The Great Awakening

Ten bucks says Trump nominated Gaetz as a loyalty test to see what GOPers would REEEE over it, and never had intention of actually making him AG.

Maybe this was their “little secret” Trump mentioned to Gaetz at that rally a month back.

Anyway, now Trump is free to make Kash Patel AG 🔥 😂 or someone else awesome
🇮🇱🇷🇺🚨⁉️ Why does the ICC has jurisdiction to prosecute Netanyahu?

In short, the west has not expected to be treated equally and forgot that they commit warcrimes as well.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The west wanted to isolate Putin and to increase pressure they needed to label him a war criminal.

So they pressured the ICC to find a way to go after Putin. But Russia is not a signatory to the Rome Statue and hence not a member of the ICC!

So the only way to go after Putin was to argue that countries committing crimes on the territory that is under ICC’s jurisdiction, are then also under ICC’s jurisdiction.

-> In short Ukraine is an ICC member, so the ICC says: “The ICC has jurisdiction for core international crimes committed on Ukrainian territory from November 21, 2013.” (Pic 1,2)

That was widely celebrated at the time and used to apply pressure on Russias allies. That succeeded to some extend, since Putin is not traveling to events like G20 due to that.

🤷‍♂️ But as it always is, the west has not thought even one step ahead. Because that means, every country that now commits crimes on the territory of an ICC signatory can be prosecuted by the ICC.

For example, if Iraq would be an ICC member (they’re not) and the US invades them, the ICC would be able to prosecute Americans, independent of the US accepting it or not. That was not assumed to be possible before.

🇮🇱🇵🇸 Now the Palestinian Territories have also signed the Rome statue and are hence a member of the ICC.

Obviously the west could not foresee things backfiring, they’re too busy with Russia, but now the ICC says:

“The Court can exercise its jurisdiction on the basis of territorial jurisdiction of Palestine.

The territorial scope of this jurisdiction extends to Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.” (Pic 3,4)

So, now the precedent that was created to get Putin, is reused to get Netanyahu. That is also how law works and how it should be.

Now the west needs to figure out what to do. They can’t just reject the ICC, since they just hailed as the means for justice. The US, cares less about it, but Europe is really in trouble.

👨‍⚖️ I guess the only way out the west has now, is trying to win the process and get Netanyahu off as innocent.

Expect a lot of pressure and “weird incidents” like women remembering that judges sexually harassed them 15 years ago or other things from the “playbook”.

🤔 Fun fact, Germany has a law that punishes people for denying warcrimes. Now if the ICC would rule Netanyahu guilty of warcrimes, denying that would be punishable by law.

All the news outlets and politicians would then be criminally liable. Another funny hypocrisy fest maybe coming. But later more on that.

This is very interesting. What he's saying here is that since Russia is not a signatory to the Rome Statute the ICC has no jurisdiction in Russia but it does have jurisdiction in Ukraine. Thus they indicted Putin for invading Ukraine, which is a signatory to the Rome Statute.

But the Palestinian territories are also a signatory to the Rome Statute and through the precedent that was set for Putin the ICC now has the authority to indict Netanyahu. After all, Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute but the territories occupied and invaded by Israel are.

Likewise, the US can decide to attack or invade Iran, for example. The US may not be a signatory to the Rome Statute, but Iran is, which would grant the ICC the authority to indict top US government officials based on the precedent set for Putin and now Netanyahu.

In other words, they thought they had set a trap for Putin, but they never counted on international law biting them in the ass too! I can't help but think that some very smart people behind the scenes, Putin being one of them, very carefully set up this trap. International law was never meant for them, it was set up to neutralize low-level players on the global chessboard to ensure Western global hegemony, while maintaining the pretense of a 'rules based order'.

Now they are all fair game, including those aiding and abetting genocide, which is basically all Western governments and media organizations. Something tells me Putin and Trump are going to lead the charge against those representing the unipolar order and establish the multipolar order Putin has been talking about for years. Let the tribunals and trials begin! #HangEmHigh #NCSWIC

61 years ago today,
John F Kennedy was assassinated.

Just months before, JFK was trying to inspect Israel’s nuclear facilities and make AIPAC register as an agent of the Israeli government, (then known as American Zionist Council.)

JFK was killed and then neither happened.

Note, Donald Rumsfeld was the one responding in this letter to JFK’s request, who was later involved with covering up 9/11.

