The Great Awakening

[Doorgestuurd van Qtime Network ⭐⭐⭐️]

An old Cherokee told his grand- son, "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, hum- ility, kindness, empathy, & truth."

The boy thought about it, and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?"

The old man quietly replied, "The one you feed." -

What I love about anons:
The whole world tells us to believe one thing or else we are racist, bigot, terrorists/horrendous people and what do we do?
We continue to tell the mainstream propagandists to shove their fake and ghey narratives where the sun don't shine.
We will not be bullied into complying with deception or lies no matter how many people tell us what to think.
One of the many reasons why I love you people.
The whole world could disagree with us and we'd still be searching for the truth.

Anons are going to be vindicated in incredible ways.
Celebrations, laughter, occasional streaking and rejoicing is coming. Don't lose sight of that because it's definitely coming. It will all be worth it.

Lieve vrienden,

Plots is Corona weg en is nu alle aandacht op de oorlog gericht? Welnu, ik zeg u, hier wordt een scenario gevolgd:

1. Eerste paard (wit) is ziekte
==> Plandemie.
2. Tweede paard (rood) is oorlog.
==> Oekraïne
3. Derde paard (zwart) is hongersnood.
==> Voedselprijzen
4. Vierde paard (bleek) is de dood.
==> Vaccinatieschade

Bron: Openbaringen 6


Vrees echter niet: wie zijn voorbereidingen heeft getroffen (zoals ik mijn abonnees al jaren zeg te doen), die kan rustig zijn. Je moet wel de metafysica begrijpen. En dus moet u STUDEREN. Begin met William Cooper. In de auto. Elke dag een uur.


God Bless!

Brecht Arnaert
Putin is making 100x more sense than Biden and with the underlying facts we’ve discovered tells most Patriots that he is against evil, just like the man we all love. There is an operation going on right now around the world to save humanity. The global press would have you believe Russia is a monster but 10 years from now will Ukraine be a better place or worse from what Russia has done?

You all know the answer. The entrenched globalist are no longer able to hide in the shadows. The war is being brought to them head on.

Watch for this sign:

Putin is in open war right now against the global elite. Trump has been in open war with them since 2015. When Xi enters the fold and attacks them head on then we are almost there.

Pincer movements. While they have labeled Trump and Russia bad guys. What’s going to happen when they rely on China to save them and there is nowhere for them to run or hide?

Trump has already foreshadowed Taiwan. We know what’s coming.

If you haven’t seen this yet, it would behoove you to watch. All of my claims were correct.

Putin is now directly accusing the US of funding a network of dozens of biolabs in Ukraine. He states these labs were conducting experiments on lethal pathogens, to include: coronavirus, anthrax, cholera, African pig plague, and others. Is Putin a conspiracy theorist/Qanon influencer too?

Putin then states the US are trying to “mop up the evidence of this program” and that the US were creating components of biological weapons. Putin and his military view this US DoD funded biological activity as a direct threat to the safety of Russia.

Putin has tried to handle this diplomatically since 2018. Bringing these concerns to Ukraine and the US, and his concerns were ignored. Russia and China brought their complaints to the UN 5 months ago, and they were ignored.

Now, every single media outlet is going to scream this is “Russian disinformation”. You’re welcome to believe whatever you want, but the fact that Putin is accusing the US of these actions, is not disinformation and it’s not a conspiracy theory. The fact that Russia just conducted a series of air strikes in Ukraine to neutralize the threat of a US generated bioweapon is not a conspiracy theory. The fact that the US media refuse to acknowledge this, is not a conspiracy theory. The fact that the US media complex attempted to cover up the existence of these labs altogether, is not a conspiracy theory.

And before anyone says there is no proof the US are creating biological weapons, I’d like to remind you of that thing called Covid 19. You know, the one with the unnatural furin cleavage site, that just so happened to have the Moderna patented gene sequence, and admittedly came from a lab? The one where all the top virologists and immunologists in the world, confirmed the possibility of C19 occurring naturally were 1/3,000,000,000,000? The one where Collins and Fauci wittingly decided to cover up that it was man made to protect the faith in science?

Do you all see where this is headed? Russia knows the US created covid 19 and released it intentionally, called them out on it, and they have intelligence to suggest the US DoD funded labs in Ukraine were intending on releasing another covid strain or new virus.

