The Great Awakening


I'm catching an optimistic vibe right now. The future is bright af never let anyone convince you otherwise.
We are going to celebrating like crazy think about all the seeds we've sown. It's going be brought back times a hundred.
Anyone feeling the hope? Reeee.

President Trump has been asked directly about Q two times.

He could have easily said “it’s garbage” or “it has zero credibility,” but he didn’t.

I have no doubt that Q+ & the Q team are/were legit and if they weren’t, 45 would have come out by now and told us to stop digging.

Now anons have been handed a brand new Q-friendly platform just as Durham is seemingly about to drop the hammer.

Must be a coincidence kek


The computer code for Tor was actually created and designed by the United States Naval Research Laboratory back in the 90s and then released to the public for free.

Funny how certain elements of the military keep doing things that the deep state doesn't like.
[Doorgestuurd van Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)]
[ Video ]
As Disney continues to be exposed listen to a Disney star speak on Satanism in Hollywood for herself.
She would know.

"They know that God exists. They also know that Satan exists. They're just counting on the fact that yall don't know that.
The things that you take in that they are feeding you. Those things effect you that's why they do it."

Notice how they count on our ignorance.
This is why the Great Awakening is so important. The veil is being lifted one step at a time.

All roads may eventually lead to Rome, but they take an awful lot of detours along the way.

In the ancient world, a secret society, fraternal brotherhood, or mystery order was the equivalent of a modern intelligence agency. That's where your spies and assassins would come from.

If you want to understand why the world is the way it is today, stop thinking about these secret societies from history as some satanic boogeyman and see them for what they are: Private intelligence agencies.

A lot of the ones from the ancient world simply never went away, and they're still actively recruiting.
You don't get to elect Democrat mayors, police chiefs, judges, AG's, school boards, governors, state-federal legislators, and Presidents for 50 years and then blame the other party for why your conditions have worsened, year over year, every decade. You and I are free. This means your life is the sum total of YOUR choices. Not mine. Want your reality to change, change your attitudes and actions. Period. Otherwise, you are not a victim but a volunteer and unless God shows you mercy, you will get exactly what you've given.
President Trump’s Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller, just got back from a trip to Ukraine & Poland.

He said that he “had very frank discussions with some extremely high level Ukrainian military & intelligence officials, and political officials.”

Whoa 👀

Why is the ‘former’ Secretary of Defense inserting himself into a war zone and meeting with senior leadership?

What is love?

Love is - quantum entanglement theory? 😄 The experience of falling in love is reminiscent of what in quantum physics is known as entanglement. In the microscopic realm, once two particles experience a shared state, they are no longer separate entities but exist as one. This remains true even when they are separated by a great distance.

Anyone who didn’t realize Joe Biden was controlled and owned by foreign nations can now see it for themselves. Sending billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine in public view just to “stop Russia”. We haven’t even seen China invade Taiwan yet and more money is going out of our country than back into it. They don’t think regulars can see what they’re doing. These people will never be elected into office again.


My current thoughts:
Q wakes up a subset of people. They learn to rely on each other and expose the lies, search for truth. They learn the meaning of WWG1WGA.
Trump must be visibly out of office for the fall of the central banks. Putin waits and attacks Ukraine (possibly stopping bioweapon number 2) at the right time. He takes away their DS hub. They try to eliminate Putin's economy. He backed his money in gold. The US is Epsteining itself. The federal reserve and the central banks must fall or humanity will never be free. Putin started a domino.
Now Xi shuts down his country under the guise of covid but in reality he's shutting down the supply chain. They are imploding the entire system and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. The precipice will be felt. The entire system will be brought down in Biblical fashion. Wealth transfer happens in spades. The cabal loses their finances to God's people.
Trump can come back at the opportune time and present new systems and an awakened world will be ready to move forward without the cabal.

People need to understand something.
There is no going back.
There is no where to go back to.
It doesn't matter how uncomfortable this may be. We must persist and we will.
When Trump showed up the scene he did so at the absolute red line/ at the nick time. These luciferians had FAR worse plans for the world and many of them have already been avoided. We cannot go back to clinging to the central banks, the corrupt food systems, the lies of the mainstream media. All must be brought down and exposed.
When the Israelites were freed in Exodus they could not return. To look back was folly. Instead of longing for times of comfort.. we should embrace the battles that lie before us. We were born to live in this day. We can thrive in the storms with the proper mindset.
If there is a food shortage God's people can multiply the food. If there is a storm, we can be the peace for the world. If there is a stronghold, we can tear it down.
God is doing something so special in our hour. He's showing up and showing out. There's nothing to be afraid of but do not long to return to more simple times. Those days are a mirage. They do not exist anymore. And we shouldn't want them to.

