The Great Awakening

It's not one thing. It's a whole shit-ton of things that will red pill the entire country. $12 gas. Watching these goons still relentlessly pushing the vaccines even though the pandemic is over. Durham making his big indictments, along with David Weiss in Delaware dropping Biden Crime Family indictments. Being found to have been bankrolling a puppet gov't in Ukraine that was funding actual Nazi militias as well as biolabs that were likely doing gain of function research. By the end of May we'll be living in a different world.

15 mei: time to end the horror show, enough have seen.


Interessante constateringen:
De moderne maatschappij gelooft in tegenstelling tot de Middeleeuwse niet meer in (on)geluk, als er iets tegenzit, ben je een loser.
De overgang van landbouwsamenleving naar industriële samenleving leidde tot een enorme stijging in zelfmoorden.
Laatst bewerkt:
You kill a 17 headed Hydra all at once or not at all. And this Hydra does not live in one country. It's all over the world. Starving it out into the open and then cutting off all 17 heads at once is going to be nasty, hard brutal and difficult. Wars always are. Sorry if this upsets some people. We've been in a war for over 2 years now. Probably the most important war ever fought in the history of the world.

* Martin Geddes was in zijn recente nieuwsbrief duidelijk de weg kwijt, twijfel twijfel, twijfel, ...
If Putin and Xi are working to end the NWO it doesn't make sense for China to release the virus. Everything seems centered around Ukraine in a plot twist worthy of rivaling any movie. Biden, Soros, McCain, Romney, Pelosi, and many more deep state players orbit around the cess pool that is Ukraine.
What if Soros and the US deep state wanted to pin the release of Covid on China?
A false flag of worldwide significance. What if Putin is making a chess move that will put an end to this charade?
It boggles the mind to consider the possibilities.

In literally the last week and a half: we went from "There are NO Nazi militias fighting in place of the Ukrainian military in Eastern Ukraine and there are NO U.S. funded bioweapons lab there either you stupid conspiracy theory idots!" to "Oh you meant THOSE private Nazi militia groups and THOSE U.S. funded bioweapons labs!" They lost control, folks. They're not on control any more. That's why you're watching them frantically being overtaken by events right now. They'll never recover. Thank God.


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