The Great Awakening

Final Boss:

Have the enemy make what’s true look so psychotic and insane that normies do not want to associate with it.

If you don’t see what is happening with Israel, it’s ok. Most don’t.

Yet here we are.

The level of chess, and fog of war, being played right now is SO intense.

>Villains playing victims
>Black hats playing white hats
>White hats playing black hats
>Black hats playing white hats playing black hats
>White hats playing black hats playing white hats.

When this is all done, and the truth comes out, a lot of people are going to be shocked who was who during all this.

I’ll say it clearer

I think we about to find out certain loud PRO-ISRAEL accounts and certain loud ANTI-ISRAEL accounts, aren’t on anyone’s side and are all actually working together to foment this chaos.

The final boss looks like fake Israel playing the villain Israel to see who can generate more psychosis and insanity, and make anti-Israel unpalatable to the normies.

The psychological operation on people’s minds is so hardcore.

Some of the things they say about Judaism is 100% correct.
-Talmud is satanic
-Judaism the Talmud is satanic
-Pharisees are not Israelites
-Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9, John 8:44

-however, the Torah is not satanic.

But their narrative is to blame all Jews and be genocidal just like the (fake) “Jews” they hate.

Which is why Trump is playing the role of most Zionist president ever.

The level of chess being played here , and the level of fog of war is so intense.

99.999% people can’t see this.

And I feel like I’m shouting it from the rooftops to no one while people on both sides can’t see it at all, and melt down, with these LOUD ACCOUNTS cheering it all on - instigating the sh** out of everyone - shaking the cage we are all in - blaming everyone except those actually responsible : the Elite Satanists

We're currently seeing Narrative Seeding AND Convergence intersect on the public layers of the Info War, and by someone's design.

Where it concerns the Bourbon Street attack, the mass psychological impact is immediate and apparent. As for whether the event is Narrative or Actual, it SEEMS to be rooted in the actual, just as it or events LIKE it have been heavily seeded/projected by patriots like Donald Trump for some time.

Now, it's possible and even sometimes understandable to adopt a nihilist take on this; after all, how can patriots be in control if such attacks are 'allowed' to occur?

Well, mileage varies, but everything from the Q Drops to Trump himself have stated many times that the enemy is not going to go down without a fight; that said, the fact that they're resorting to such obvious means at national subversion and literal terror is itself telling as to the position they currently find themselves in on the game board: hemmed in and boxed out.

So, HOW is such an attack merging narrative layers? It's followed up by an absurd (and absurdly memetic) 'attack' using a Tesla Cybertruck parked outside of a Trump Tower, and this comes directly on the heels of a massive media attempt to split Trump and Elon Musk optically, after they predicted that very attempt.

All of this is to say, you don't need to know WHAT is happening on an Actual level in order to observe confidently that the Collective American Mind is paying attention to the threads that bind the Narratives.

De uitspraak van Q dat we slechts 40% te zien krijgen heeft niets te maken met dat het te verschrikkelijk is om te verwerken, maar met de leugens en programmering waar we van jongs af aan al aan zijn blootgesteld via de media, het onderwijs, onze opvoeding en de samenleving. Het is teveel om van je af te schudden, want dan houd je niets meer over en heb je geen basis, geen fundament meer. Let goed op wat Q schrijft, mensen zijn in staat om MINDER DAN DE HELFT van de bullshit waar ze mee zijn grootgebracht van zich af te werpen. Dit is de enige manier om verandering in de samenleving mogelijk te maken en deze tegelijkertijd functioneel te houden.

Biden administration and the CIA and the Deep State moving with alacrity to 'defend' Donald Trump and the US government by [checks card] starting a war with Pakistan or some other country to 'stop terrorism'?

Drop the barriers, let them in, let them attack, then 'trace' them back to their 'home countries' and declare war to keep the MIC happily humming along?

Keep your head on a swivel over the next 18 days.

