The Great Awakening

HOLY SHIT! The EU Commissioner, Thierry Breton, warns Elon “There are rules”, and he must follow them and listen to the EU about moderating content online. This is EXTREMELY telling.

First of all, what business does the EU have telling a private citizen of a non-European country, what he can and cannot do with his privately owned company? The EU can fuck right off. If they want to ban Twitter from individual countries, be my guest, but Elon doesn’t have to do shit. And he’s not concerned about your 6% fine for not listening to your bullshit rules. We have “fuck-you money” on our side now.

But why is this so significant? It proves the FEAR of free speech introduced to Twitter, from GLOBAL AND FOREIGN oligarchs and establishment. As now, someone they do not control, now controls what their sheep will be exposed to on the internet. Which they can’t have happen if they want to remain in power. Mass awakening ends their reign.

This also proves that the ongoing attack on conservatism and free speech is GLOBAL. And the control over US elections and public relations is part a GLOBAL agenda. A GLOBAL entity is at work to keep people across the planet blind to the truth of what’s happening to this world.

Not that we needed it, but it’s just more proof that the deep state/Illuminati/globalists exist, and they are at war with Freedom of Speech. And they are very very concerned about the introduction of Free Speech, almost as if they have something to hide that they don’t want us talking about…

Well they don’t want us talking about anything at all, but the biggest secret they are aiming to keep, is everything pertaining to C19. They can’t let people like me command the airwaves, spreading the truth that world governments conspired to create biological weapons and released it on the populace to generate government emergency powers, implement a one world global government and complete totalitarian control of all aspects of human life, under the guise of “public safety”.

THATS why the EU are freaking out and issuing these statements. Because Free Speech poses an impassable obstacle to their operation. As soon as the public knows that C19 was man-made, and that factions within many world governments are coordinating the creation of more biological weapons and can create “pandemics” on command… it’s over. Even the most brainwashed of sheep won’t be able to rationalize that. They will all wake up.

And think about how Free speech on the internet ties into the Russian military operation in Ukraine, and how the EU and NATO are represented by the same countries. How it behooves the countries of the EU and NATO to maintain their control of what information people are allowed to see, as both Russia and China are still accusing NATO and the US of creating biological weapons.

It all ties together and they are telling you with their actions how important control of information is to their operation of keeping the world populace brainwashed.

You best start believing in Orwellian Dystopias… you’re in one.


Conspiracy theorists have been telling the world. We've been screaming it from thr mountaintops that their are Satanists embedded within our society and the battle is good vs evil.
The more they expose themselves the easier it is for us to red pill the sheep and the faster babylon can fall. Light is shining and their will be nowhere to be hide soon.

I've spoken about the 4-6% many times.

The 4-6% that are gone forever. The progressive left.

Although 5% of the US population is a relatively small number, it still equals 20 to 30 million people.

Leaving 300 million of us who are roughly on the same page whether we know it or not.

But the real question is WHY is the majority of the population oblivious to the fact that the progressive left is the extreme minority?

The answer should be obvious.


These entities purposely amplify the voices of the insane.

It doesn't matter that they are outnumbered 20 to 1.

The algorithms and the network heads make damn sure that all Americans see day after day is how degenerated our society has become and how much "support" there is for CRT, LGBTQ, Black lives matter, Green energy, Ukraine, etc.

Smoke and mirrors.

Divide and conquer.

The Biden admin is a perfect example of this.

The man has had a 30% approval rating since last year, battles severe dementia, the Military ignores him and he doesn't have access to the White House.

Yet the MSM and Big Tech have been able to convince the majority of this country that Joe is in control and still has plenty of support from his "base".

A MASSIVE part of this entire scheme to fool Americans has been the progressive echo chamber known as Twitter.

Twitter has quite literally been a site mainly comprised of bots, algorithms and celebrities that are used to plant mental seeds and then reinforce those ideas with boatloads of fake support.

The average person sees that a thought from someone they admire has exploded with likes and will therefore be likely to adapt that line of thinking regardless of their true beliefs on the subject.

