The Great Awakening

The same people who censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, also censored the biolabs story.

They called both of these stories “Russian Disinformation”, and pushed disinformation of their own, to cover up completely legitimate and verified stories, because the truth doesn’t fit their agenda.

Welcome to informational warfare.

Remember their names: These are the 50 former "intelligence" officials who colluded to interfere in the 2020 election by signing a letter saying that Hunter's laptop was a Russian plot:

James Clapper
Michael Hayden
Leon Panetta
John Brennan
Marc Polymeropoulos
John Sipher
John McLaughlin
Michael Morell

Doug Wise
Nick Rasmussen
Russ Travers
Andy Liepman
John Moseman
Larry Pfeiffer
Jeremy Bash
Rodney Snyder
Glenn Gerstell
David Buckley
Nada Bakos
Patty Brandmaier
James Bruce
David Cariens
Janice Cariens
Paul Kolbe
Peter Corsell
Brett Davis
Thomas Finger
Roger Zane George
Steven Hall
Kent Harrington
Don Hepburn
Timothy Kilbourn
Rick Ledgett
Ron Marks
Jonna Hiestand Mendez
Emile Nakhleh
Gerald O’Shea
David Priess
Pam Purcilly
Chris Savos
Nick Shapiro
Stephen Slick
Cynthia Strand
Greg Tarbell
David Terry
Greg Treverton
John Tullius
David Vanell
Mike Vickers
Winston Wiley
Kristin Wood

Nine further "intelligence" officials colluded with those listed above but decided to remain anonymous

Tragically, the United States of American and our divinely inspired constitution are on life support and on the verge of death.

Our only hope is to restore “In God We Trust” consciousness.

The American economy is near collapse which is consistent with the globalist WEF/UN agenda of 2030; “American will no longer be a superpower and a few nations will govern globally.”

Economic collapse will be caused by the following:

Lockdown measures that resulted in the biggest theft of wealth from the middle class by the globalists.

Over 1 million small businesses closed while companies like Walmart, Home Depot, etc increased their market share and valuations.

Medicare WILL begin to go bankrupt in 2026. This is unavoidable.

The national debt is over 30 Trillion dollars and climbing.

The dollar is losing to China’s cryptocurrency, the digital yuan. For example, Saudi Arabia is transitioning from US petrodollars in lieu of the digital yuan.

Inflation will cause the death spiral of America.

This controlled collapse will usher in the transition to a global cryptocurrency. “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

In other words, the World ECONOMIC forum has been able
to orchestrate the destruction of American dominance and will shortly take control of global governance.

Our only path to save America from death is to revive Godly values in our society.

Something BIG is coming!

FASCINATING conversation between Watters and Bill Barr about waiting until the game is over before getting revenge.

Reminds me of a tweet I once heard...something about moving slowly and then striking fast 😎

Trending in the mind of every democrat right now... “Why the fuck did I vote for Biden?”

Is the destruction of the US and the petrodollar worth your hate towards Trump?

Don’t worry, the only reason they allowed the elections to be rigged was for these events to take place under Biden, it all seems perfectly orchestrated at this point.

As these event supercharge the decentralization of the world, the globalist agenda (centralized power and control) is being destroyed.

All this while Trump remains insulated and looking like a hero for warning us... just like our favorite anon mentioned back in the days.

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv
Reminder: One can only connect the dots in hindsight. Throughout the process, the journey of life, something called faith becomes essential. You have to believe in something... trust God, as well as yourself... trust that the dots will connect down the road. At that point, everything will make sense. Everything happens for a reason.

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv
Will you be surprised if Q shows up on 8kun again… and verifies @q channel on TS is going to be used for new drops going forward?

I won’t be surprised

Laatst bewerkt:
If you believe Trump devolved the government then you can stop with the fix 2020 or don't speak talk.
Trump already took care of it and will finish it. NCSWIC.
I'm wholeheartedly convinced Trump would not risk not doing everything he could do to protect this country. The evidence is there and many prophetic people have come in agreement that Trump has the ultimate power.
If you believe Trump devolved the government then you can stop telling me that so and so didn't address election fraud etc so we can't ever listen to them.
Guys. Look at how comfy Scavino and Trump are.
Can we agree to stop with that lame line?
Thanks guys.

(Side note: I'm not saying don't do anything and don't try to fix your local elections or that we should let go of 2020. I'm saying this:
Why would Scavino being posting about a red wave if he was concerned about election security? That makes zero sense. Unless...he knows something we don't. Scavino is with Q team. He knows.)

Appreciation post for everyone.

What group of people in human history has gone through more than what we have and have managed to get stronger?

What group of people has had God at the center to root out all evil of the world?

We are one of kind.
Everyone here is blessed.


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