The Great Awakening

In 1775 after Lexington, Concord and the Siege of Boston there was a Buzz in America, a LOT of talk of the regular Citizens of America rising up and taking this land from the Tyrants who ruled over it.

They were Confident! People rose up everywhere, became leaders, many citizens bought in. They were gonna take this land and there was nothing they could do about it! As simple as that!

They met in Philadelphia, made Washington Commander in Chief, Declared their Independence and rejoiced!

Everything felt great. Comfy (to the normal citizens, I'm sure Washington and such knew better) Aug 1776 The British smashed Washington's army in Brooklyn... chased them for months, beating them all the way up through Manhatten and by October they were beating them in Westchester... The Continental Army barely made it over to New Jersey where they were pursued and beaten for more months until they finally made it over the Delaware to Pennsylvania..

The Army was half destroyed. People were quitting, it was clearly over... moral was at zero, people were beaten down and pointing the finger angrily at the people who sold them on this, including Washington.

This was Mid December 1776.

This is where WE are now. In the beginning it was exciting, we were hitting them every day, ripping the veil off, exposing their seedy under world and the inner workings of their Tyrannical Machine...

There was a Buzz in America, a LOT of talk of the regular Citizens of America rising up and taking this land from the Tyrants who ruled over it.

We were Confident! People rose up everywhere, became leaders, many citizens bought in. We were gonna take this land and there was nothing they could do about it! As simple as that!

We met on the Q boards, led by Trump, our Commander in Chief, Declared that this was the slow destruction of the old guard!

Everything felt great. Comfy (to the normal citizens, I'm sure Trump and such knew better) Jan 2020 They hit us with a Pandemic. A literal Bio weapon and smashed us with it for months, taking our jobs, forcing lockdowns... masking our identies and by June they were rioting in the streets of every city, torching them and smashing them to bits.. by November they stole the election from Trump and throughout 2021 worked to cripple us with inflation

The Q movement has been hurt. People've been quitting, to them its clearly over... moral for many is at zero, people are beaten down and pointing the finger angrily at the people who sold them on this, including Trump (and myself)

I'm not saying I know how this is going to end... but. It was at that lowest moment that Thomas Paine Wrote His Classic: "American Crisis" about the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot... On Dec 25 1776... at the lowest point of the war, with people quitting, turning on each other Washington took who was left and crossed the Deleware, trekked through icy and snow to Trenton where they destroyed the Hessians, then to Princton where they beat back the British breathing new life into their movement! It took years of fighting after that but they won! And created the Greatest Nation in the history of the damn world!

People don't realize how close it was to all being over.

I don't know what our Washington crossing the Delaware moment will be but I can assure you that this is not over. These are the dog days. I wanted it to be over by now too. I wanted to beat them at the battle of Brooklyn and be done with it. They hit back and hit back hard. But we are still standing!!!! We made it to Pennsylvania (Truth Social & Pilled) now is the time to take Trenton! (Possibly the midterms?) To take Princeton! Monmouth! Saratoga! Cowpens!! We took their best and survived. Now is not the time to lose hope... to turn on each other... if youre pissed, good!!! Me too!! Dont take your anger out on your fellow patriots, take your anger out on liberal threads via vetted information dumps. Calm cool and collected, dont argue, just politely destroy whatever poisonous liberal narrative they are pedaling with factual information and then leave.

If we ALL start doing this it will be devastating... This is how we break through because now is not the time to give up... its now or never. These next few years will determine the entire Course of Humanity.

If we win, We can remake this back into the Greatest Country in the history of the world. Expose them, Redpill Frens, Swamp the internet with Vetted Factual Information that is undeniable to even the smuggest liberal!! Once the Deep State loses their base, they lose the war. This is a battle for the minds of the American Citizen. We Battle with Truth and Honorable Hearts. They Battle with Degeneracy and Subversion.
And Light always defeats the dark...

Where We Go 1 We Go All

In 1775, na Lexington, Concord en het Beleg van Boston, was er een Buzz in Amerika, veel gepraat over de gewone burgers van Amerika die in opstand zouden komen en dit land zouden afnemen van de tirannen die er de scepter zwaaiden.