Today, AIPAC is the ONLY lobby advocating for the interests of a foreign government that doesn’t have to register under FARA.

Who do you think had the motivation and influence to compel our government to help kill JFK?


“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

— President John F. Kennedy, 1961

Israel killed JFK

ClA theory is a limited hangout
They don’t tell you the ClA name most mentioned was a M0SSAD liaison

Did you know Jack Ruby, the man who shot Oswald, real name was Jacob Rubenstein, from the Jewish mob that helped establish Israel?

JFK wanted to shut down Israel’s nuclear facilities, register AIPAC as a foreign agent, and had also commited himself to the Arab heads of state to support the right of return for the 800,000 Palestinians refugees expelled in 1947-1948

There’s a lot of evidence which has been covered up that makes this conclusion glaringly obvious

🇮🇱🇷🇺🚨⁉️ Why does the ICC has jurisdiction to prosecute Netanyahu?

In short, the west has not expected to be treated equally and forgot that they commit warcrimes as well.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The west wanted to isolate Putin and to increase pressure they needed to label him a war criminal.

So they pressured the ICC to find a way to go after Putin. But Russia is not a signatory to the Rome Statue and hence not a member of the ICC!

So the only way to go after Putin was to argue that countries committing crimes on the territory that is under ICC’s jurisdiction, are then also under ICC’s jurisdiction.

-> In short Ukraine is an ICC member, so the ICC says: “The ICC has jurisdiction for core international crimes committed on Ukrainian territory from November 21, 2013.” (Pic 1,2)

That was widely celebrated at the time and used to apply pressure on Russias allies. That succeeded to some extend, since Putin is not traveling to events like G20 due to that.

🤷‍♂️ But as it always is, the west has not thought even one step ahead. Because that means, every country that now commits crimes on the territory of an ICC signatory can be prosecuted by the ICC.

For example, if Iraq would be an ICC member (they’re not) and the US invades them, the ICC would be able to prosecute Americans, independent of the US accepting it or not. That was not assumed to be possible before.

🇮🇱🇵🇸 Now the Palestinian Territories have also signed the Rome statue and are hence a member of the ICC.

Obviously the west could not foresee things backfiring, they’re too busy with Russia, but now the ICC says:

“The Court can exercise its jurisdiction on the basis of territorial jurisdiction of Palestine.

The territorial scope of this jurisdiction extends to Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.” (Pic 3,4)

So, now the precedent that was created to get Putin, is reused to get Netanyahu. That is also how law works and how it should be.

Now the west needs to figure out what to do. They can’t just reject the ICC, since they just hailed as the means for justice. The US, cares less about it, but Europe is really in trouble.

👨‍⚖️ I guess the only way out the west has now, is trying to win the process and get Netanyahu off as innocent.

Expect a lot of pressure and “weird incidents” like women remembering that judges sexually harassed them 15 years ago or other things from the “playbook”.

🤔 Fun fact, Germany has a law that punishes people for denying warcrimes. Now if the ICC would rule Netanyahu guilty of warcrimes, denying that would be punishable by law.

All the news outlets and politicians would then be criminally liable. Another funny hypocrisy fest maybe coming. But later more on that.

This is very interesting. What he's saying here is that since Russia is not a signatory to the Rome Statute the ICC has no jurisdiction in Russia but it does have jurisdiction in Ukraine. Thus they indicted Putin for invading Ukraine, which is a signatory to the Rome Statute.

But the Palestinian territories are also a signatory to the Rome Statute and through the precedent that was set for Putin the ICC now has the authority to indict Netanyahu. After all, Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute but the territories occupied and invaded by Israel are.

Likewise, the US can decide to attack or invade Iran, for example. The US may not be a signatory to the Rome Statute, but Iran is, which would grant the ICC the authority to indict top US government officials based on the precedent set for Putin and now Netanyahu.

In other words, they thought they had set a trap for Putin, but they never counted on international law biting them in the ass too! I can't help but think that some very smart people behind the scenes, Putin being one of them, very carefully set up this trap. International law was never meant for them, it was set up to neutralize low-level players on the global chessboard to ensure Western global hegemony, while maintaining the pretense of a 'rules based order'.

Now they are all fair game, including those aiding and abetting genocide, which is basically all Western governments and media organizations. Something tells me Putin and Trump are going to lead the charge against those representing the unipolar order and establish the multipolar order Putin has been talking about for years. Let the tribunals and trials begin! #HangEmHigh #NCSWIC



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