It's not one thing. It's a whole shit-ton of things that will red pill the entire country. $12 gas. Watching these goons still relentlessly pushing the vaccines even though the pandemic is over. Durham making his big indictments, along with David Weiss in Delaware dropping Biden Crime Family indictments. Being found to have been bankrolling a puppet gov't in Ukraine that was funding actual Nazi militias as well as biolabs that were likely doing gain of function research. By the end of May we'll be living in a different world.

Brian Cates ✪✪✪
It's not one thing. It's a whole shit-ton of things that will red pill the entire country. $12 gas. Watching these goons still relentlessly pushing the vaccines even though the pandemic is over. Durham making his big indictments, along with David Weiss in Delaware dropping Biden Crime Family...

15 mei: time to end the horror show, enough have seen.