Ze waren vol vertrouwen! Overal stonden mensen op, werden leiders, veel burgers kochten zich in. Ze zouden dit land innemen en er was niets wat ze er tegen konden doen! Zo simpel was dat!

Ze kwamen bijeen in Philadelphia, maakten Washington opperbevelhebber, verklaarden hun Onafhankelijkheid en verheugden zich!

Alles voelde geweldig. Comfortabel (voor de gewone burgers, ik weet zeker dat Washington en zo beter wisten) 17 augustus De Britten verpletterden Washingtons leger in Brooklyn... achtervolgden hen maandenlang, versloegen hen helemaal tot in Manhatten en tegen oktober versloegen ze hen in Westchester... Het Continentale Leger haalde New Jersey nauwelijks, waar ze maandenlang werden achtervolgd en verslagen...

Het leger was half vernietigd. De mensen gaven op, het was duidelijk voorbij... Het moreel was nul, de mensen waren verslagen en wezen boos naar de mensen die hen dit hadden verkocht, inclusief Washington.

Dit was midden december 1776.

Dit is waar wij nu zijn. In het begin was het opwindend, we raakten ze elke dag, scheurden de sluier af, onthulden hun louche onderwereld en de innerlijke werking van hun tirannieke machine...

Er was een Buzz in Amerika, veel gepraat over de gewone burgers van Amerika die in opstand kwamen en dit land afnamen van de tirannen die erover heersten.

We waren vol vertrouwen! Overal stonden mensen op, werden leiders, veel burgers trapten erin. Wij zouden dit land innemen en zij konden er niets aan doen! Zo simpel was dat!

We kwamen samen op de Q-borden, onder leiding van Trump, onze opperbevelhebber, verklaarden dat dit de langzame vernietiging was van de oude garde!

Alles voelde geweldig. Gemoedelijk (voor de normale burgers, ik weet zeker dat Trump en dergelijke beter wisten) Jan 2020 Ze raakten ons met een Pandemie. Een letterlijk Bio-wapen en verpletterden ons er maandenlang mee, namen onze banen af, dwongen ons tot lockdowns... maskeerden onze identiteiten en in juni waren ze in de straten van elke stad aan het rellen, staken ze in brand en sloegen ze aan stukken... in november stalen ze de verkiezing van Trump en werkten ze het hele jaar 2021 om ons te verlammen met inflatie

De Q-beweging is gekwetst. Mensen zijn gestopt, voor hen is het duidelijk voorbij... het moraal is voor velen nul, mensen zijn verslagen en wijzen boos met de vinger naar de mensen die hen dit verkocht hebben, inclusief Trump (en mijzelf)

Ik zeg niet dat ik weet hoe dit gaat eindigen... maar. Het was op dat dieptepunt dat Thomas Paine zijn klassieker schreef: "American Crisis" over de zomersoldaat en de zonnepatriot... Op 25 december 1776... op het dieptepunt van de oorlog, met mensen die afhaakten, zich tegen elkaar keerden, nam Washington die over was en stak de Deleware over, trok door ijs en sneeuw naar Trenton waar ze de Hessians vernietigden, daarna naar Princton waar ze de Britten terugsloegen en hun beweging nieuw leven inbliezen! Het kostte jaren van vechten daarna, maar ze wonnen! En creëerden de grootste natie in de geschiedenis van de verdomde wereld.

De mensen beseffen niet hoe dichtbij het was dat alles voorbij was.

