Final Boss:
Have the enemy make what’s true look so psychotic and insane that normies do not want to associate with it.
If you don’t see what is happening with Israel, it’s ok. Most don’t.
Yet here we are.
The level of chess, and fog of war, being played right now is SO intense.
>Villains playing victims
>Black hats playing white hats
>White hats playing black hats
>Black hats playing white hats playing black hats
>White hats playing black hats playing white hats.
When this is all done, and the truth comes out, a lot of people are going to be shocked who was who during all this.
I’ll say it clearer
I think we about to find out certain loud PRO-ISRAEL accounts and certain loud ANTI-ISRAEL accounts, aren’t on anyone’s side and are all actually working together to foment this chaos.
The final boss looks like fake Israel playing the villain Israel to see who can generate more psychosis and insanity, and make anti-Israel unpalatable to the normies.
The psychological operation on people’s minds is so hardcore.
Some of the things they say about Judaism is 100% correct.
-Talmud is satanic
-Judaism the Talmud is satanic
-Pharisees are not Israelites
-Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9, John 8:44
-however, the Torah is not satanic.
But their narrative is to blame all Jews and be genocidal just like the (fake) “Jews” they hate.
Which is why Trump is playing the role of most Zionist president ever.
The level of chess being played here , and the level of fog of war is so intense.
99.999% people can’t see this.
And I feel like I’m shouting it from the rooftops to no one while people on both sides can’t see it at all, and melt down, with these LOUD ACCOUNTS cheering it all on - instigating the sh** out of everyone - shaking the cage we are all in - blaming everyone except those actually responsible : the Elite Satanists