The Great Awakening

Hillary, Obama, Biden and the other "darlings of the radical left" have recently all renewed their cries of concern about the dangers of disinformation because they don’t dare openly debate on the policies that are destroying our Republic.

They are running the operatives that regularly inject alarming disinfo into our movement.

First someone ramped up talk about the food plant fires. Immediately their operatives saw an opportunity and injected the idea that these were secret human meat plants (or poison in another version of the rumor) being burned down by the “good guys”. No evidence is ever offered or required for the nonsense of the week.

If your mind is so wide open that this kind of shit falls into it, and then you start repeating it in chat rooms you have become a PSYOP TOOL OF THE PEOPLE YOU HATE.

Because the next thing they do is share your nonsense with the people on the left as an example of how crazy we are, and it keeps their mind slaves in line.

If you’ll believe anything that fits your existing bias… YOU are expressing the very weakness that enabled THEM to get power over all of us in the first place.

Some of us have thrown off that weakness. Join us and stop believing the people who feed you clickbait.

Wake up to the next level of mental freedom.

Well meaning people keep repeating "facts" they heard from somebody and instantly accepted as reality.

Stop being an accidental carrier of mind-virus-disinfo.

Just because the enemy has plans doesn't mean they'll succeed and it doesn't mean there aren't people out there that you don't even know about who are actively trying to stop them.

Be prepared for anything, but don't worry about any of it.

Russian Collusion - Collapsed
dRumPfS rAciSt - Laughably Debunked
Covid Narrative - Collapsing
Fake News - Collapsing
Election Fraud - Being Exposed Daily
Medical World - Being Exposed Daily
CRT - Being Exposed Daily
Pëdôs/Groomers - Called out Daily
Left wing Policies - Failing Catastrophically on the World Stage

I think it’s safe to say The Great Awakening is Upon Us.

BioClandestine over bovenstaande post van Don Jr. op TS:

This TruthSocial post from Don Jr. is more significant than you might suspect. After a little analysis I’m baffled at what exactly is going on here. Let me explain how this post is actually worth a thousand words.

Firstly, for those that haven’t been on TruthSocial yet… it’s different. the comms from people in the Trump circle are exponentially more brazen than Twitter. Strategically disseminated from former government officials
who have since retired to the private sector, therefore less in the public eye and free to be more direct.

In addition, as far as I am aware, only TruthSocial users can see content on TruthSocial. Meaning only those who are vetted and off the waiting list can see these comms being put out from Don Jr., Scavino, Nunes, etc. Meaning normies and libs on all other social media aren’t going to see that Don Jr. put this out. Go check his Twitter, he didn’t make this post on that platform and he has 7.5 million followers there and a far inferior 500k followers on TruthSocial. Meaning, this post was just for us.

Also, take into account the timing of this post. This is right after huge updates, which they highly marketed, followed by a massive wave of users that were JUST let onto the platform in the past 24 hours. A lot of new eyes on, and all of them Trump supporters.

Now, that’s just the timing and reasoning behind the post, what about the actual content of the meme?

Well for those that need explanation, that is a silhouette of Pepe the Frog as a Samurai. Pepe has been adopted as a mascot for the Anon movement, and therefore was swiftly labeled as a “hate symbol” by the aforementioned “Trillion Dollar Propaganda Machine”.

By Don Jr. posting this, he is subject to being linked to the Anons, which comes along with the libelous labels of “crazy Qanon conspiracy theorist racist xenophobic white supremacist nazi transphobic”. The ADL and WaPo incel soyboys who have never felt the warmth of a woman’s touch, get push notifications every time I post, and they are reading this right now and furiously typing up their articles screeching that “Don Jr. is dog whistling to the conspiracy theorists!”.

The fact that Don Jr. is willing to cross this line, further confirms the escalation in brazenness of comms, and suggests that they will continue to get more brazen as we inch closer to the end game.

So yes, Don Jr., this picture did indeed say thousand words.


So the Hilary Campaign lawyers are attempting to utilize an insane defense strategy. They committed treason, and are claiming that they should not be prosecuted for their crimes because the case is “incoherent and too complicated for a jury to understand”.

This is why these high level crime organizations use so many proxies. To convolute and distort their network to make it difficult to discover and prosecute if they were to get caught. As well as obviously insulate the people at the top.

The Clinton legal team stooping to this level indicates they are running out of options. And the response from Durham was the legal equivalent of saying “That bullshit isn’t going to work, we caught you.”

He cited the Maxwell case as a legal precedent that there does not need to be a defined pact in writing to prove a “conspiracy”. Going on to cite the proof of the greater conspiracy network.

Pause. Clinton campaign lawyers have been indicted and are implicated in a literal “conspiracy” as per the US DOJ… The corrupt left-wing media simply refuse to acknowledge this reality. Therefore their sheep don’t know anything about this case and their sense of reality manipulated by the omission of fact.

