The Great Awakening

Now that many have noticed the song ‘None Shall Sleep’ from ‘Sum of All Fears’ that Trump played at the end of his RNC speech

Recall that the film was based on the book by Tom Clancy

Clancy was business partners with Steve Pieczenik, who the character, ‘Jack Ryan’, was based on

Pieczenik practically described the Q operation a year before they ever posted and said Trump’s presidency was a counter insurgency with Julian Assange against the deep state crime syndicate

Pieczenik has also been calling out Israel’s involvement in 9/11 and their control of Congress with AIPAC for some time

Some of you Q accounts have it more right than others.

Some of you Q accounts let your following get to your head.

Just bc your followig account is high doesn’t mean you have it correct.

Be for America and it doesn’t matter.

Be for clicks and likes and you will find out in the end that people follow true information - not viral clicks and likes.

Follow information - not people.

Set your hopes on Truth - not personalities.

Many people who claim to be MAGA are not actually MAGA.

MANY people that claim to be followers of Christ , are just in it for themselves.


There have been many imposters. Some have come and gone, others are still riding the coattails of the Anon we all knew as QAnon76. All of those who are claiming to be him up until now are imposters. They are all fakes.

However, @IQUQWEQ, @Americanlll, and I were all in a group with QAnon76 for several years up until the purge. We've maintained contact with 76 since then. He tried to get his account back to no avail, now he's ready to start a new chapter in this fight, starting all over as @SpiritQf76

So, please welcome back one of the most hardworking and patriotic Anons that this movement had ever seen. Give @SpiritQf76 a follow and tell him 40 sent ya.

Weird. I had the next Monday (10/30) when Hillary gets arrested being the year 2025. I have measured this multiple times based upon Q drops.

But 10/30 doesn’t occur on a Monday in 2025 despite me checking multiple times in previous years.

Am I missing something ? Did some timeline change ?


It would appear to me at least that Israel is running the foreign controlled city-state of DC like they always have been. There may be some factions they don’t control but it’s on a collision course to be destroyed under their current direction.

I think Q team plans will come into play when there’s a constitutional crisis that can’t be worked out politically or legally any further - and then BOOM!!

Kamala can’t be president - it’s against the constitution. She’s not eligible.

Which then leads to Hillary or someone else. I don’t know how this plays out but something tells me Hillary will come into play - and she will upset the left who doesn’t want her - they will vote Trump or not at all - and they will try and cheat her through regardless.

Then the public will demand and know it wasn’t legitimate.

In the end - the public will have to demand that the corruption stop. Anything else and the public will think Trump is trying to coup the government for him.

Just my thoughts

WASHINGTON (ANP) - De Israëlische president Benjamin Netanyahu wil tijdens zijn bezoek aan de Verenigde Staten deze week ook de Amerikaanse oud-president Donald Trump spreken. Dat meldt Politico op basis van bronnen, die zeggen dat medewerkers van Netanyahu hierover contact hebben met het team van Trump.
"We have to save our country, and we will save our country" "it's a 4 year period when it's up"

PAUSE: a temporary stop in action.

What you are watching is the (controlled) systematic destruction of the old guard.

What people fail to connect the dots on (imo) is what we mean when we say you are watching a show, and patriots are in full control.

The issues that we are dealing with are very REAL.

Stolen elections. REAL
Assassination attempts. REAL
Trafficking. REAL
Open borders. REAL
Corruption. REAL
The list could go on.

The movie aspect describes the controlled nature the public is being shown the REAL issues. DECLAS. It's being controlled for public safety, and optimal affect on a decades long, brainwashed public.

Hence the great awakening, and military was the only way.

We are in the midst of an intelligence op, of which we the people are the plan.

They weaponized every major establishment against us. Trump weaponized 'we the people' against the establishment.

This has never been attempted.
Use of general public to counter the narrative [propaganda] push by controlled media.
Analysis [start-to-now] indicates situational awareness [decoupling of MSDNC control of information (channels 1-99)] of general public expanding at massive pace.
Attacks indicate [can be defined as] loss of generalized information control.
Need to expend ammunition [muster network to defend and coordinate attacks] to counter.
MIL-CIV Alliance.


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