The Great Awakening

Ik kreeg een meeltje, een raar meeltje eigenlijk.

Ik ken dieje gast niet en ook nooit van gehoord. Waar ik 'maarten2' ben is alleen op deze site.

Mijn Engels is niet zo jedat..iemand?
Hi @maarten2,
Patrick Byrne is starting a live stream on April 17, 2022 at 4:00pm EDT.
Patrick Byrne @PatrickByrne
Apr 17, 2022 at 3:24pm
Durham's Filing Spills Some Incredibly Tasty Beans
John Durham is going to try Michael Sussman in court. Michael Sussman's lawyers have made motions to request that the judge instruct John Durham that he he is not allowed to show the jury certain pieces of evidence ("Motions in limine" ).

John Durham has responded, telling the judge how and why what he is going to introduce is relevant. In the course of doing so, he revealed some mind-blowing stuff about what he has found. Come hear me explain and discuss it. Come hear me explain and discuss it.

Show starts at 4 PM today, Eastern.

If you wish to be fully informed, you can read these links:

John Durham's Motion"Memorandum-in-Opposition-Re-Sussmann-Motion-in-Limine-by-USA"

A good ZeroHedge discussion of the matter.

Oh, by the way, this will
Locals Technology, Inc.
444 Gulf of Mexico Dr
Longboat Key, FL, 34228
Watch the water in de bijbel (Marcus 4:35-41 in de Herziene Statenvertaling):
Het verhaal volgens Marcus 4:35-41 in de Herziene Statenvertaling:

35. En op die dag, toen het avond geworden was, zei Hij tegen hen: Laten wij overvaren naar de overkant.36. En zij lieten de menigte achter en namen Hem, Die al in het schip was, mee; en er waren nog andere scheepjes bij Hem.37. En er stak een harde stormwind op en de golven sloegen over in het schip, zodat het al volliep.38. En Hij lag in het achterschip te slapen op een hoofdkussen; en zij wekten Hem en zeiden tegen Hem: Meester, bekommert U Zich er niet om dat wij vergaan?39. En Hij, wakker geworden, bestrafte de wind en zei tegen de zee: Zwijg, wees stil! En de wind ging liggen en er kwam een grote stilte.40. En Hij zei tegen hen: Waarom bent u zo angstig? Hebt u dan geen geloof?41. En zij vreesden met grote vrees en zeiden tegen elkaar: Wie is Deze toch, dat zelfs de wind en de zee Hem gehoorzaam zijn?

Interpretatie van Seikle Greijdanus:
Dat Jezus slaapt laat zijn zware vermoeidheid en daarmee zijn menselijkheid zien.[2] Tegelijk laat deze geschiedenis zien dat Jezus de Heer van de elementen is. Waar in het Oude Testament God de kracht over de elementen heeft (Ps. 89:8, 93:3, 106:8, 107:23-30, Jes.51:9), wordt nu Jezus beschreven als degene met macht over de elementen.

Het water van het meer is zo onrustig dat het bestraffen van de wind, die de oorzaak van de problemen is, niet voldoende is. De situatie is zo gevaarlijk dat ook het water door Jezus tot rust gebracht moet worden.[7]

De vraag van Jezus aan het slot van het verhaal (Luc.8:25: 'Waar is uw geloof?') maakt duidelijk dat het hier niet alleen gaat om het feit dat Jezus de storm kan stillen, maar eerder dat de discipelen op zijn kracht hadden moeten vertrouwen om hen te helpen.[8]

Deze geschiedenis zorgt ervoor dat de discipelen zich afvragen 'Wie is Deze toch...?' (Luc.8:25). Deze vraag wordt niet beantwoord, maar het antwoord is impliciet voor de lezer die het Oude Testament kent. Wat God toen deed, doet Jezus nu.

Zou Watch the water in de Qposts een waarschuwing zijn voor 'plotselinge' overstromingen?
Ik kreeg een meeltje, een raar meeltje eigenlijk.

Ik ken dieje gast niet en ook nooit van gehoord. Waar ik 'maarten2' ben is alleen op deze site.

Mijn Engels is niet zo jedat..iemand?
Hi @maarten2,
Patrick Byrne is starting a live stream on April 17, 2022 at 4:00pm EDT.
Patrick Byrne @PatrickByrne
Apr 17, 2022 at 3:24pm
Durham's Filing Spills Some Incredibly Tasty Beans
John Durham is going to try Michael Sussman in court. Michael Sussman's lawyers have made motions to request that the judge instruct John Durham that he he is not allowed to show the jury certain pieces of evidence ("Motions in limine" ).

John Durham has responded, telling the judge how and why what he is going to introduce is relevant. In the course of doing so, he revealed some mind-blowing stuff about what he has found. Come hear me explain and discuss it. Come hear me explain and discuss it.

Show starts at 4 PM today, Eastern.

If you wish to be fully informed, you can read these links:

John Durham's Motion"Memorandum-in-Opposition-Re-Sussmann-Motion-in-Limine-by-USA"

A good ZeroHedge discussion of the matter.

