Get ready. All of those people who have objected, rejected, and neglected the truth we have been sharing for years...are going to suddenly be faced with that truth in an undeniable way. It will shock them.
Psychology 101 says when people are faced with a shocking reality that destroys a deeply held fantasy, they tend to react unpredictably. There's never going to be a perfect piece of advice on how to approach or deal with unpredictable reactions from people who are facing life altering destruction of their deeply ingrained beliefs. Anger and shame are possible, but you should know; suicide could become an attractive option to some of them.
But you...the people who saw the light when so many others could not or would not...have a choice to make. You can decide to work through the process with them, you can insult them and badger them, or you can ignore them and leave them for someone else to deal with. No matter what you decide to do when this happens, that's your prerogative.
We’re going to find out who truly believes in the motto Where We Go One, We Go All.
But know this; the undeniable truth is coming, and the unpredictable reaction of many will immediately follow. Get ready.