If you judge somebody by the color of their skin, how are you any different than the liberals?
If you generalize an entire demographic of people based upon the actions of some, how are you different than the liberals?
If you think entire demographics or races are inherently evil, you are a racist.
Racism is of the flesh, hatred is of the flesh, and is not of a spirit of God so it is you who are evil.
All races have the right to defend themselves against evil, and be fruitful and multiply— per the instructions of God.
God desires all men to be saved through the knowledge of Truth.
Anyone saying otherwise is calling God a liar, and therefore is of Satan themself.
The path of righteousness is narrow, and there are a few who find it.
The path of destruction is wide, and there are many who are in it.
What people actually hate is the culture that is propagated by the satanic Jews.
You hate evil - not people.
None are without sin.
We are all victims. But given the opportunity to choose correctly, and if the evil is removed, people are not inherently evil.
Repentance and by transformation can occur.
Love will win in the end no matter how hard hate will try.
If this offends you , it is probably because it’s a true reflection of you. Doesn’t have to be.
What defiles of man is what comes out his mouth, because it’s what’s true in his heart.
Period. End of story.
Iniquity is the word the Bible uses to describe someone who judgment is based on bias or favoritism.
Racism, really any ism, like the prism is meant to divide the light.
We a souls with a body, not bodies with a soul.
That which is flesh is flesh, and that which is spirit is spirit.
We are to judge by what people do, not who they are (personage), just as God does.
It’s the soul that controls the flesh, to judge righteously you must judge the soul, not the body for its the soul that controls the flesh.
Hence we judge them by what they do….
Iniquity is repeatedly cited as being being a major reason that leads to sin, ie poor judgment leads to the death/exploitation of the innocent, which God hates.
When you see yourself (or your race or your religion or whatever) as better than everyone else, this is favoritism; when you hate everyone not like you, it becomes very easy to kill, and do whatever you want to them, especially when it’s socially accepted. (Like Muslims hating infidels, or ‘J*ws’ hating the goyim; or one race hating other races; or the super wealthy hating the poor, iniquity cuts many ways, and is Lucifer’s main mechanism to divide Gods people against each other & these things lead to Genocides.)