The Great Awakening

I don't pay attention to left vs right politics. Several years ago I was first in line, first in the trenches to, "Own the left."

Pronoun users, transgenders, lgbtq, pro-choice, pro-illegal immigration or just anything woke or leftist and I was first to attack them. Now I understand the truth, whom is behind it all. We will never, never free ourselves from oppression because it is Zionisim, Jews who control the game.

We are given two sides to fall under, the leftist, liberal Democrats or the right wing, conservative Republicans. We as Americans are so deeply involved, so deeply ingrained in the approved fight that we can't see beyond it to see the true enemy.

Today at my local grocery store, I saw a man, a grown man with breasts. He had a balding head, lipstick and short shorts. His fake breasts and nipples were hard, he was lingering around the produce. Several years ago I'd have criticized him. I'd have said, "Look, this freak, this transgender lunatic, look what America is coming to because those damn Democrats."

Now, I smile and nod because while yes, this man is unwell, I know full well the cause. I know who it is whom created, invented the transgender movement, the porn industry, the degeneracy we suffer. I know full well that it is designed for me to attack this man and not the cause.

We are so consumed by the given, the designed, the approved fight and arguments that we can't see the man behind the curtain designing it all.

I can sit a liberal down, I can show them video, documents, audio, long history of proof that we are occupied by Zionists Jews who's loyalty is Israel. I can show 12 straight hours of proof and as soon as this liberal begins to see truth, a Jew from the left only needs to show a straight white man.

They show a white, Republican politician on camera say, "We are banning abortion, Transgender people are mentally ill!"

And boom... just like that, in one fell swoop the liberal is back into the fight, back into the approved arena and distraction and once again the Jew is hidden, still in control and watching us fight each other.

Likewise, I could sit a Republican down, show them hours of footage, tons of documents, history and proofs that Zionists Jews control both sides and as soon a Jew shows this Republican Conservatives a purple haired they/them liberal that screams we shoudl have no guns and kids should be allowed to choose their gender...

Boom, the Republican Conservative is gone, back into the fight, the approved and designed fight that is nothing more than a distraction.

I picture the American people as a dog, they are on the scent of the truth, the truth is the Zionists Jew. Each time the dog gets closer to the truth a steak is thrown down to take his attention, to distract the dog.

This is the left vs right fight, the conservative vs liberal fight, the Democrat vs Republican fight.

I am reminded of the famous Jewish Freemason Albert Pike whom said, "When the people require a hero, we shall supply him."

I think of every hero of the left and Democrats, the Jews behind the scenes or front and center, the ones who call out and combat the backwards, redneck, hateful Republicans.

I think of the heros of the right, like Ben Shapiro and Trump, the champions of tradition and ones who call out and combat the woke, leftists, liberals.

Both loyal to Israel, all Jews. I see the truth now, the path now. Every passionate argument is a distraction from them.

If the liberals begin to notice the truth, we have police beat a black man on TV to fan outrage. If the conservatives begin to notice the truth, we flood the borders, trash the white man, show a classroom draped in the pride flag.

In this way, they are kept fighting each other, and never focus on the true cancer.

I see the truth now, the man behind the curtain and this is why I do not care about left vs right issues. They are designed by our enemy whom also present themselves as our saviors.

We are compromised.

I don't pay attention to left vs right politics. Several years ago I was first in line, first in the trenches to, "Own the left."

Pronoun users, transgenders, lgbtq, pro-choice, pro-illegal immigration or just anything woke or leftist and I was first to attack them. Now I understand the truth, whom is behind it all. We will never, never free ourselves from oppression because it is Zionisim, Jews who control the game.

We are given two sides to fall under, the leftist, liberal Democrats or the right wing, conservative Republicans. We as Americans are so deeply involved, so deeply ingrained in the approved fight that we can't see beyond it to see the true enemy.