Citing the Maxwell case was a not so subtle jab to the Clinton camp. It was a message. A not so friendly reminder that we are prosecuting their pedo friends in a highly complex federal conspiracy case as we speak. We are coming for all of them.

Everyone should feel incredibly motivated by the posture of the Durham team and their no-nonsense approach to this case. Don’t get discouraged just because you don’t see headlines on MSM. The Revolution will not be televised.


So the Hilary Campaign lawyers are attempting to utilize an insane defense strategy. They committed treason, and are claiming that they should not be prosecuted for their crimes because the case is “incoherent and too complicated for a jury to understand”.

This is why these high level crime organizations use so many proxies. To convolute and distort their network to make it difficult to discover and prosecute if they were to get caught. As well as obviously insulate the people at the top.

The Clinton legal team stooping to this level indicates they are running out of options. And the response from Durham was the legal equivalent of saying “That bullshit isn’t going to work, we caught you.”

He cited the Maxwell case as a legal precedent that there does not need to be a defined pact in writing to prove a “conspiracy”. Going on to cite the proof of the greater conspiracy network.

Pause. Clinton campaign lawyers have been indicted and are implicated in a literal “conspiracy” as per the US DOJ… The corrupt left-wing media simply refuse to acknowledge this reality. Therefore their sheep don’t know anything about this case and their sense of reality manipulated by the omission of fact.

Citing the Maxwell case was a not so subtle jab to the Clinton camp. It was a message. A not so friendly reminder that we are prosecuting their pedo friends in a highly complex federal conspiracy case as we speak. We are coming for all of them.

Everyone should feel incredibly motivated by the posture of the Durham team and their no-nonsense approach to this case. Don’t get discouraged just because you don’t see headlines on MSM. The Revolution will not be televised.


Had het al vertaald vanmorgen voor morgenvroeg, .... voor de rest van NL
Russian philosopher Dugin: "Either this area of the world will come under the omophorion of Christ and His Immaculate Mother, or it will remain under the dominion of Satan."

"The main battle from now on unfolds between the Russian Idea, the Catechon, the Orthodox Civilization, and the world of the Western Antichrist, coming at us."

"Maybe we were counting on a more restrained reaction from Kiev and the West. The West would impose sanctions and limit itself to that, while Kiev, realizing that it was losing, would throw out the white flag. That's how it should have been in the context of cold political realism."

"But that's not how it went. The West is acting more aggressively than it could, and Zelensky is in a strange ecstatic state that cannot be explained by drugs."

"This is no longer politics, but apocalyptic plots turning into reality."

Wars are terrible. What I'm trying to show here is the Russian mindset at its finest. Dugin is a philosopher 'without quotation marks'. He is the real deal in the sense that he will transmit their worldview. And there it is, he called several times for a Great Awakening, and calls the de-nazification of Ukraine a battle against Satan. This is not the unwinable never-ending wars. This is the first salvo in the war against Satan.

"Save our kids" is now a mainstream chant at Trump rallies.
It's always been about saving the children. Anons knew long ago.
Now mainstream MAGA is catching up.
The Awakening is right on course.

Trump systematically exposed the mainstream media, the corrupt voting system/machines, the Rhinos, the infiltration, socialism, their desire to come after our children, and the two tiered justice system.
America and the world are waking up.
The only way we could have protected future generations is by allowing the world to experience the time of temporary pain. But make no mistake. Joy is coming. This heartache was not for nothing. It will pay off in big dividends. Listen to Trump when he says the best is yet to come. He knows.

Welcome to Q SCHQQL

The Bible says that we overcome evil with good. With practical application, Brian will help you understand not only the intensified warfare environment in which we live, but also how you can help unleash God's goodness in the world. You'll learn how to re-equip and wield the weapons God has given you and how to walk in your authority in Jesus Christ.

For "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." It's time to stand up and fight, to bring hope and light to these turbulent days and join Jesus in the triumph of good over evil.

Join Q SCHQQL Sunday April 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM EST and learn from Itinerant Minister BRIAN FENIMORE

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One of the blessings of building a close relationship with God is divine protection. God is helping all of us to get closer to him and to each other, it’s working, the prayer and fasting is working, blessings prayers they’re working, in the enemies not happy about it. So what do we do
When the enemy strikes through someone close to us? recognize it’s not them, it’s the enemy working through them. And James 4:7 says resist the devil and he will flee from you.
You will see that happen you see we are in a spiritual battle and we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
So the good news is it’s working! we’re all getting closer to God and we are not ignorant of the devils devices.
God is taking us higher and we are getting stronger by the grace of God!
I am so godly proud of you and yes you are awesome in God!
Love & light JD

Never forget that Pharoah believed in his heart that he would keep God's children in slavery even to the last moment when the water came crashing down on all of his power. He was left with absolutely nothing and he didn't even see it coming. Only those with faith can see the signs.
These Pharoahs won't know what hit them when God brings his justice.
The story isn't finished yet.

"JoRdAn'S a DiViDeR!"

We should be dividing ourselves away from the grifters, frauds, and controlled opposition shills, right?

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