The Great Awakening

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My story is a simple one. It’s a story of faith and fierce determination, that if repeated in the hearts of millions over the next 100 days, will carry this nation through a very real trial to victory, and see it preserved for our children and theirs. Many of you recognize me as a steady voice of reason, faith & compassion for 7 years now… but you know little else about my story.

Who am I?
I am "just some guy" and my name is Eric Wold, I’m 55 years old, and I’ve been married for 30 years. I have more than 30 years experience in startups (several venture backed), where I have spent my whole career as CEO of one small venture after another, sometimes more than one at a time. My job was to launch new ideas and incubate them. If they succeeded we spun them up into companies and built teams around them. I lost more than $6,000,000 of personal wealth, almost my entire net worth (and my entire hope of retiring soon) during the pandemic when a venture I rolled all my equity into was destroyed by the impact of the lockdowns, and the subsequent crash in employment for entry level software engineers. At the time I was running a venture that funded the software development education of 1,000s of students on a “pay it forward” basis. When we succeeded in helping graduates get hired, they paid a small % of their income back into our education fund for up to 3 years. Otherwise they paid nothing for going through the first accredited software bootcamp in the United States. I built that, and was committed to finding a way to help people achieve success through vocational training, and bypassing the gross negligence and predatory flaws in our university systems. Legally I was the President of a licensed University at the time (one we acquired and repurposed just for this). If you are an accountant (and known to both me and the public for at least 2 years) and interested, I would like to hire you to review my finances and formally attest to the accuracy of what I have stated here, to minimize accusations of falsehood by my detractors (DM me, include references).

7 year journey as an “anon”.
In 2017 I began my personal journey online of discovering the truth about many things our government has been less than honest about, and I noticed the bizarre phenomenon that our mainstream media had now become a wholly owned and controlled subsidiary of the DC war machine… and for some reason they all suddenly hated Donald Trump and were verifiably lying about him and the actions he was taking to restore our national sovereignty. Though I had never had a social media account before, and was busy trying to create jobs, run companies & raise kids, I felt compelled to sacrifice 1,000s of hours of personal time to expose lies & amplify truth. In August of 2020 I was consistently getting more daily impressions in my Twitter work, than CNN’s account was, and together with a group of anon friends we were delivering more than 1 BILLION media impressions per month… and then we suddenly all got banned for saying things that have now all been proven true. In hindsight it is now clear that the DC machine could not afford to have us online spitting truth and exposing media lies in the aftermath of the 2020 election. During this period I kept my identity mostly anonymous to protect my wife, who was struggling with what we were told was a terminal diagnosis (gastroparesis (unable to eat & living on TPN liquid nutrition via an IV port)). She was suffering enough just to live each day, and didn’t need the kind of brutal retaliation we saw the radical left inflicting on many of our friends who had been doxed. Some lost everything (home, job, marriage, family, reputation), but if we don’t speak up now, we’ll lose everything anyway.

Why I am “coming out” now.
Our government has been increasingly ramping up pressure and intimidation tactics in a deliberate effort to target people with political views that used to be considered rational and CENTRIST. The DHS now keeps target lists of “dissidents” who just happen to be normal people like me who think our government has grown too large & wasteful. Or people like me with degrees in accounting (which I have) and professional training in system & audit design who KNOW WHAT A REAL FUCKING AUDIT is, and that zero of our election systems have ever been subjected to one. This knowledge makes me a dangerous radical in 2024.

And now, with just weeks to go before an election our radically politicized Pentagon, knowing it will face a leadership clean up in January 2025, has updated DoD policy guidelines to allow the use of lethal force if necessary to manage political dissidents in the United States of America. This is a clear message that it has no intention of cooperating with a peaceful transition of power, if there’s anything it can do to stop it.

In the face of this intimidation I will not back down, I will stand up more than ever… even knowing that doing so will land me in a re-education camp if We the People are unsuccessful in taking power back from this radical government. (I call dibs on the top bunk).

Our final wake up call.
My father (US Air Force Major Steven Wold, DoE Q clearance), with 5 Presidential medals, rolled over in his grave when the Pentagon did that… and I’m sure it sent a jolt of awareness through constitutionally minded citizens all over this nation (regardless of party affiliation) who understand what a message of intimidation that was meant to deliver to anybody that would dare to object to trivialities like ballot counting being halted simultaneously in 4 states while legally mandated observers are kicked out (and unsupervised counting quietly resumed), or bags of mail in ballots being trucked in at 4am the next day contrary to state election law deadlines.

For me this implied threat against political dissidents (formerly known as normal citizens) was the final wake up call, and one so stark and alarming that every peace & justice loving citizen MUST make their voices heard. I feel I must step forward, let my name be known, and stand shoulder to shoulder with Americans from all backgrounds who want to see a dream team help turn us away from perpetual wars, poisonous food, endless propaganda, and out of control government spending.

A vote for Donald Trump is also a vote for Robert Kennedy Jr, Elon Musk, and a whole coalition of talented people determined to clean up our government, our schools, our food, the lies from our media, and numerous other aspects of the cancerous monster we now call a “government”.

Please stand with me, and let’s MAHA + MAGA, and if you really really want this to work… MAKE AMERICA PRAY AGAIN. Remember God, and He will help steer us away from the disaster the NWO has planned for us.

Gives reason for this post to still take place.

We still haven’t seen this post come true yet.

Seems a lot of 2018 posts have come to fruition recently.

“on numerous occasions, and were successful, in interfering w/ the presidential election of 2016, senate elections of [x, y, z], [x] elections, whereby several million of illegal, non-resident ballots (the “irregularities”) were counted, while legal ballots were improperly tabulated and/or intentionally mishandled. We believe these actions were a coordinated attack against the democracy of our country.

The DHS will be submitting a final report to the WH/DOJ/other state and local agencies outlining our findings as early as March [ ], 2018”

Dasting that it’s DHS that will be submitting a report. They’ve been doing so much lately. 👀


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