The Great Awakening

1/2. And, now we're hearing another possible reason why Carter's death was announced now, verses earlier this month or even later into next year. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started talking about the Panama Canal a couple weeks ago as a signal that Carter was gone. After all, it was Carter that sold the Canal to Panama for just $1.00 during his presidency. I think Trump knew what Biden and the DeepState was planning on doing with Carter's death. It's not too often that the nation loses one of its former presidents. So, when it happens, they might save that "ammo" until the most opportune time to expend it, aka, to announce it.

You see, just like the death of George H.W. Bush, the state funeral in his honor stopped everything in DC. Both houses of Congress usually clear their schedules and shut their doors, the court calendars are often cleared as well. DC is quite literally shut down for several days.

Extra security, extra visitors, and extra opportunities to cover up stories and/or criminal activity...are all brought in. So if the government wants to delay something for a week or so, a good way to do that is by holding a state funeral. The thing is, someone big had to die for that to be held. And, the government doesn't usually wait 3 or 4 weeks after the death to hold the funeral. That a natural/biological issue. The body/casket is placed on display for several days in DC so that visitors can pay their respects over several days.

If they wait too long, they'll have Carter soup to deal with. At the very least they'll have an odor/decomposition problem. At the most they could have a real health and safety issue.

George H. W. Bush was reported to have died on November 30th, 2018, just one day after it was announced that a Ranking Member of the US House of Representative's Oversight committee, Mark Meadows (R) North Carolina; was going to be holding a special hearing where US Attorney John Huber (Utah) was going to deliver a report, in detail, about the criminal activity he had discovered while investigating the Clinton foundation, Hilary Clinton's 2016 campaign, the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, and the Whistleblowers from the Clinton's lives that had stepped up, among other things.

Bush had not been seen inn pubic fire several weeks, his family denied access to him for almost a month...and then shortly after the Meadow's hearing was announced to be scheduled for December 5th (D5), Bush's death was announced. His state funeral was started 4 days later on December 3rd and ran through the 6th, effectively cancelling Meadow's hearing and clearing the schedule for the week.

That makes sense though, right? Bush's body/casket was on display and the entire procession was over within a week of the announcement of his death. That's normal.

If we use the same format for Jimmy Carter’s funeral, and his death was announced today on December 29, then we should be expecting to see his funeral within the first week of January, right? Maybe with the new year, they'd take the biological risks and push it out until the 2nd week. But, that’s apparently not what Democrats and the deep state were planning on. They were hoping for a very specific period of time.

So, strategically releasing the date of death to the public allows the DeepState to strategically schedule the funeral as well. And, it looks like we now see why they were hoping to wait to announce Carter's death...they were going to plan Carter's state funeral around the same time that @realDonaldTrump is set to be inaugurated. This is not a coincidence folks!

This is probably why Trump brought up the Panama Canal when he did. I think Trump knew Carter was already dead or seriously close. Only a certain amount of time could go by before a reporter would insist on interviewing Carter or demand access to the former president's files on the Canal issue.

2/2. This topic could definitely bring a closer spotlight onto Carter and his life. And, if he had already passed, it would be really hard to hide it if everyone was all up in his business about the Canal. And then it would be exposed that they were keeping him on ice so they could use Carter's state funeral to mess up the planning and spirit of Trump's inauguration on January 20th, 2025.

They already knew what date they wanted to hold the state funeral for Carter. Their hand was forced and they had to announce his death today instead of waiting like they probably wanted to. And now they have a real problem with protocol and decency.

They’re going to have to try and keep Carter’s body fresh over the next three weeks while we wait for Trump‘s inauguration to draw closer. Are you understanding that this is not normal? Are you seeing this is disrespectful to Carter's remains?

Are you seeing the incredible wisdom and skillfulness of Donald Trump?

He didn’t just come out and tell people that Carter had died. Instead, he created a complex problem for the radical left and their Old Guard handlers. Trump brought up an issue they he knew people would want to talk to Carter about, and they would want to get into the Carter presidential records, and they would spotlight Carter due to this incredibly sensitive topic.