Putin didn’t take over all Ukraine like the media said he would. They said he was going to take over all of Eastern Europe. What actually happened? Russia moved to the locations of the labs then stopped. They secured or destroyed the locations, neutralized any militaristic capabilities, and began peace talks. Doesn’t sound very Hitler-like to me.

A huge turning point is Putin is openly talking about these biolabs now, and no longer calling it a “special military operation”. This confirms that the mission is complete and Putin has what he was after. Proof of bioweapon production. He wouldn’t talk about the operations until they have concluded as not to compromise said military operations.

Putin doesn’t want Ukraine, he wants to stop the bad globalist actors from releasing another biological weapon, causing another plandemic and harming his citizens.

Is it starting to make sense why all the WEF/Globalist people are freaking out and all the sudden care about Ukraine? After not giving a shit about the war going on there for 8 years? Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Soros, Schwab, Clinton, Obama, etc. Its because Putin just took over their biological black sites and ruined their next biological attack on the world. But not only that, Putin now has the means to prove that these people created and released covid, implicating them in crimes against humanity.

Folks, this is it. This is the only chance we have at saving humanity from a group of psychopaths, hellbent on using biological weapons to shape the future the way they want it. This is undoubtedly the greatest crime against humanity in history and it’s not close. This is the final stand.

The sides have dug in, narratives established, and no one will budge. Russia is diplomatically and verbally accusing the US of creating biological weapons; the US claim the Russians are lying, fabricating evidence, and plan to use the biological facilities to create bioweapons themselves.

So now the fate of humanity and billions of lives, rest in the hands of the 2 nuclear superpowers playing the blame-game, like children.

Given what we have seen, there are two options:

1. Putin is a warmongering psychopath, who is pushing propaganda about biological weapons in Ukraine. This is all a cover up for Putin to take power of small sections of Ukraine, weaponize the completely innocent US biological research facilities (which the media claims didn’t exist) into bioweapons facilities and unleash all these pathogens on his path to global domination.

2. There are/were US DoD funded biolabs in Ukraine. The US were weaponizing pathogens near Russia’s border and now they are pushing propaganda to cover their asses before they get caught for creating bioweapons, for which the penalty is death. Immediately after they just got caught making the bioweapon known as C19.

There is a plethora of evidence to support the 2nd option, and very little to support the 1st. And when you compound the evidence with the lengths the US media complex went to cover up this evidence, and censor those who speak of it, it makes the answer that much more clear.

If Putin wanted to kill civilians, he would have dropped carpet bombs on Kyiv and killed civilians at will, the assault would still be ongoing. But instead, he used calculated air strikes, surrounded Kyiv instead of slaughtering everyone, brought forces to all nuclear and biological locations, stopped the assault, and suddenly initiated peace talks after his targets were secured.

If the US really weren’t creating biological weapons in Ukraine, they would have no issues allowing for investigations in order to prevent world war. They would not be using the media complex to cover up all of their records of biolab activity and censoring people like me for talking about it. And if the US MIL actually believed Putin would be using these facilities to release biological weapons, our military would be heavily involved as a direct threat to NATSEC.

The truth is painfully apparent. None of what the American media/politicians claim, makes any sense whatsoever. Unfortunately, many of the American people are so brainwashed by the propaganda being fed to them, they cannot see it. Many other see it, but simply refuse to acknowledge it, because to them, believing a comfortable lie, is much more convenient than confronting an uncomfortable truth.

Very few are willing to speak the truth. And in times of universal deceit, telling the Truth is a revolutionary act.

The sides have dug in, narratives established, and no one will budge. Russia is diplomatically and verbally accusing the US of creating biological weapons; the US claim the Russians are lying, fabricating evidence, and plan to use the biological facilities to create bioweapons themselves.

So now the fate of humanity and billions of lives, rest in the hands of the 2 nuclear superpowers playing the blame-game, like children.

Given what we have seen, there are two options:

1. Putin is a warmongering psychopath, who is pushing propaganda about biological weapons in Ukraine. This is all a cover up for Putin to take power of small sections of Ukraine, weaponize the completely innocent US biological research facilities (which the media claims didn’t exist) into bioweapons facilities and unleash all these pathogens on his path to global domination.

