The Great Awakening

It's important to remember just how far we as a community have come, how much we have endured as a group and how God has developed and grown us over these trying times.
You've already made it this far.
You're upsetting the enemy due to your endurance.
You're finding a way to carry your cross and in doing so you're making heaven proud.
Looking back at the older you will give you perspective.
God has made a miracle out of you, crafted you in these dark days.
And what He's done in you is worth celebrating.
So make sure to.

Werkelijk geniaal, die bijbelbeschouwingen van Archive Anon:

Daniel really is an amazing book. The more you study it alongside history the more you realize just how much this guy was given in advance.

It really was "sealed up to the time of the end" because it's impossible to unlock the dates and the meaning until after the events have already happened, and one can go digging for historical data to match up to it. You have to remember just how hard it was for the average person to establish exact historical dates for events before the modern era. The average person usually didn't have access to precise historical records throughout history. Even the sources available at the time were going to be locked up in a royal library somewhere.

People in the ancient and even medieval world would have no practical way of putting any of this together, let alone use it to make predictions about the future.

It's also important to remember that while the prophecy is being written about the enemy, the enemy might very often read them as well. As the books of the Bible became more widespread and easily accessed, the dates and exact players become more cryptic and vision like.

I think a main reason for that may be that God knows if he tells the enemy their part, they'll try to avoid it, but if he makes them have to guess their part and try to avoid/fulfill it the way they want, he tricks them into do it his way instead.

A lot of prophecy, while completely accurate after the fact, has a lot of the elements of a deliberate information warfare campaign against the devil to leave him guessing his role so he'll make mistakes.

President Trump: “Together we’re standing up against some of the most sinister forces, entrenched interests and vicious opponents our people have ever seen…

Our biggest danger is from the sick & radical politicians that are knowingly or unknowingly wanting to destroy our country…

You must never forget this nation does not belong to them. This nation belongs to you. The people that built it.”



Hillary Clinton says the United States needs to “double down” on our efforts to support Ukraine against Putin and then goes on to say that we should not let Russia back into the “New World Order”, as Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd put it.

These globalists are so desperate right now that they’ve been forced to discuss this stuff openly.

They have no choice.

They can no longer operate in the dark.

RUDY: "FBI first had access to this information to two and a half years. They deliberately covered it up for a year and a half. And so did phony [Bill] Barr who is making a pathetic, uh, fool out of himself now. He held back that hard drive…”

All those people going around flashing their dumb illuminati gang signs and openly plotting to form a global government and put money passport chips in people's hands are walking right into God's trap.

They thought this was going to be YOUR Apocalypse so they got cockey and starting flaunting how evil they've become, thinking their TVLand prophecy psyop was actually going to come true.

It's not your apocalypse.


They really should have looked up what that word means first.


I. laying bare, making naked
II. a disclosure of truth, instruction
A. concerning things before unknown
B. used of events by which things or states or persons hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all
III. manifestation, appearance


Archive Anon rules!:cool:

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Wida
The way I seek to discern world events and life in general:
I ask God for wisdom number one. I seek God for the truth. He has all the answers and he loves to speak to His children.
Then I use the skills I've honed as an anon to question everything and research for myself. It doesn't matter what famous people say or even trusted white hats. I rely on my own discernment above everyone's because I'm not a sheep.
Lastly, I allow myself to be influenced by other trusted anons and white hats ONLY if it resonates with me and it goes through those other two steps first (God, my own discernment).
This is how anons can be eons ahead of everyone else when it comes to the news and understanding truth. I believe in our community and love how far we've come.
2020 and beyond has made us stand out due to our ability to detach from the mainstream.
We are a free thinking force of nature and I don't see us slowing down anytime soon.

Nicholas Veniamin is promoting this NESARA scam website "" where you can buy Zimbabwe and Iraqi notes for hundreds of U.S. dollars because, according to NESARA promoters, after the "currency revaluation" when NESARA kicks in these bills are going to supposedly be worth hundreds, if not thousands times their value now.

Charles Ward has promoted “” dozens of times on his Telegram account.

Another example of scamming from this website: novelty $1,000,000 JFK notes being sold for 80 pounds, which is about 110 U.S. dollars.

You can find the exact same 1M JFK collectible note on eBay for $1.28.

The Melania Trump 2020 collectors note on "", also selling for $110, can be found on Amazon for about $10.

Charles Ward, Nicholas Veniamin, and others have no problem promoting this complete scam of a website though. I’d be curious if they’re taking money to promote it.

SantaSurfing today claiming "NESARA is happening!"

Probably the three hundredth time she's claimed it's happening over the last two years.

Three years from now, she'll still be saying the same thing.

David Nino Rodriguez completely plagiarized @BioClandestine post on the Ukrainian biolabs yesterday. Straight copy and paste. BioClandestine is the original source of the Biolabs claims from a few weeks back, he deserves the credit.

For all the imbeciles defending David Nino Rodriguez, he just put out an announcement pertaining to me calling him out for blatant plagiarizing.

Instead of doing the right thing, apologizing, and giving credit to me for him quite literally copy and pasting my thread and passing it on as his own… he chose to claim someone sent it to him and he just decided to play it off like it was his.

Then I called him out, and he had the opportunity to make up for it and link my profile, but he didn’t. Doubling down on plagiarism and telling me to stay in my lane… LMAO THE IRONY!

Who is the bad guy here:

-The guy stealing other people’s work, passing it off as his own, and turning a profit off of it to his followers?

-The guy who provides all of this analysis and information to you 100% for free?

Mr. Rodriguez you’re a fraud and you are flirting with legal repercussions. I can sue you if you’re turning a profit off of my work, which you are. So here is your chance to apologize, give me credit, and take your plagiarized work down from your page.

Final warning.

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En weer een bedrieglijke Tarot-lezer erbjj:

Phil Godlewski is posting fake Wikileaks emails on his account today.

This is supposedly an email from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama talking about a "pizza arrangement".

Super duper faked.


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