Today at my local grocery store, I saw a man, a grown man with breasts. He had a balding head, lipstick and short shorts. His fake breasts and nipples were hard, he was lingering around the produce. Several years ago I'd have criticized him. I'd have said, "Look, this freak, this transgender lunatic, look what America is coming to because those damn Democrats."

Now, I smile and nod because while yes, this man is unwell, I know full well the cause. I know who it is whom created, invented the transgender movement, the porn industry, the degeneracy we suffer. I know full well that it is designed for me to attack this man and not the cause.

We are so consumed by the given, the designed, the approved fight and arguments that we can't see the man behind the curtain designing it all.

I can sit a liberal down, I can show them video, documents, audio, long history of proof that we are occupied by Zionists Jews who's loyalty is Israel. I can show 12 straight hours of proof and as soon as this liberal begins to see truth, a Jew from the left only needs to show a straight white man.

They show a white, Republican politician on camera say, "We are banning abortion, Transgender people are mentally ill!"

And boom... just like that, in one fell swoop the liberal is back into the fight, back into the approved arena and distraction and once again the Jew is hidden, still in control and watching us fight each other.

Likewise, I could sit a Republican down, show them hours of footage, tons of documents, history and proofs that Zionists Jews control both sides and as soon a Jew shows this Republican Conservatives a purple haired they/them liberal that screams we shoudl have no guns and kids should be allowed to choose their gender...

Boom, the Republican Conservative is gone, back into the fight, the approved and designed fight that is nothing more than a distraction.

I picture the American people as a dog, they are on the scent of the truth, the truth is the Zionists Jew. Each time the dog gets closer to the truth a steak is thrown down to take his attention, to distract the dog.

This is the left vs right fight, the conservative vs liberal fight, the Democrat vs Republican fight.

I am reminded of the famous Jewish Freemason Albert Pike whom said, "When the people require a hero, we shall supply him."

I think of every hero of the left and Democrats, the Jews behind the scenes or front and center, the ones who call out and combat the backwards, redneck, hateful Republicans.

I think of the heros of the right, like Ben Shapiro and Trump, the champions of tradition and ones who call out and combat the woke, leftists, liberals.

Both loyal to Israel, all Jews. I see the truth now, the path now. Every passionate argument is a distraction from them.

If the liberals begin to notice the truth, we have police beat a black man on TV to fan outrage. If the conservatives begin to notice the truth, we flood the borders, trash the white man, show a classroom draped in the pride flag.

In this way, they are kept fighting each other, and never focus on the true cancer.

I see the truth now, the man behind the curtain and this is why I do not care about left vs right issues. They are designed by our enemy whom also present themselves as our saviors.

We are compromised.


En alles wordt in films getoond. Neem The Wizard of Oz.

Er zit altijd iemand achter het symbolische gordijn die alles regelt.
Er waren 2 boze heksen en een goede heks. Ook daar dus 2 kanten. Maar de man achter het gordijn regelde alles. Toen hij ontdekt werd, was iedereen vrij. De ijzeren man kreeg een hart, de leeuw moed, en de vogelverschrikker verstand. Ja, dat ontbreekt velen in deze maatschappij. Eigenlijk kregen ze niets, want ze wilden het krijgen van de grote tovenaar en die was fake. Het bleek dat ze al die eigenschappen al in zich hadden. Wat liet die film allemaal zien!!

Laatst bewerkt:
En alles wordt in films getoond. Neem The Wizard of Oz.
Bekijk bijlage 36607
Bekijk bijlage 36608

Er zit altijd iemand achter het symbolische gordijn die alles regelt.
Er waren 2 boze heksen en een goede heks. Ook daar dus 2 kanten. Maar de man achter het gordijn regelde alles. Toen hij ontdekt werd, was iedereen vrij. De ijzeren man kreeg een hart, de leeuw moed, en de vogelverschrikker verstand. Ja, dat ontbreekt velen in deze maatschappij. Eigenlijk kregen ze niets, want ze wilden het krijgen van de grote tovenaar en die was fake. Het bleek dat ze al die eigenschappen al in zich hadden. Wat liet die film allemaal zien!!

