The Great Awakening

Have you noticed that they’ll let you talk about inconsequential conspiracies all day - aliens, Nazis doing dark arts, moon landing, JFK, 9/11 but the minute you point out WHO the international bankers are, what their REAL plan is, their role in every war and genocide, you are silenced, threatened, debanked, ridiculed and finally murdered.

They are not threatened by your half-wit conspiracies. It is only when you speak the Truth, when you name them, that they rise out of the dark.

They have designed such an effective brainwashing campaign that not only do your fellow countrymen rise up to attack you and defend the enemy, but you yourself feel as if you are doing something wrong - as if you are the villain in the story.

We were born into poisoned waters. The enemy instilled in us from youth that HE was the victim, that if you ever named him and pointed out his crimes against humanity YOU were the evil one. That in so doing YOU were committing the evils of your ancestors, who he made you believe were evil genocidal maniacs using every means possible - your school, your Church, your government, your books, your artists, your TV. It was everywhere to keep you from recognizing the poison that filled your atmosphere.

The process of deprogramming yourself is harrowing. You may be in the midst of life choices you made under such programming that you now realize were fatal mistakes. I was. The temptation to put your head in the sand, to not face the consequences of your actions and to uproot your life and do an about face, is great. Resist it.

One person speaking the Truth may ignite 100 other people to know it and speak it. That’s why they attack even the most insignificant person who does so. You must speak it or the next victim may be someone you love.

How many of you are on here to be popular ?

How many of you are on here because when you get a post that goes viral it strokes your ego ?

How many of you are on here trying to be the next “influencer” making money off spreading free information ?

How many of you are on here delete a post when it doesn’t get much attention ?

How many of you on here steal others content just so you can try to go viral again ?

How many of you on here get mad when others don’t repost your work and instead steal it for their own posts with no credit given ?

How many of you brag to others about how many followers you have ? How many likes and RTs you got ? Who reposted your content ?

How many of you on here are only on here because it benefits YOU?


You say you’re here because you’re for the children, the people, spreading love, spreading the Gospel, to help others wake up, to live for the truth and the truth alone even if it disagrees with your entire dogma - but you’re not……you’re here for yourself ….

And you may have some people fooled but you don’t have your Father fooled.

When you die, no one is going to remember your viral posts, how much money you made, what your social status was, what you managed to acquire for yourself or the physical material things you own.

They’re going to remember what you did and how you lived for others.

This is God’s Will.

Everything else is BS

Remember that time that they STOLE the election from us ?

Then we had to suffer 4 years of Biden

People were saying 4 years ago how they can’t wait that long ….

And yet here we are - it’s almost done and we’re going to OVERWHELMINGLY put Trump back into office to CLEAN-OUT this mess.

And we will be watching.
There will be EYES on this election , like never before.

I DARE them to try and steal it again.

NO ONE is going to believe the Dems won. Not even the libs who are PISSSSSSSSSSSSSSED about Helene response and their empty pocketbooks while illegals and other countries get rights and privileges over impoverished and broken Americans.

The day of reckoning is upon us.


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