Ik weet niet hoe Washington de Delaware zal oversteken, maar ik kan u verzekeren dat het niet voorbij is. Dit zijn de zware dagen. Ik wilde ook dat het nu voorbij was. Ik wilde ze verslaan bij de slag om Brooklyn en er klaar mee zijn. Ze sloegen terug en sloegen hard terug. Maar we staan nog steeds!!!! We hebben Pennsylvania bereikt (Truth Social & Pilled) nu is het tijd om Trenton in te nemen! (Mogelijk de midterms?) Om Princeton in te nemen! Monmouth. Saratoga. Cowpens!! We namen hun beste en overleefden. Nu is niet de tijd om de hoop te verliezen... om ons tegen elkaar te keren... als je boos bent, goed!!! Ik ook!! reageer je woede niet af op je mede patriotten, reageer je woede af op liberale onderwerpen via doorgelichte informatiedumps. Kalm, koel en beheerst, geen ruzie maken, gewoon beleefd het giftige liberale verhaal dat ze vertellen vernietigen met feitelijke informatie en dan vertrekken.
Als we dit allemaal gaan doen zal het verwoestend zijn... Dit is hoe we doorbreken, want nu is niet de tijd om op te geven ... het is nu of nooit. Deze komende jaren zullen de hele koers van de mensheid bepalen.

Als we winnen, kunnen we dit terug veranderen in het Grootste Land in de geschiedenis van de wereld. Ze ontmaskeren, de Frens oplichten, het internet overspoelen met gecontroleerde, feitelijke informatie die zelfs voor de zelfvoldane liberaal onweerlegbaar is. Zodra de Diepe Staat hun basis verliest, verliezen ze de oorlog. Dit is een strijd om de gedachten van de Amerikaanse burger. Wij strijden met de waarheid en eerbare harten. Zij strijden met ontaarding en ondermijning.
En het licht verslaat altijd het donker...

Where We Go 1 We Go All
America is being destroyed by domestic enemies. Decades of demoralization and socialist (academic/media/political) inbreeding has induced an intellectual coma. Our political class has committed high treason destroying America from within in-lieu of a perverse globalist dictatorship.

Our military is neutered. Soldiers should learn to kill/project fear on enemy and not critical race theory.

Covid shots increased soldier death by 1100%. Best soldiers have been purged from service.

Wake up and resist tyrannical mandates.

This is mind blowing. The impact of the Twitter buyout is going to be colossal as it pertains to waking normies. It’s already begun.

Check out the normies’ beloved MSNBC accidentally red pilling boatloads of their sheep 😂

MSNBC just said the quiet part out loud. They just admitted that with control of a large social media platform, you can censor and dilute the message of opposing political candidates and their followers to maximize your political reach and deafen the opposition. Saying it can alter elections and you wouldn’t find out about it until long after the race is over. Notice how they fail to mention this is exactly what happened with the the Hunter Biden Laptop story that labeled “Russian disinformation”…

Notice how the liberal media complex refused to recognize this reality, conveniently, until the day Elon finalized the deal. NOW they are enraged about it since this power no longer lies in their hands. They were completely okay with this power so long as they had it.

As I stated before, the enemy is sloppy when under duress. Apply pressure and they are prone to mistakes. As you can see, Elon taking Twitter is a lot of pressure on them, and in their impulsive, emotionally charged responses such as this one, they will slip up and spill some beans they weren’t supposed to spill.

It also confirms all these left-wing media types are actual fascists, by definition. They support the State controlling private enterprise, so long as they are the ones who get to do the discriminating, shaming, intimidating and censoring. They don’t even know they are fascist because they don’t know the definition of the word, but I digress.

Also, keep in mind the very idea that elections can be altered by media and big tech, was considered a conspiracy theory until today. Now that they don’t have the power to do it, it’s now the “greatest threat to our Democracy”.

Anyways, you all said you wanted normies to wake up? This clip right here just made a bunch of them have an internal conversation with themselves, and it’s the main left-wing normie channel so it has maximum impact.

YUGE amounts of winning.


You want proof normies are waking up?

Pat McAfee is the one of the most listened to sports podcasts in America. 1.83 million subscribers on YouTube. Each video does around 100k-300k views. 5th most listened to sports podcast on Spotify. Pat McAfee’s reach is huge. And here they are for 12 minutes on their show, talking about the Elon Musk Twitter takeover.

This video is a great representation of the dialogue every normie is having pertaining to this subject. A great observation tool to see where normies are at in their understanding. Some general subjects McAfee questioned were:

-Elon Musk claims Twitter is a tainted platform?
-He wants to restore freedom of speech?
-Why did it stop in the first place?
-Why is one side of the aisle and the media so mad about this?
-Why is this political?