De grote controleurs zijn nonsens verhalen over 'de werkelijkheid'.
Laat ze los, dan ben je vrij.
This very important interview has inspired me to share the following insight with you.

Israel is poised to strike Iran. And it's going to be big. Really big. Maybe even nuclear. They will do this before the upcoming US election on Nov. 5. And this is important. Here's why.

Ever wonder why Trump's campaign is so weak compared to 2015-2016? Even on the point of mass immigration, the most important electoral subject on the right, Trump voters are missing the old Trump. You know, build the wall and all of that stuff. And now Trump is pandering to black and Latino voters, which pisses off a certain segment of Trump's base that feels the white race is about to go extinct.

It gets worse. The most important electoral subject on the left is abortion, for which Trump is falsely blamed for 'banning' this. In fact, it was the Supreme Court that decided to give it back to the individual states. And now Melania Trump has weighed in on the matter by stating she feels women should be able to have abortions. This would have been unheard of in 2015-16!

What on earth is going on? Why is Trump conducting such a poor campaign? And why choose such a lame-duck VP candidate as JD Vance? This is all by design. Not just another 4 year election (Q). Do you think Trump is worried about issues dividing the left and right like he was in the old days? What is the number 1 issue that should concern us all right now? WW3!

Trump will win this election. Hands down. He will run on a PEACE platform. Sum Of All Fears (Q). The very real threat of WW3 will NOT start in the Ukraine-Russia conflct (although the powers-that-be will try), it will start in the Middle East. And it is IMMINENT. As insane as Ukraine is behaving in trying to defeat Russia by any means necessary, it doesn't hold a candle to Israel, which can and will use nuclear means as part of its existential struggle. Israel is a mad dog which cannot be put back on a leash.

Once Israel has hit Iran, Russia will automatically back Iran. The Biden-Harris administration will support Israel, as they have done from the very beginning. A potential nuclear standoff between the two superpowers will ensue. Only one man will be able to stop this explosive situation from getting out of hand: Donald J. Trump, the dealmaker.

Do you see know why Q writes POTUS must be insulated? Trump must not be seen to go against Israel. Instead, there is a silent war in the background aimed at elimiting the Israeli threat to world peace once and for all.

In early 2020, Trump ordered the 'assassination' of Gen. Soleimani. This man helped Trump and Putin fight ISIS in Syria and ran on a peace platform for the Middle East, in which there is no place for imperial rule in the ME, not American and not Israeli. Officially that made Soleimani an 'enemy of the west' and therefore a target. Best to let him disappear out of sight and go underground. Same with Nasrallah. I believe the white hats have fed the Israelis false intelligence to make them believe they are winning.

In the same way, Trump can never admit Putin is a white hat and an ally. It is not just Russia that is backing Iran and Hezbollah, so is America behind the scenes. But the two states will have to lock horns for the world to see the real bad guy here: Israel.

In Sum Of All Fears, Russia and America sign two treaties: one for peace and one for nuclear disarmament. Trump will broker these treaties before the election. This is his October Surprise. Israel must be disarmed if the world is to have peace, or they will drag all of us with them.

And eh presto, with the threat of zionism neutralized all of a sudden abortion and human trafficking, as many other of the world's ills, magically disappear just like that!

I urge you to watch Sum Of All Fears here:

I wrote a summary of the movie earlier this year, which you can read here:

Ik schrijf voor een lokale krant, onlangs zag ik daarin weer een oproep voor de nieuwe vaccin. Iemand opperde mij, schrijf eens een kritisch artikel over wat er echt a/d hand is in de wereld en wat steeds meer aan 't licht komt. Maarja die krant waar ik voor schrijf plaatst vooral content, dus hoe zou ik dat nu voor elkaar kunnen krijgen, hoe zou ik dat nu kunnen doen, een toch wel kritisch artikel maken, wat ze toch plaatsen. Misschien stichting Artsencollectief aanhalen, (hoewel dat niet lokaal is), of iemand interviewen...
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