The Great Awakening

Update from Catherine Herridge:

Camp Justice: Day 2
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 📍
January 21, 2025

“Only fifteen detainees from the war on terror remain at Guantanamo Bay.

Based on public reporting, between the detention camps and ongoing military trials, it could cost US taxpayers about $30,000,000 annually per detainee.

We were told no media trips have been granted to the detention camps since 2019, with current access more restricted than ever.

Where is the transparency, accountability and evidence of government efficiency?”

Here is my takeaway:

The above financials do not make any sense, (based on only 15 detainees).

President Trump not only revoked the closure of GITMO, which was ordered by Obama, but he ordered that the United States could now lawfully detain additional enemy combatants at GITMO when necessary to protect the Nation.

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to upgrade and expand GITMO, which began under Trump, and continued under Biden.

Not only did Biden not close it, which he promised, he kept the expansion going.

Over the last 5 years, the National Guard has been deploying to GITMO to support Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay in prison detention operations.

All of this for 15 detainees?

The real military has been getting it ready to house thousands of war criminals.

In fact, I believe many war criminals have already been detained there.

Update from Catherine Herridge:

Camp Justice: Day 3
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 📍
January 22, 2025

She dropped another 17 👀

“In preparation for a future trial, the Office of Military Commissions (OMC) purchased 156 Individual Housing Units (IHUs) for approximately 12 million dollars.

Each 361 square foot unit which includes a full kitchen costs $76,923.

Only a handful of units are in use, the project remains unfinished.

Your tax dollars at work.”

Here is my takeaway:

There are 15 detainees there, they say.

And for future trials of those supposed 15 prisoners, the OMC spent $12M on 156 Individual Housing Units??!!

Again, ever since Trump’s first term, they have been expanding GITMO with high tech courtrooms, a state of the art medical facility, inmate housing, visitor housing, and many National Guard Deployments to assist with operations.

The above information about the expansion and NG troops being deployed is very public, and Catherine is further proving that.

None of it makes sense, unless it has been transformed from a run down torture facility for 9/11 suspects to a state of the art detention facility to hold a very large number of inmates who are awaiting tribunals and those who have already been convicted of war crimes.


It only takes common sense to connect the dots here frens. 🐸

John F. Kennedy and his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, made the American Zionist Council register as a foreign agent, stopping it from giving money to U.S. politicians.

JFK was killed on November 22, 1963.

RFK was killed on June 5, 1968.

After that, AIPAC took the place of the American Zionist Council without any pushback.

His head moved back and to the left.

If the driver shot him, it would have moved to the side and the right.

Also - anyone with firearms knowledge can easily discern that the damage done to his head was done by a high powered rifle.

This particular angle/narrative is meant to distract and obfuscate. Simple physics and firearm knowledge disproves this theory in about 17 seconds.


Klopt. Ik heb respect voor Ryan, omdat hij al heel lang meedraait in de alternatieve community, maar een nadeel van een veteraan zijn is dat je het risico loopt dat je een doemdenker/zwartkijker wordt als je te vaak teleurgesteld bent geraakt omdat hoopvolle verwachtingen niet zijn waargemaakt.

Recentelijk zei hij nog in een 'interview' met The Saviour op X (het was eerder een lange monoloog van Ryan, omdat hij de jonge Saviour, die huizenhoog tegen Ryan opkeek, volledig domineerde) dat de Hamas-strijders niets kunnen beginnen tegen de Israelische overmacht en dat de filmpjes van het slagveld in Gaza die Hamas publiceert uitsluitend laten zien dat de door Hamas afgevuurde explosieven door de bepantsering van Israelische tanks en bulldozers succesvol worden afgeweerd, omdat de filmpjes nooit het resultaat van de militaire acties van Hamas laten zien.

Jon Elmer legt echter al vele maanden uit dat het Yasin 105 antitankwapen een gemodicifeerde variant is op een Russisch ontwerp en dat er een tweede lading aan is toegevoegd: de eerste verzwakt de bepantsering en de tweede penetreert deze, waardoor er een gloeiend hete raket pingpongt in de tank en vreselijke verwondingen aanbrengt bij de bemanning die in de tank zit. Jon legt ook uit dat de reden waarom Hamas niet het resultaat van hun acties afwacht is omdat ze met het afvuren van dit wapen hun bovengrondse positie blootgeven en ze direct na het afvuren ondergronds ontsnappen via hun tunnels.

Ryan Dawson is ultracynisch geworden en is van het type 'eerst zien dan geloven', terwijl ik altijd ben geweest van: eerst geloven dan zien. Ryan had deze concrete resultaten van Trump echt nodig om niet helemaal in de 'black pill' te vervallen.


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