All of these thought processes will lead normies down a path to seek answers to these questions, which will lead many of them to understanding that Twitter was used as a political weapon.

And thus a new batch of curious minds are on the loose, seeking answers. And that’s what this is all about. Self discovery.

Twitter + Starlink + Lightning Network…

Means cutting banks and fundraisers out of being middlemen in a lot of situations.

Direct threat to bankers and nations planning on social credit score systems.

Look for them to counter swiftly (pun intended). I don’t think the usual suspects can allow this to exist without a fight. 👀

Hillary and others calling for the world to accelerate their new social media controls is about more than blocking speech.

They NEED people dependent on government handouts and universal basic income by 2030…

There's a lot of people who can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to what's happening in the world right now.

This isn't how the enemy acts when they are rising in power. It's how they act when it is slipping from their grasp.

If you have the power, you don't have to lie.

If you have the power, you don't have to cheat.

If you have the power, you don't panic.

Alexander the Great never had to lie to anybody. He just took whatever he wanted.

The globalists are behaving like a wounded animal backed into a corner. Is a wounded animal still dangerous? Sure. But only because they know all of their other options are gone.

This is the devil's swan song, he knows his time is almost up.

They lost a huge media influence yesterday. The weapon of censorship is very real and lethal. How many people do you know voted for Biden but call you crazy when you tell them about Hunter Biden? Because they never even saw it. Or they fell for the lie that it was Russian Disinformation.

Yesterday was huge. Now we have to see how Elon reacts and moves but the simple fact he is promoting “free speech” is of the upmost importance. The media empire is falling one day at a time. Trump has a war chest and track record that looks like he’s about to massively crush both chambers of congress in red white and blue Patriots.

What a time to be alive.

I am very optimistic about the future. It is in our hands to expedite the revelation of the true narrative.

The world will be filled with knowledge of God like the water covers the seas.

In years past the enemy did as they pleased.
They operated occult sex trafficking islands and no one batted an eye. They posted photographs of the security cameras of their cult as if to say: what are you going to do to stop us?
They assassinated whoever they wanted and sheep refused to see the truth in front of their face.
Yet Trump came on the scene and changed everything.
Their schemes have been exposed. Their color revolutions are no longer hidden in plain sight.
Everyone knows how corrupt the swamp is. Babylon is exposed and if you have even the slightest bit of discernment you can see this for yourself.
Now we see that Durham is closing in closer and closer. Obama and Clinton are begging for internet censorship. Klaus Schwab is "predicting" internet blackouts. These are the signs of desperation. Their cult is not used to losing but they better get used to it quickly. Because the Great Awakening is just getting going and nothing will stop it. Nothing can stop the wheels of justice now.

DAILY MAIL: Financial records reveal Joe Biden had $5.2 million in unexplained income -- as emails show he paid Hunter's legal fees for his deal with a Chinese government-controlled company.

April showers!

I love that many of the Leftwing sheep & nutjobs are self-deleting their twitter accounts.

Do you know why?

Because they’re unknowingly unplugging from one of the biggest sources of brainwashing on the planet, because its no longer going to be the carefully controlled leftwing echo chamber they require to preserve their programmed core beliefs.

This will strip them of a large portion of the psychological programming thats damaged them, & it will result in them having to face reality to some greater degree.

These people are sick.


Laatst bewerkt:
Anyone else have an overwhelming sense of calm after all these habbenings?

It’s weird how this sensations tends to
happen after hitting rock bottom. I feel the scare event is behind us.

Dar gevoel heb ik ook. Het voelde zeer zwaar en duister voor Pasen, maar het is overduidelijk het feest van de Wederopstanding.

Laatst bewerkt:
Been a rough 2 years.

They took their best shot at us. Spent decades carefully positioning themselves for it.

We not only survived it, now it’s our turn.

We haven’t even really started yet and they are already in meltdown mode.

They thought they were getting ready to finish us off.

This is going to be Trump beating Hillary in 2016 x 1000


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