Let me tell you tho:
Q is absolutely real.
Trump is involved. He’s Q+.
There is ABSOLUTELY an operation happening, that involves the coordination of certain parts of humanity to thwart a millennials old Satanic Pedo Death Cult, that is run by those who ruled the world.
All these celebrities, politicians, media personalities, journalists, bureaucrats, and three letter agency GUILTY of high treason and crimes against humanity.
The evidence has already been gathered. The trap was set a while ago. The method was “game theory” or chess- moves and countermoves- where it was calculated the safest route for humanity to victory.
Combine that with the biggest spiritual revival and Salvation- people finding and being SAVED by Jesus - that the earth has ever seen
and the biggest exposure of evil as a Light is being shined on every corner and crevice to SHOW the people the Truth
Tomorrow = End Game
“Our movement is an existential threat , the likes of which they’ve never seen before”
That is not a metaphor….