The Great Awakening

Predictive programming in video games. Area 51 - 2005

"Some have called our plans a luciferian conspiracy, but they will not say such things after the coming of the new God. They will hold their tongues not because they've had a change of heart, but because they'll have rotted out from the inside.

The chips we've implanted in the majority of the population under guise of vaccinations, allow us to watch the watchers. Now, how could anyone say the pact was a bad thing?"

Keep listening. It gets... telling.
Especially the SARS part.

This video game was sponsored by the USAF. 😳

All this spying our government is doing & they can't seem to find all these missing children that just disappear every year? 🤔

Klaus Schwab's top advisor for WEF,
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari :

"What do we need so many (useless) humans for? The best guess we have, is keep them happy with drugs & video games."

This has been the tactic for them to push forward with amassing global control ; Distractions

Flood our country / streets with drugs & keep as many people strung out as possible & so out of touch with reality, they'll never see the traps being set against our nation & its freedom loving people

Children & teenagers are so embedded in Fortnite, they can't even tell what they're being taught in school, is indoctrinated bullshit.

Cabal tech companies platform gaming streamers not just for generating revenue, but to push kids to stay on video games, stream, & make a career out of it too.

Meanwhile, our citizens are being poisoned, our money being laundered, our children trafficked, war propaganda is pumped out 24/7 & the citizens are under guided compliant sedation.

Seeing ppl strung out makes me HATE my govnt.

Notice how he says the FDA hates him more than any one person.
I already know people are going to get triggered by Trump's comment here and I'm going to explain it one more time.
The Great Reset hinged on the vaccine taking 5 years to produce.
They literally wrote this plan down.
Think about that.
They would slow roll the ghey vaccine and shut down the economy for good which would have absolutely devastated the world. If you read between the lines: Trump stopping the Great Reset DID save millions of lives. He forced [them] to produce their ghey vaccine years before their intended original plan by producing his own. He knew he couldn't stop them so he did what he had to do.
Now we are entering into something like a soft reset rather than the devastating hard great reset.
The world is changing and there's no going back. The alternatives were MUCH more painful than what we are experiencing now. Never forget that anons.


UNHINGED: Barack Hussein Obama goes on psychotic rant, claims people are dying because of “misinformation”

Will exposure of crimes against children finally unite us?

FTA: Peter Schweizer wrote a bombshell investigative exposé in 1999 on Walt Disney World called “Disney: The Mouse Betrayed”.

The explosive book caught the eye of Brian Ross, ABC’s top investigative reporter. He landed an exclusive contract with the publisher of the book and quickly began working with Schweizer on a piece for the news show 20/20.

Schweizer’s book alleged very serious safety and hiring problems at Florida’s Walt Disney World, and also centered on mass corruption, greed, and children at risk.

The 20/20 piece focused on the book’s claim that Walt Disney World neglected to perform proper security checks that would have prevented the hiring of sex offenders, as well as allegations that the park had a serious “peeping Tom” problem.

And as you’d expect from Schweizer’s work, the book included copies of police reports from alleged pedophiles who were working at the park.

Hillary panic!

Do you think the timing of this is a coincidence? Obama said something similar today as well.

Seems like the hammer is about to drop and the entire world will soon know about their entire criminal enterprise. They are desperate to stop the flow of information. It won’t work.

Renegade: “Right here in the United States of America, we just saw a sitting President deny the clear results of an election and help incite a violent insurrection at the nation’s Capitol.”

So much panic.

Why are they so infatuated with repeating their big lie? They see the writing on the wall. More & more evidence (example: True the Vote videos) comes out every day.

We the People know they stole the election and now they are losing control of the narrative.

Biggest fear = public awakening.

Sergeys Lavrov's response to Zelensky's allegation that Russia plans to deploy tactical nukes by highlighting his drug usage.

"He says many things. Depends on what he drinks or what he smokes."

Hahah. Anons know.
The media won't tell you this though.

Disney stock hit a 17 month low today.

Groomers having a terrible week.
The Great Awakening is on the rise.


Imagine this scenario.
Clinton gets in 2016. They release covid or any other virus like they wrote down and planned. They slow roll the vaccine. Sheep do not have the will power to resist. They allow it for multiple years. Then they release another much worse virus from a biolab in Ukraine. They blame Russia. Nuclear war looms.
Think about how much worse it could be. It could be so much worse.
God is delivering us.
He's already accomplished so much I'm convinced of it.
Do you agree?

How you know anons truly are becoming the news now:
Not a single mainstream news station will tell the truth about Russia/Ukraine. Not one.
Not Newsmax. Not Fox. And certainly not CNN.
The only mainstream reporter I've seen tell the truth is Lara Logan and she was literally kicked off the air.
A man may have just been kidnapped and assassinated by literally Ukrainian nazis and the media won't say a word.
We've truly been separated from the entire mainstream now in a way like I've never seen before.
The news has become beyond fake. When you finally see through them there's no way you unsee it. It's simply impossible.
The mainstream media has never been more fake. Anons display a stark contrast in a world of fake news.
Truth is what matters.

The left spent months trying to get Spotify to fire Joe Rogan. Instead, the platform moved to get rid of the Obamas! 🔥🔥🔥

Spotify declines to renew Obamas podcast contract: report

'Spotify is reportedly showing the Obamas the door. '

'The move was not the former president's choice.'

'A hurdle the Obamas may face is their narrow commitment to each appearing in an eight-episode podcast,'

There is no longer any chance of simple "peaceful coexistence" with the baby murdering, border annulling, free speech crushing, child grooming, pedo enabling, NWO sympathizing, capitalist hating psychotic liberal political wing of American politics.

GOP leaders will grow a backbone and use ALL their power without mercy or hesitation to advance OUR America First agenda, like DeSantis is now doing in Florida, or they will be replaced with people who aren't traitors to our Constitution.

Ik persoonlijk denk dat we wel met een schok wakker gaan en moeten worden. Als het allemaal onopvallend gebeurt zullen de normies het niet gaan zien. Ze zullen hooguit zeggen dat ze dit toch wel zo wisten en dan hun schouders ophalen. Ze zullen er niet geschokt door raken omdat ze als het ware gevoelloos zijn geworden.
Ze moeten geraakt worden in hun emoties en alleen dan kan er actie tegen de Deep State ondernomen worden. Het volk moet opstaan. Gebeurt dat niet en blijft men apathisch, dan zal het allemaal weer in een herhaling gaan vallen en zijn we niet van de Deep State af.


Oh dat hoop ik ook en ik snap wat je zegt. Als over een paar maanden duidelijk wordt dat mondkapjes geen nut hebben gehad dan halen ze de schouders op omdat het momentum weg is. Tijdens de pandemie had ik onthullingen verwacht, dan was de schok groter geweest misschien. En als EBS ooit nog komt (wat dat dan ook is) dan zal dat vast een schok geven. (Shot heard around the world?)

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