2. There are/were US DoD funded biolabs in Ukraine. The US were weaponizing pathogens near Russia’s border and now they are pushing propaganda to cover their asses before they get caught for creating bioweapons, for which the penalty is death. Immediately after they just got caught making the bioweapon known as C19.

There is a plethora of evidence to support the 2nd option, and very little to support the 1st. And when you compound the evidence with the lengths the US media complex went to cover up this evidence, and censor those who speak of it, it makes the answer that much more clear.

If Putin wanted to kill civilians, he would have dropped carpet bombs on Kyiv and killed civilians at will, the assault would still be ongoing. But instead, he used calculated air strikes, surrounded Kyiv instead of slaughtering everyone, brought forces to all nuclear and biological locations, stopped the assault, and suddenly initiated peace talks after his targets were secured.

If the US really weren’t creating biological weapons in Ukraine, they would have no issues allowing for investigations in order to prevent world war. They would not be using the media complex to cover up all of their records of biolab activity and censoring people like me for talking about it. And if the US MIL actually believed Putin would be using these facilities to release biological weapons, our military would be heavily involved as a direct threat to NATSEC.

The truth is painfully apparent. None of what the American media/politicians claim, makes any sense whatsoever. Unfortunately, many of the American people are so brainwashed by the propaganda being fed to them, they cannot see it. Many other see it, but simply refuse to acknowledge it, because to them, believing a comfortable lie, is much more convenient than confronting an uncomfortable truth.

Very few are willing to speak the truth. And in times of universal deceit, telling the Truth is a revolutionary act.


vertaalde versies van de 2 bovenstaande artikelen

Ik kreeg laatst in het jeugdhonk waar ik regelmatig ben te horen dat ik dingen vaak op overtuigende wijze voor het voetlicht breng en daar eigenlijk iets mee zou moeten doen, zonder dat verder te speficeren, Ik ben ook vergeten door te vragen.
For those wondering why I’ll believe Putin before I believe the globalist puppets in the US, let’s look at the timeline:

2016: Trump wins:
-The US gov/media lies about Trump conspiring with Putin to hack the election, pushing anti-trump propaganda 24/7 all throughout his presidency.

2020: C19 “escapes”:
-The US gov/media censors all dissent about C19 on all platforms, lies about the origin, lies about natural occurrence, lies about the NIH creating it, inflates and manipulates case, hospitalization and death counts, implements a medical police state and marital law, fires 50 million people overnight.

2021: “Vaccines” are created:
-US gov/media suppresses/censors any viable treatments for C19 (Ivermectin, HCQ, monoclonal antibodies) to maintain Emergency Use Authorization, lies about efficacy and safety of vaccines, denies reality of herd immunity, denies that the “vaccines” don’t prevent transmission or disease.

2021: Russia accuses US of creating biological weapons near their border: -US gov/media refuse to address these allegations and suppress this news from Western media outlets. Lies via omission.

2022: Russia uses calculated missile strikes to destroy US/NATO military assets and secure US DoD funded biolabs in Ukraine:
-US gov/media push fake Ukrainian war propaganda, fabricate stories, use false video, photos from other wars, accuse Putin of blindly killing civilians without evidence, largely misrepresenting the actual situation in Ukraine, pushing mass disinformation.

CURRENT: Russia accuses US of creating bioweapons AGAIN, after invoking an emergency meeting of UN Security Council:
-US gov/media claims the Russians are pushing disinformation, right after they tried to scrub their records on US DoD funding of biolabs in Ukraine, then admit they are concerned Russia will use the biological weapons they claimed they didn’t make at the biolabs they claimed didn’t exist. All while censoring any speak of these biolabs.

Years of nonstop, crippling propaganda and lies, yet we are expected to trust the US gov/media now? Sorry, I’ll go with the evidence before I go with blind National pride. If you trust a single thing that comes from the TV after what you have seen over the past 6 years, you didn’t learn the lesson.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but Zelenskyy seems like a pretty good actor.

What makes a movie GOOD?
GREAT actors?

Disclaimer: I have no idea what the hell is going on. Zelensky good or bad? No idea. I just find it interesting that Q always told us we are watching a movie and now, at the center of this conflict, we have a literal actor as the President of Ukraine? Dasting.

This is such bullshit! Judge orders Jussie Smollett be released from jail on bond pending his hate crime hoax conviction appeal


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