When anons came onto the scene we were feisty, we felt invincible. Our guy Trump was the most powerful man in the world. He embraced pepe memes.
Q is with me he would wink.
We attacked the deep state viciously on social media like a swarm, like a plague of truth. They could not escape us. No pedophile was safe, no corrupt player could keep us out of their comments.
Then when it felt like we were unstoppable Phase 2 of the plan occurred.
We were humbled.
Many lost sight of hope.
It felt like we were wandering in a desert.
Faith was required like never before for our community.
We have held strong together during this time. Many could not see the plan or a pathway to victory. Many anons lost their edge but we've been holding the line. Encouraging each other and memeing as the world experienced the precipice. It's not over yet though anons.
It is absolutely imperative that we continue to keep our spiritual armor up. Our faith high and our optimism in tact. Q did not say we were the calm before and during the storm for no reason.
All of us together as a team can get through this. Faith is absolutely essential. Treasure this. Keep your mind guarded. Remember the bigger picture.
Remember that God will not abandon us.
God is all about WWG1WGA.
He's the one who thought of it.

My preliminary response to the Snake Venom theory.

Dr. Herve Seligmann, evolutionary biologist and researcher tested Dr. Ardis' venom theory. He writes
“I could not find any meaningful similarity between the linear sequence of spike protein and any snake toxin. If a similarity exists, it would be at the 3 dimensional level, but that would indicate a functional, not an evolutionary similarity. In other words, spike and the putative snake toxin might have similar effects due to their similar 3d structure, but no common origin. As said above, as it stands, there was no similarity btw spike and any snake toxin using the standard tools at my disposition.”


Dr. Richard Flemming’s opinion is
that Dr. Ardis’ conclusions are incorrect.

I will keep digging deeper but in reality this issue is NOT important.

We already know that Covid-19, remdesivir, and covid vaccines are man-made weapons of murder and genocide.

They have been made by the oldest world order of pagans, and child sacrificing idol worshipers with the purpose of population reduction, enslavement, and gene editing human beings.

Our focus must be to spread the true narrative of God consciousness.

A little light disperses much darkness.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD


Hier zaten we op te wachten, de respons van Zelenko op de slangengif-theorie van Ardis. Hij gelooft er ook.niet in. Ik heb inmiddels het interview gehoord dat Zak van RedPill78 had met Dr. Ardis. De beste man klinkt oprecht en gedreven en kan daardoor geloofwaardig overkomeb, maar nergens komt hij met overtuigend en onweerlegbaar bewijs dat slangengifpeptiden in het drinkwater of in de vaccins zouden zitten. Alles waar hij mee aankomt is correlatie en dat is nog geen causatie.

When anons came onto the scene we were feisty, we felt invincible. Our guy Trump was the most powerful man in the world. He embraced pepe memes.
Q is with me he would wink.
We attacked the deep state viciously on social media like a swarm, like a plague of truth. They could not escape us. No pedophile was safe, no corrupt player could keep us out of their comments.
Then when it felt like we were unstoppable Phase 2 of the plan occurred.
We were humbled.
Many lost sight of hope.
It felt like we were wandering in a desert.
Faith was required like never before for our community.
We have held strong together during this time. Many could not see the plan or a pathway to victory. Many anons lost their edge but we've been holding the line. Encouraging each other and memeing as the world experienced the precipice. It's not over yet though anons.
It is absolutely imperative that we continue to keep our spiritual armor up. Our faith high and our optimism in tact. Q did not say we were the calm before and during the storm for no reason.
All of us together as a team can get through this. Faith is absolutely essential. Treasure this. Keep your mind guarded. Remember the bigger picture.
Remember that God will not abandon us.
God is all about WWG1WGA.
He's the one who thought of it.

Ik merk wel dat steeds meer Anons hun hoofd laten hangen/ geduld op is althans op social media dan.
Ik had zelf ook geroepen dat ik sterk het gevoel had dat er rond Pasen iets groots zou gebeuren. Had ik beter niet moeten zeggen want nu hoor ik steeds terug: nou er is wéér niks gebeurt hoor. Alsof het van mij afhangt, ja ik zit erachter nou goed 😂

Het duurt maar en het duurt maar ja dat vergt idd wel wat engelengeduld 😉

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