both sides together but failed.

We’ve watched agency after agency run psyops to try to do the same.

I used to despise that word.

Because it was being used as a way to bring people to heel and go back to sleep.

Why did they try so hard to #Unify us?

“The Noticing”
That’s why.
The two are joined at the hip.

The fracture in the truth movement really started to form in 2014-2020 when the final pieces of evidence compiled over 20 years fell into place.

That’s the cause of the division in reality.

The growing public awareness that Israel was behind 9/11.

You see for years we all just said the Satanic Cabal did it.

We pointed at the Bushs and Clinton’s and included them in this mysterious “Cabal”.

But over the years we’ve seen that these guy are just the puppets of another group.

The real puppet masters wear tiny hats and run their racquet out of Tel Aviv.

So the exposure of that knowledge caused problems with the Truth Movement because In order to push that meant crossing the line into what would be publicly be considered antisemitism.

Most were too scared to say the truth out loud.

But then we got Gaza and the Jews themselves have done what no one else could.

All the individual conspiracy theories we used to disagree on have become secondary,

When you follow them all you find that at the top of the list and the head of the snake is Israel and Mossad.

9/11, Epstein, Covid, rape tunnels, JFK….
You name it.
You can follow the trail of hummus back to Benjamin Netanyahu and his band of tiny hat mafioso.

Now it’s really simple to see who is who.

Real OG Truthers are putting petty grudges aside to come together and expose the Jewish Supremacy Agenda.

And the ones who are genuinely bad actors agency controlled are cheering on a genocide.🤡

We are not the same.

Most we’ve suspected for years like Shapiro, Loomer or Jones.
Some we’re surprised by like James Woods or Roseanne.

But all of these paid agents represent interests opposed to a strong America.

Zionism is toxic to a free and fair America.

The evidence is so clear now that it’s indefensible to try and justify Israel’s actions.

So as a result the real Truthers are not trying to do that.

Instead they are pulling Jewish and Israeli history apart like Lego and exposing the biggest group of organized criminals ever.

The Jews.

Some are still afraid.
So they need to tell themselves it’s the Khazarians.

But we know it’s the Religion and race that is the root cause of the problem.

Not the racial make up of the Jews.

The Talmud and the Torah interpretations are evil, twisted and Satanic.

The internet and X is drowning in evidence condemning Jews and Israel and it’s glorious and I’m here for it.

The Jews have a crisis on their hands.
They can’t control the Truth Movement.
They are in our headlights.

The Truth, just like cream, always rises to the top and making legislation to outlaw it only makes it more popular.

The world is waking up to their overlords.

The Truth Movement is feeding that Awakening.

God is great.
In the end he wins.
Shine that light Patriots

Remember only those who serve Satan would try to justify baby murder.

The true Unification of the Truth Movement is occurring.

Buts it’s organic.
Not sone scripted Psyop.

Choose your sides carefully…
Theres nowhere to hide anymore.


This is really an amazing show. So happy to listen to Vincent say that this is the year of revelation. Very happy to hear him say the curtain is now removed. While this Israeli genocide destroyed Gaza and took the precious lives of over 35000 people, it has shown Americans and the world the true ugly face of Israel. Yes the US has paid a high price for supporting Zionism, millions of lives.🙏❤️


You heard it here first.
It’s actually habbening.

We’ve watched bad actor after bad actor come in and try to bring both sides together but failed.

We’ve watched agency after agency run psyops to try to do the same.

I used to despise that word.

Because it was being used as a way to bring people to heel and go back to sleep.

Why did they try so hard to #Unify us?

“The Noticing”
That’s why.
The two are joined at the hip.

The fracture in the truth movement really started to form in 2014-2020 when the final pieces of evidence compiled over 20 years fell into place.

That’s the cause of the division in reality.

The growing public awareness that Israel was behind 9/11.

You see for years we all just said the Satanic Cabal did it.

We pointed at the Bushs and Clinton’s and included them in this mysterious “Cabal”.

But over the years we’ve seen that these guy are just the puppets of another group.

The real puppet masters wear tiny hats and run their racquet out of Tel Aviv.

So the exposure of that knowledge caused problems with the Truth Movement because In order to push that meant crossing the line into what would be publicly be considered antisemitism.

Most were too scared to say the truth out loud.

But then we got Gaza and the Jews themselves have done what no one else could.

All the individual conspiracy theories we used to disagree on have become secondary,

When you follow them all you find that at the top of the list and the head of the snake is Israel and Mossad.

9/11, Epstein, Covid, rape tunnels, JFK….
You name it.
You can follow the trail of hummus back to Benjamin Netanyahu and his band of tiny hat mafioso.

Now it’s really simple to see who is who.

Real OG Truthers are putting petty grudges aside to come together and expose the Jewish Supremacy Agenda.

And the ones who are genuinely bad actors agency controlled are cheering on a genocide.🤡

We are not the same.