Oh, by the way, this will
Locals Technology, Inc.
444 Gulf of Mexico Dr
Longboat Key, FL, 34228
Patrick Byrne is iemand die onderzoek doet naar de verkiezingsfraude bij de Amerikaanse verkiezingen van 2020. Hij lanceert om 10 uur vanavond een livestream over de voortgang van het Durhamonderzoek.
Mass Formation Psychosis isn’t only for normie America, I think we have a bit of it in our own patriot/truth movement.
Yes....our hope has been deferred but I'd wager that many of you have grown in leaps and bounds in key areas in the last year.
Anons have collectively been tested yet we remain. We know the truth. That truth has been like a purging fire. We've needed to increase our faith levels. We've needed to lean on each other for encouragement. All these things will pay off in huge dividends in the end. We found ways to thrive even when hope seemed so far away and for that we should be proud. Collectively as a unit we can face whatever comes next. I'm confident in that. God's got our backs and anons have each other's back because that's who we are now.

For those who say “nothing is happening” and “the sheep aren’t waking up”. Here is direct evidence you are wrong. This is a clip from Fox and Friends this morning. WATCH NOW!

This may not feel as significant as it truly is, because we in our corner have known about this reality for 5 years. We are all like, “yeah, no shit the whole Russia thing was fake, we told you.”

However, millions of normies are just now being exposed to all of this for the first time. To the media-dependent sheep, they don’t believe something until the nice man in the suit on the TV tells them so.

Now with the Durham legal filings and the incontrovertible panic of the left/media/big tech of losing control of internet censorship via Twitter/Elon; the sheep are putting the picture together.

The subject matter these three talked about was considered far-right conspiracy insanity in 2017, but it is just as true today as it was back then. And now they are talking about it on National TV, with conviction. Same with widespread pedophilia, human trafficking, Hollywood sex cults, corruption at the highest levels of the DOJ/FBI/CIA, Twitter censorship and targeting of conservatives, the Biden Laptop, media corruption, vaccine efficacy/safety, C19 death/infection numbers, nazis and biolabs in Ukraine, etc etc. The list goes on and on. Once formerly unfathomable accusations have been slowly accepted as fact.

I fear many of us just don’t recognize it because it has been normalized in a slow and digestible fashion. Many don’t see the normies waking up because they expect it all to happen at once in one mass event, and that’s just not how the mission is being conducted. It will continue to be slow, incremental, controlled, methodical, and damn near imperceptible. As it is designed to be.

In order for a human to remember something, it takes approximately 27 repositions to be permanently drilled into ones brain.

This battle will not be won with one strike. It will be death by a thousand cuts.

Ghislaine Maxwell's father Robert fell from his yacht and died in what was deemed 'an accident'.

Her partner in crime Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in jail in what was deemed a 'suicide'.

Her friend and accomplice Jean-Luc Brunel was also found dead in jail in what was also deemed a 'suicide'.

NOW, seven years after he disappeared, Maxwell's con-man brother in law's mysterious death was ALSO ruled to be a... guess what... a suicide. 🔥🔥🔥

Mysterious death of Ghislaine Maxwell's con-man brother-in-law is finally declared a suicide SEVEN YEARS after he jumped to his death from a 100-ft. cliff in France

When people bring up my past...I say

"Wow, that's mild compared to how bad I really was"

God can forgive anyone

I don't even try to take up for myself anymoar

As long as I am plugged in....the Holy Spirit is too much help for the atmosphere of this world to handle

You know the good guys are in control when there’s not a lot of noise on Easter.

Whoever they may be or wherever they are, it must be tough fighting a silent war.

God Bless those heroes.

Speciaal voor de trollen:

Random musing; I don’t care how intelligent or brilliant someone may be. If you constantly treat others like shit, I’ll have zero respect for you. Zero. Tearing others down to placate your own misery is low-grade sewer drain behavior.

Brian Cates- You really need to move on. Stay in Your lane- Politics. You know Nothing about Medical or Big Pharma. Move On.

I researched what happens to snake venom in the water.

If Ardis didn't do that before he appeared in a video that got MILLIONS OF VIEWS where he claimed people were being poisoned by the water, that's his problem.

Stomach acid breaks down snake venom and renders it harmless.

He didn't do his due diligence.

Then on top of that, he turned out to have rather novel view of President Trump, something that, if most of the audience had known beforehand, they would've been more hesitant to grant instant authority figure status.

Save your advice about what I need to do or talk about or report on.

Peer pressure doesn't work on me, something I've been happy to prove to thousands of people over the years.

If Stew Peters and "Dr." Bryan Ardis has done any real testing, if they'd subjected the "poisoned by snake venom in the water" hypothesis to any standard of medical or scientific scrutiny, they would've never advanced some of the claims they made in "Watch The Water".

Ardis has now already turned on Stew Peters, claiming he was taken out of context or had a speculation blown up into the main point of the video.

This is why you have to be careful who you grant -or are told to grant - authority figure status.

Either through sheer incompetence or in a hurry to get clicks and rake in $$$ from a new supplement line, nobody seems to have stopped and tested the speculations and theories first before putting them out there in a hyped-to-the-moon video that ended up confusing a lot of people.

The fact Ardis was already backing off his venom in the water supply claims the very next day in an interview with Ann Vandersteel tells you how stable these claims are.

But if my asking hard questions and covering this makes you uncomfortable, let me go on the record here:




Ook in onze kringen (is mij ook meermaals overkomen) dat beroep op 'gezag/autoriteit/expertise' gekoppeld aan een titel. Wie die titel niet heeft zou geen recht van spreken hebben. Bloedirritanf dit.


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