The Great Awakening

Kash Patel discusses the corrupt FBI.

“America wants accountability and maybe it will come in the form of John Durham.”

Isn’t it funny that Q said Kash was a “name to remember” back in 2018, when nobody knew who he was? Now he’s all over the place…

New "whistleblower" on the scene.

The Journey to Truth UFO podcast - I like those guys but I'm not here to be nice and make friends, I'm here to be honest and report truth.

I think their podcast has been going downhill in term of credibility of info.

Today's show involves a "Navy Whistleblower" who they call "Navy Contact" and alleges to be a whistleblower from secret military programs.

Totally anonymous. Might be behind a voice changer. No evidence proposed about or from this guy to prove he was even in the Military, let alone in "secret programs" and that he did everything else he's claiming.

Right now he's claiming he was helping clean out underground tunnels and he said "everything we hear about the kids in underground tunnels is real".

For fuck's sake.

Show's still live if you want to listen in. When it finished I'll pull clips.

Is it a coincidence that Journey to Truth are trying to sell tickets for a conference that they're holding next month?

Oh good gosh, this "Navy whistleblower" on Journey to Truth is going in on all the typical clickbait claims.

Says the military is rolling med beds out soon, NESARA/QFS is going to be implemented, claims to be a part of a secret program recovering alien tech and crafts, says "Project BlueBeam" was used on 9/11, says he's getting orders from Trump's team


Does anyone discern and vet anymore?

I'm really not here to put down so much stuff, but shit, I'm just following reality. People need to understand how much fake crap is out there and how many claims are presented as "truth" that are made up. Fabrications.

The truth is what it is, you follow it's will or you live a lie.

And unfortunately there are a lot of folks with frankly shitty discernment. Absolutely shitty.

Don't blindly believe anyone. Make sure they provide sauce for what they say.

Even me.

I try my best to attach images, videos, and links to make a case for my claims. I think I make good cases for things I confidently claim.

Make sure the other people you follow make a good case for their claims, too.

These grifters get away with it because we the people are so desperate for good news. Bullshit is not good news, merely destructive. Keep attacking these b'stards JS, they harm this international movement

Yes, I'm passionate at exposing the fake news in our movement because it only harms us. It's not negative to shine a light on it. Get that new age politically correct narcicissm-think out of your head that it's "negative" to question those who don't have logic, evidence, and truth. Desperate people are getting manipulated and exploited by frauds. Not on my watch.


Let's run some numbers. Take a few dozen of the most popular conspiracy disinfo channels.

Tens of thousand of followers each, hundreds of thousands for some.

Some get 50-100,000 views per video.

False to assume everyone who follows these channels believe what they claim (or that they don't have a few fake followers), but let's for argument's sake say 50% of their follower count consistently tracks and believes their crap.

So this could be 100,000's of people believing fake conspiracy news per day, if not a million+.

& with the myraid of ways this clickbait conspiracy propaganda damages people and the movement as a whole, it's important to expose it.

Don't forget, planting this conspiracy propaganda in the truth movement is exactly what CIA & Deep State psy-ops consist of.

VERY important to expose it.

Ook Dustin Nemos is er 1 (geworden?). in het verleden hier meermaals aangehaald. You live, you learn.

Be careful who you follow.

HUGE news from US Counterintelligence!

This is an official statement from the Office of National Counterintelligence Security. This is EXTREMELY juicy. Read it and tell me what they are describing.


They are confirming all of the major themes we have been pushing. Let’s break it down.

A “Global threat” of “state and non-state actors are targeting the United States”. Infiltrating “every sector of the US economy”. A “diverse and dynamic threat” utilizing “legal and quasi-legal methods, including mergers, acquisitions, investments, joint ventures, partnerships, and talent recruitments programs to acquire US technology and innovation.”

The 3rd paragraph is spot on and reads like things we all have been writing for years: “This new form of conflict is not fought on a foreign battlefield, but on our power grids, our computer networks, our LABORATORIES AND RESEARCH FACILITIES, our financial institutions, our healthcare providers, and our federal, state and local tribal governments. This battle will not be won by weapons and warriors, but by public and private sector partnerships and through American dedication and diligence.”


So what does this mean? It confirms that the US government KNOWS it’s been infiltrated. But why are they talking about it now? HUNTER BIDEN.

This entire statement is a direct shot at Hunter Biden and his shady dealings in Ukraine. Hunter Biden using quasi-legal partnerships and investment funds (Rosemont Seneca) to use US innovation and technology on foreign soil, to conduct research at biological laboratories and research facilities (Metabiota).

This whole statement covers the entire network of the deep state using the Biden and Kerry family members as proxies to conduct black site biological operations.

This is huge. It means that the good actors in US government are not going to cover for the treasonous activity committed by deep state actors, and it largely confirms that good actors in our government know about this infiltration and therefore have contingencies for this infiltration.

Now, I’m 100% positive they knew about it LONG before they released this statement, but them publicly admitting that we have been infiltrated is a massive step in the direction of justice and confirms essentially all of what we have been preaching for years.

Every aspect of American society was infiltrated by foreign actors and American actors on behalf of a global threat. Folks, the US GOV just confirmed the Deep State is real.


Guys, it’s also here on the Twitter verified National Counterintelligence Security Center page on Twitter.


Excellent dig by one of my followers, Jennifer Neilson see attached, a statement by US Counterintelligence in February, 2020.

It seems the government has been more than well aware of this infiltration. But based on the current state of the US government, it doesn’t APPEAR like they did a very good job.