Most we’ve suspected for years like Shapiro, Loomer or Jones.
Some we’re surprised by like James Woods or Roseanne.

But all of these paid agents represent interests opposed to a strong America.

Zionism is toxic to a free and fair America.

The evidence is so clear now that it’s indefensible to try and justify Israel’s actions.

So as a result the real Truthers are not trying to do that.

Instead they are pulling Jewish and Israeli history apart like Lego and exposing the biggest group of organized criminals ever.

The Jews.

Some are still afraid.
So they need to tell themselves it’s the Khazarians.

But we know it’s the Religion and race that is the root cause of the problem.

Not the racial make up of the Jews.

The Talmud and the Torah interpretations are evil, twisted and Satanic.

The internet and X is drowning in evidence condemning Jews and Israel and it’s glorious and I’m here for it.

The Jews have a crisis on their hands.
They can’t control the Truth Movement.
They are in our headlights.

The Truth, just like cream, always rises to the top and making legislation to outlaw it only makes it more popular.

The world is waking up to their overlords.

The Truth Movement is feeding that Awakening.

God is great.
In the end he wins.
Shine that light Patriots

Remember only those who serve Satan would try to justify baby murder.

The true Unification of the Truth Movement is occurring.

Buts it’s organic.
Not sone scripted Psyop.

Choose your sides carefully…
Theres nowhere to hide anymore.



Dus hij zegt alle joden, niet enkel zionisten ?
Met 'the Jews' bedoelt hij Zionisten. Maar de zogenaamde 'Torah Jews' kun je ook niet altijd vertrouwen, aangezien de Torah (eerste 5 boeken van het OT) zo genocidaal is als wat en de Talmoed bovendien wordt gezien als de 'interpretatie' van de Torah.

The Constructed Midlife Crisis & Societal Suffering

I was thinking about this the other day, & it dawned on me just how deeply [they] have committed to destroying our hearts, minds, & souls.

Since we know the strain put upon us is “by design”, that means all the suffering it caused was deliberate - & the effects are complex & nuanced

I’ve paid especially close attention to any TV or movies I watch & look for their common refrains:

- There is no universal truth
- The Afterlife is unknowable (is it?)
- Man is inherently violent (are we?)
- Religions are all equal (lol)
- We make our own happiness
- Sexual activity is purely biological
- Life is short (is it?)

This is so far beyond training us to “Not rock the boat”… this is punching holes in our boat & telling us life vests don’t work.

They’re not just suppressing Free Energy & devaluing our money - they’re actively working to block our paths to true happiness.

This led me to the idea of the midlife crisis, which is put forth as a phase “all men go through”… I believe it’s deliberately cultivated.

If you teach men that Wealth, Fame, Recognition, & Endless Sex are keystones to a fulfilled life, 99.9% of humanity is going to feel like a failure.

I think it’s because Man’s spiritual potential has been suppressed.

In many historical societies, mystical experiences were an essential part of becoming a Man.

Now, Mystical experiences (the Christian definition) are portrayed as laughable hippie bullshit, & are replaced with bland societal rituals:

- Birthdays
- Bachelor Parties
- Graduations
- Rote religious ceremonies

When’s the last time you knew someone who

- went on a Vision Quest?
- a Year Walk?
- Took psychedelics to communicate with different realities, with a spiritual guide?

If someone claimed they’d met God & found we were all one with Him, what would happen to that person?

However it happens, what if we were *DESIGNED* to have direct communication with God?

I don’t mean talking to God & feeling emotions - I mean like a Kundalini blast to the Stratosphere, or the kind that’s reported in NDEs?

Because humans don’t develop themselves spiritually - not the way they’re probably supposed to, anyway

& they spend their time chasing false gods/goals…

& if they DO have a mystical experience, our society trains us to doubt it, & tells us we’ll be mocked if we try to discuss it over beers or at the next family picnic.

It’s no wonder many have an existential crisis when they start to see the finish line ahead of them.

If people knew God - had truly experienced Him - there’d be no fear of death, or the feeling that you’d “wasted your one shot”.

I’m sure this is why scientists are “discovering” that psychedelic elements take away the fear in terminal patients.

I’m not talking about just “taking drugs”.

There’s a reason the cultures that incorporate drugs have a shaman: it needs to be a guided journey, not just “tripping”.

(The casual altering of our brain chemistry is another deliberate method of weakening us)

[They] turned reality into a bad game of repetition - like Minecraft but with only 4-5 possibilities.

It’s fairly easy to “survive” in society - you just have to be passably decent at a few things.

But now it takes all our time & energy just to tread water,

& any attempt to color outside the lines is punishable by ostracization or worse.

So after 30-40 years of that, when the TV shows you sports stars & millionaires & a world of careless hedonism,

many feel like they made the wrong choice, while just hoping they’d be rewarded in the afterlife.

I think Midlife Crises were unnaturally cultivated & are a symptom of the [System].

So go forth & connect with God & remember you are Divinely made.


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