The psy op s are going to be spectacular.

Digital soldiers, you've spent almost 9 years, many of you longer than that, training yourselves to be unpsyopable.

Your chance to shine has arrived.

What is happening right now, from my view - Is a massive exposure operation.

Everything is being put on full blast for all to see, and I do mean everything - we’ve essentially hit ludicrous speed.

Does that mean there is no danger? No. Not at all.

As a matter of fact, the further you push a wounded animal into the corner, the more dangerous it becomes and the more likely it is to lash out.

Take nothing for granted and remember that complacency is an enemy.

When @truestormyjoe and myself spoke of incoming “turbulence”, the current events and the speed at which everything is happening are exactly what we were talking about … and it isn’t going to calm down any time soon.

Protect your mind, guard your heart, and keep your center about you. Emotional overreactions serve no good for anyone, not the least of which is yourself.

We have 17 days until Inauguration and NOTHING is off the table until then, and even after.

Stay frosty. Stay safe, and stay vigilant.

We are “in the shit” now, frens, and the only remaining path is the path forward.

Strap in, and buckle up. This ride is about to get even crazier, but the good news is: It ends with saving our Republic.


If you judge somebody by the color of their skin, how are you any different than the liberals?

If you generalize an entire demographic of people based upon the actions of some, how are you different than the liberals?

If you think entire demographics or races are inherently evil, you are a racist.

Racism is of the flesh, hatred is of the flesh, and is not of a spirit of God so it is you who are evil.

All races have the right to defend themselves against evil, and be fruitful and multiply— per the instructions of God.

God desires all men to be saved through the knowledge of Truth.

Anyone saying otherwise is calling God a liar, and therefore is of Satan themself.

The path of righteousness is narrow, and there are a few who find it.

The path of destruction is wide, and there are many who are in it.

What people actually hate is the culture that is propagated by the satanic Jews.

You hate evil - not people.
None are without sin.

We are all victims. But given the opportunity to choose correctly, and if the evil is removed, people are not inherently evil.

Repentance and by transformation can occur.

Love will win in the end no matter how hard hate will try.

If this offends you , it is probably because it’s a true reflection of you. Doesn’t have to be.

What defiles of man is what comes out his mouth, because it’s what’s true in his heart.

Period. End of story.

Iniquity is the word the Bible uses to describe someone who judgment is based on bias or favoritism.

Racism, really any ism, like the prism is meant to divide the light.

We a souls with a body, not bodies with a soul.

That which is flesh is flesh, and that which is spirit is spirit.

We are to judge by what people do, not who they are (personage), just as God does.

It’s the soul that controls the flesh, to judge righteously you must judge the soul, not the body for its the soul that controls the flesh.

Hence we judge them by what they do….

Iniquity is repeatedly cited as being being a major reason that leads to sin, ie poor judgment leads to the death/exploitation of the innocent, which God hates.

When you see yourself (or your race or your religion or whatever) as better than everyone else, this is favoritism; when you hate everyone not like you, it becomes very easy to kill, and do whatever you want to them, especially when it’s socially accepted. (Like Muslims hating infidels, or ‘J*ws’ hating the goyim; or one race hating other races; or the super wealthy hating the poor, iniquity cuts many ways, and is Lucifer’s main mechanism to divide Gods people against each other & these things lead to Genocides.)

Goede tekst🙂 maar..

Ik heb moeite met de zin dat 'God haat', dat geloof ik niet.
En als de ziel goddelijk dus liefde is vraag ik me af of de ziel het vlees bestuurd ik denk eerder dat het kwaad dus Satan dat doet via de misleiding door gedachten die uit het 'niets' ontstaan. En dan bestaan de -isme's niet want het is de strijd van het kwaad die tot het 'van God los' gedrag komen. Dan zou ik denken dat alleen liefde en vergeving, (door deze stelling) kan leiden tot de grote reset.

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