OR, they did a REALLY good job, and trapped all of them in the largest sting operation ever.

You all know I’m leaning towards the latter, i.e., Devolution. I used to work for these people. They have contingencies for EVERYTHING. And when I say everything, I mean everything.

Either way, there is a shadow war going on behind closed doors between good actors remaining in the US government and the deep state actors seeking to destroy us from within.

Warfare has evolved. It’s going on all around us at all times. The war for control of your thoughts is one of the, if not THE most important ongoing battle there is.

This war involves you just as much as it involves US Counterintelligence. Fight back.

The head of US Counterintelligence admitted that nefarious state and non-state actors have infiltrated our biological laboratories and research facilities, amongst many other sectors of every aspect of US infrastructure and government.

Think of the timing. This was released 5 days ago on Twitter and LinkedIn and NOBODY talked about it. It went largely unnoticed.

This is right around the time when the connections between Hunter Biden and Rosemont Seneca via Metabiota and the biolabs in Ukraine, etc., were a hot topic on the mainstream. Details emerging from the Hunter Biden laptop and the Russian and Chinese governments.

Now you might think this is a coverup and saving face, now that Hunter got caught, but Counter Intel would NOT use this verbiage if they were trying to COVER UP the infiltration. They wouldn’t even mention it, they would just pretend it doesn’t exist. But our Counter Intel, which falls under DNI, the entity that was overseen by Ratcliffe, chose to lay out the network and call them out instead. If there are good actors in the government, they would be here. And these purported white hats are acting in a way that doesn’t seem to be doing the deep state any favors.

This doesn’t appear to be a cover up to me at all. It looks like they are slowly introducing the reality that this whole thing happened. They are laying the groundwork for public exposure. They have to do it in small digestible chunks to “soften the landing” for normies. Because the gravity of this reality is going to smack them like they got hit by a bus.

US Counterintelligence is calling out the Deep State crime syndicate. Which they also know to largely include the Bidens, their Commander in Chief, via the information on the laptop proving the connections to these biolabs in Ukraine. And Russia WENT TO WAR over these labs and alleging they had to neutralize US and NATO biological capabilities to protect their citizens because the Pentagon was creating bioweapons in Ukraine. Right after the US NIH just let out a pandemic inducing virus ruining the world…

For those saying “nothing is happening” , you couldn’t be more wrong. This confirms certain factions within our government are admitting we have been infiltrated, why would they do so NOW? Because they know something is coming that they DO NOT want to be associated with. They are separating themselves from the people who are about to go down.

Think about it, the other 2 world superpowers just accused the US of creating biological weapons and the President’s son sits on the board of the investment firm that funnels US DoD funds to Metabiota and other labs in Ukraine, with which was conducting research on the world’s most deadly pathogens, and Russia’s military is directly accusing Hunter Biden and the DNC of taking part in the larger operation pertaining to the activities of these black site labs the Russians allege were producing the biological weapons.

This behavior from the US government indicates to me that there is something serious about to be revealed that cannot be denied.

Operations are ongoing.


Donna Brazile is shook.
All she can do is mumble and bring up muh JaNuArY 6th when she tries to explain away Hunter's impending indictment.
The walls are closing in Patriots.

"I think it's time we address the fact the democrats use satanic symbols.
These people are satanic.
The democratic party is literally the party of satan."

Say it louder for the couch conservatives obsorbing Fox News who needs to hear it also.

"If we have to say something positive about Joe Biden, he's really good at destroying countries."

Welcome to The Great Awakening, where THIS shit being spoken, is quickly becoming the norm.


Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Perfect example of why we need to be careful who we follow and not get caught up with the clickbait - it harms the whole movement.

RSBN interviewed this lady during Trump's rally, she seems like a nice woman. Unfortunately she starts spouting clickbait rhetoric you often hear from social media:

"The EBS is coming!" "Space Force has everything!" "The military is going to declare martial law!" "The ballots were watermarked by Space Force!"

This NPR reporter Stephen wasted no time putting this clip on blast, and now many other blue check marks are using this example to attack election fraud activists and the truth/MAGA movement.

Do you see how conspiracy clickbait is weaponized against us?

Holy moly Elon Musk actually did buy a share of Twitter, a huge share. He's their biggest holder now.

Now all he needs to do is delete the app and the circle is complete!

Or let us all back on the platform. He's a self described free speech absolutist, right?

With Elon holding 9.2% (potentially majority share holder) of Twitter people are speculating if Trump will return there or if suspended accounts will be let back on with their old followings.

I just don’t see why there would be a TS if Trump is going back to Twitter unless there’s going to be a merger

“Digital World Acquisition Company”

Wonder what Trump and Elon are cooking up ?

"Whiplash347" is an absolute trash Telegram channel.

This account constantly promotes disinformation like NESARA/QFS garbage and fake Q decodes. Some have alleged that Whiplash may even be involved in running crypto scams on Telegram.

[Doorgestuurd van The Clickbait Exposé Channel]
[ Video ]
Perfect example of why we need to be careful who we follow and not get caught up with the clickbait - it harms the whole movement.

RSBN interviewed this lady during Trump's rally, she seems like a nice woman. Unfortunately she starts spouting clickbait rhetoric you often hear from social media:

"The EBS is coming!" "Space Force has everything!" "The military is going to declare martial law!" "The ballots were watermarked by Space Force!"

The NPR reporter Stephen wasted no time putting this clip on blast, and now many other blue check marks are using this example to attack election fraud activists and the truth/MAGA movement.

Do you see how conspiracy clickbait is weaponized against us?

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