The Great Awakening

Dear World,

We, here in the US, are very sorry about all the things our government and military did to attempt to destroy humanity.

We simply didn’t know.

We will be taking care of that now.

If you watched this morning Biden made sure to add in his Russian oil announcement:

“it will cost Americans”.

That was the key part of the presser. The Globalist always announce what they’re doing to rub it in our face.

This goes back to biblical times when the power class would forecast hardships but the strings were being pulled by them and it covered their wrongdoings and crimes.

Same moves, same people, different age.

Hey, where is the US military in all this?

Trust me, they know exactly what’s going on. We have the best Intelligence on the planet. But given their overall neutrality in this matter, I am led to believe the deep state doesn’t control the US military. Therefore Biden doesn’t control the military.

I don’t think Biden ever held the keys. AKA “devolution”. (Shout out x22) Because if he did, and Russia was about to move in and find all the biological weapons he and his deep state buddies are making at these black site laboratories, you better believe Biden would be sending the military in to protect his assets. But instead, Biden told Ukraine they were on their own, against RUSSIA 😂 and offered to send jets to Poland for them to use, but wouldn’t fly our own jets over there.

Does Biden have any military control whatsoever? Or is Biden under military control? Because you KNOW the US MIL are absolutely livid. Outsourced labs using DoD funding, given by corrupt politicians, paid contractors to create bioweapons. CONTRACTORS. Not the US Military.

You know who’s the most pissed? The US MIL. Because these nefarious deep state activities not only killed countless civilians worldwide, but now both CHINA AND RUSSIA, the 2 next most powerful nuclear and military capabilities ON THE PLANET, are accusing us of creating bioweapons, pushed us to WW3 via C19, and potential nuclear fallout…

I bet the US MIL are staying neutral, because they want Russia to find and expose the truth. If we did it ourselves, it would be considered a “military coup”, the media would spin us into a civil war and mass uprising. But with Russia conducting the operation and presenting the information to the UN, US MIL can step in, say they had no idea this was going on with their funding, and agree to hold everyone accountable who is responsible. A la, INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNALS.

For breaching the International Biological Weapons Treaty of 1975. They will also discover that C19 was created by US NIH funding and the establishment are responsible for releasing it, as well as breaching the Nuremberg Code for their human experimentation with the vaccines.

The consequences of these crimes are INTERNATIONAL military tribunals! After Nuremberg, the tribunals were held by the 4 allied nations, USA, UK, Soviet Union, and France; each of which supplied a military judge and a prosecution team to prosecute 24 nazis post WW2.


“Military is the only way”. Didn’t specify WHICH military… what if its many nation’s militaries? And the tribunals could very well NOT include our military, since factions within our country are responsible for the crimes.

It seems to me, this is the only way for mass acceptance. A united council, of militaries around the world, prosecuting the deep state actors TOGETHER, in solidarity. Just like we did in the old days.

The media and the sheep couldn’t deny or spin that. Mass acceptance.


2021 was a difficult year for anons. We were experiencing a dark night of the soul as a community.
I become increasingly more confident that we will not experience a year more difficult than 2021 as an anon family.
In other words:
It's only up from here my frens. Hope is rising, a flood of information is coming, and anons are getting our vibe back.
To those who bravely held the line in faith last year: I salute you.
Your belief is going to be paid off in yuge dividends. We did it Patriots. And we are doing it.
I don't know who needs to hear this but it's going to get better. A LOT better. Believe!

Jussie Smollett didn't kill himself:


Jussie Smollett just admitted to the world (in dramatic fashion) that the deep state suicides people as a means of silencing them and tying up loose ends.
Sheep everywhere need to listen to one of their stars and take heed.
This is how the cabal operates:
Blackmail and involuntary suicides.

Guys. Jussie Smollett worked closely with none other than Kamala Harris.
They botched this hoax in humiliating fashion and now he's so desperate he's openly begging not to be suicided. His circle is way too close to the so called Vice President for this not to be a big deal.
Who's trying to suicide him?

What are the chances that Kamala Harris tweeted about lynching (Smollett) 2 days before Jussie publically begs not be suicided?

Voor wie het lastig vindt om in het Engels te volgen, dit is de korte versie:

Rusland heeft een speciale VN-zitting aangevraagd. Deze vindt vandaag om 18 u plaats. Bewijs zal aan de wereld worden getoond voor het bestaan van door het westen gesteunde biolabs. Dit is de opmaat naar INTERNATIONALE MILITAIRE TRIBUNALEN!


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