The Great Awakening

Blackouts in Taiwan, to include Taipei City.

Taiwan is a relatively small island country, comparable square mileage to that of the US State of Maryland. Naturally, their biolabs will be in their capital, Taipei City.

Keep in mind there are at least 10 documented biolabs, with Cell Biolabs Inc., on the small island of Taiwan. And 8 of those 10, are in Taipei City. 2 of them, are BSL 4.

My prediction? We see something similar in Taiwan that we are seeing in Ukraine. Xi and Putin are working together, in a coordinated attack on Deep State assets near their borders. However, one would assume Taiwan is not militaristically interested in standing up to China, but then again, who knows what the media will report.

We still don’t know what’s happened in Ukraine. There were talks 24+ hours ago of Russian military convoys outside Kiev ready for assault, peace talks with Russia and Ukraine. The western media complex is distorting/hiding what’s coming out of Ukraine, and making up war propaganda stories.

We will see the same in Taiwan. Mass confusion and propaganda because the west can’t allow the world know WHY Russia and China are attacking specific assets and locations in bordering countries. That just so happen to have HUGE influence and connections from US/NATO. And just so happen to be housing some of the most lethal pathogens on the planet. Also consequently after a pathogen JUST escaped from a lab and ruined the world.

This is a big fucking deal. There are 3 world superpowers. We are one of them, and the other 2 are militaristically retaliating for the US deep state assets creating and releasing the bioweapon known as C19.

I’m not sure the timeline or the exact methods, but the result will be the same. Western capability for biological attacks on the east will be severely limited, and I wouldn’t be surprised if these “special military operations” continue in other countries.

Do you see the Great Awakening going on Worldwide??

Do you see it was better to do this during a fake pandemic than a real one?

It’s no accident we are waking up billions of people

It’s no accident that we never allow our freedoms to be handed over

This was planned for decades. Right down to smallest of details.

Everything Trump said in the beginning of CV19 is all coming true

Everything in the Q drops years prior to CV19 is all coming true

This is why it was called “The Great Awakening”

This is exactly why Q said in 2018
“You are the Cure, the Cure will spread Worldwide”

I get it’s been hard to see that. Especially if you weren’t following Q since 2017.

But it should be making sense

When you see what’s going on today Worldwide

Dit is een interessante. Met 4 jaar delta is dat volgende week donderdag.
En het is Qpost 911. Wordt er iets bekend over de "vliegtuigen" van 911?

Screenshot 2022-03-04 at 09.47.35.png
Dit is EXACT waar het om gaat - MUST READ!

Just brought a black piller back to RedPillVille with this one.

You have to understand - this plan has been ongoing for decades. Slowly gathering evidence. Slowly building cases. Slowly and piece by piece chipping away at the deep state. This control we are under has been in place for 1000 years, but Im also certain you know that.

Every actor has their role, and they have to play it. Some are out front with the red pills (Tucker). Some are there to literally talk about Q posts without saying theyre talking about Q (Watters). Some are out there to PURPOSELY muddy it all up so the deep state remains confused (Hannity). We *need* guys like Hannity interviewing guys like Graham because as far as optics go, the deep state believes nothing is afoot. [They] really are that egotistical and self serving.

There are many players involved. And most of the bad guys are more than likely being forced to keep the charade up to continue to wake people the fuck up. Along to that - Im certain some folks we swear are bad guys, arent bad guys at all, but double agents.

You absolutely, positively, 1000% cannot just come out one day and drop ALL the truth and make all the arrests. Society has been traumatized, brainwashed, manipulated and gaslit for so long that society as a whole could not take finding out all they knew was a lie. Society would crater and become dystopian within weeks.

Whether or not you can *tangibly* see people waking is less relevant than the totality of the subconscious deprogramming operation being put on by white hats/good actors. It takes time to De-MKUltra 7 billion people. And you have to do it organically or else youre fucking with free will. And God wont allow that.

Every time a normie sees a lie, it sinks in a little more. Their subconscious mind registers what they see, and raises the problem. But here comes Agent Smith from the Matrix to beat that truth back because that truth rattles the comfort zone. So it happens again. And again. And again. Until finally the subconscious wins and the “ah-ha!” moment happens. And it is happening.

Slowly. But it IS happening.

Saw a friend Monday we havent seen in 3 years. When we last saw her she was rabid anti-Trump.

Biden and Covid red pilled her. She literally said “I was so wrong about him. I want the mean tweets, cheap gas, and no wars back”.

My brother is blue pilled as fuck. Covid woke him up when he got sick as shit after his second jab.

We WILL reach a tipping point wherein more than half the population of Earth subconsciously wants darkness gone. When we reach that point, shit will go faster than it is now. And I personally believe we are rapidly approaching the crest of that hill.

Putin is basically making the sacrificial chess move that had to be made, ie, it’s a move that looks VERY BAD to the sheep herd and feeds the “Russia bad” narrative. But it’s the only way to position for checkmate, and Putin doesn’t give a fuck about short-term optics. He knows what’s at stake: humanity’s freedom as we know it

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Wida
Putin: He knows what’s at stake: humanity’s freedom as we know it

Putin heeft zijn eigen volk volkomen monddood gemaakt. Ik snap die tegenstellingen niet. Why?
Mike ik moet even lachen. Ik ben inderdaad dom geboren en niets bijgeleerd. Ik ga mijn schoolgeld maar terughalen.
Ik weet niet zo goed wat ik met deze (typisch vrouwelijke) smalende reactie aan moet. Ik weet ook niet waar ik moet beginnen om het allemaal uit te leggen.


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