It would be a very difficult thing for the DeepState to deal with and explain if they were hiding that Carter had already passed away. So, they were forced to announce the death instead of continuing to make excuses as to why he wasn't available. And now it looks extremely awkward as they’re going to wait three weeks to run Carter's state the same time that their most ardent political adversary is set to take the power away from them. The biggest issue in something the size of a state funeral is security. If there's ever a time when things could go terribly wrong, it's during an event with 10s of thousands of spectators and event goers. And who knows how much security Biden will pull from the inauguration to send to the funeral.

This was nothing less than planned. Trump just forced them to reveal their hand a little earlier than they had hoped for.

From Newsweek today:

"Biden said Sunday that he is ordering a state funeral for Carter in the nation's capital, meaning that it will occur around the same time as Trump's inauguration.
Details about the funeral will become clear in the coming days, but it is likely that some of the mood around the start of Trump's second term will feel the impact of Carter's passing."

Wanneer start het nieuwe jaar? Over een uurtje of 7 of begint het nieuwe jaar vanaf 20-01? Of misschien wel op 1 april (foolsday).

Klinkt logisch deze video over wanneer het nieuwe jaar zou moeten starten, april is de maand van een nieuw begin. Morgen is het gewoon winter net als vandaag. En waarom hebben we eigenlijk 2x per jaar winter en 1x per jaar zomer?

Happy New Year.

En bedenk; als je 2025 hetzelfde doet en denkt als in 2024 dan heb je geen nieuw jaar maar hetzelfde jaar nog een keer.

Zie mijn post in topic Elon Musk. We moeten ontzettend uitkijken met dit soort correlaties, die GEEN causatie zijn!

What's clear today is that the order went out for a whole bunch of embedded folks that had claimed/pretended to be MAGA to flip and go full black-pill reeeetard.

I suspect this trend will not only continue but pick up speed until Trump's inauguration on the 20th.

Stay frosty, patriots.

They're all starting to build towards a coordinated call for all the 'real MAGA patriots' to get off of X.

Q told us to never retreat from the battlefield.

The only way they can stop MAGA at this point, after the epic ass kicking it just delivered to them in this last election...

is if they can get us to RETREAT AT THIS POINT.


This is for the dummies in the back of the room (read here: broken minded Kamala voters throwing an endless parade of pronoun infused perma tantrums).

No, MAGA doesn’t think that Trump is a God. Nor are we a cult who worships him. So, can we stop with the stupid shit?

For starters, there is only one Lord and Savior. To even go there about Trump supporters asserting otherwise is peak retardation.

Are we clear?

Now I realize many of y’all are some borderline (or otherwise) mentally ill sumbitches lashing about while foaming at the mouth in the wake of Trump’s next level/crushing victory - so it makes sense that you’re largely unable to process your arch adversary…often referred to as the truth by sane folks.

So, here it is. Best as I can sum it up at the moment.

We see Trump is the only one fighting for us and in a position to actually help restore law, order, and sanity to our Republic.

Not sure why that’s hard to grasp, but here we are.

We see him as our champion standing resolute and unflapable as he faces relentless attacks on him from and all fronts by the worst people on earth.

And, no. That’s not by any measure hyperbole.

Perhaps most importantly, we see him defiantly/relentlessly giving the deep state globalist cabal the finger right to their deep state globalist cabal faces…and all while rising to power as a glorious apex predator ready to f’ their shit up - and in all the best possible ways - as necessary to set the world right again.

Loathe us, call us deplorable white supremacist garbage cultist worshiping Cheeto Jesus - it doesn’t work anymore. It really never did save for being amplified by a complicit fake news media machine that had convinced you that you were the majority.

BTW all your stupid/angry accusations disparaging us only makes us stronger and more resilient ourselves. And it doesn’t matter letting the cat out of the bag because it’s too late.

Y’all have run out of pier.
Enjoy! 🤣


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