For many people it feels good to be part of the "majority".

For others it's important to support anything that goes against Conservative values or Donald Trump.

The election steal being nonsense, the J6 insurrection, Russiagate, Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation...

All of these false narratives were spread like wildfire on Twitter. Any dissenting opinion was banned.

For the past year, Twitter has essentially become a place for progressives to receive their daily marching orders on what to think and who to hate.

It's a gigantic brainwashing mechanism that propagates the liberal agenda and produces a mirage of equalness between the two political parties that simply doesn't exist.

The soul of America has not changed.

The United States has ALWAYS been overwhelmingly Conservative.

Cali is RED.

Democrats don't "win" elections.

However, the weapons these vile creatures use to stay in power are dropping left and right...

Left wing media outlets are dead.
Election rigging is exposed.
VOTER ID laws are being established.
People no longer follow the stars.
The liberal agenda is exposed.
We The People are rediscovering our true power.

Twitter truly was their last hope.

And now it's gone...

The TRUTH is truly a force of nature.

What do I personally believe is happening?

Durham lurking. Elon buying Twitter. Covid completely collapsing. More and more exposure and boomerangs of the deep state every single day …

I believe we are in control to the fullest extent possible. I believe [they] still have moves to make, and I believe they will bring all they can to stop us/it. (We all know nothing can stop it, though).

The walls continue to close in. The pieces continue to come off the board. Everyday more and more comes together like a divinely designed puzzle in which only the future can prove the past.

As hard as it has been, and as much as they will try to stop it, I truly believe in my heart of hearts that the best is yet to come and so long as we keep the faith and hold the line - we will be handsomely rewarded with the return of this great country from the traitors currently “at the helm”.

Faith. Love. Hope. ✝️❤️🙏🏻

With that combination, we cannot lose.

Carry on, Patriots. Godspeed. 🇺🇸

On-ward. Time to move, on-ward.
From outer to inner, inner to upper. To transcend the trenching loops of Evil with Christ.

To see it, forgive it, and rise above it. Beyond carnal pain, righteous anger, and illusory fear.

To re-center our God-given Spirit within constitutionalized sovereignty; to harness the indomitable heritage, purpose, and honor of 246 years of God-blessed Independence and Natural Law.

The only of its kind Super Power in recorded history.

To operate with the peace of mind knowing that when heroes won in 2016's miracle election, they saved the world. They delivered on the promise and put into motion the invincible wheels of American Justice.

Now, We The People awakened (God's image) shall ensure its completion to finality. The great conspiracy cannot escape the coming judgment. We are beyond the point of no return.

Magna Carta, 1368.
Grand Jury, 5th Amendment.
[6th] branch of Government, equal in power:

CINC. MI Corps. Declass. Durham. Weiss. Legislators. We The People (elections and juries). Plenary Power.

TRANSPARENCY (and prosecution) is the only way forward.

Dark to Light.
Luke 17:21
God wins.

Q brought me closer to God than anything else ever has. And that, THAT is why [they] constantly attack attack attack. They hate God. It’s that simple.

I’m sorry… You thought this was gonna be easy? Tisk tisk. Evil never relinquishes it’s power without lashing out. Remember that the next time you wonder why this is “taking so long”.

The truth shall set you free. But first, it’s gonna shatter your illusions, comfort zone, cognitive dissonance, and every other pre conceived notion you’ve ever held. After that - it’s gonna beat the hell out of your ego and pride.

It’s gonna hurt.

It’s worth it, though. Promise. 😁

"This is a spiritual war"

The same entities that run & fund / control Hollywood, run Wall Street, America & most of the 🌍

They don't care about making movies. It's about power & control over YOU! Hollywood is just another Boulevard they steal our money at while making you feel WORTHLESS as you watch 'beautiful' rich celebs living lavishly.

They control how society is shaped.
Make you feel unimportant.
You aren't rich enough.
You aren't popular enough.
You aren't beautiful enough.

YOU give them their lavish lifestyles.
Without YOU, they're NOTHING!
YOU build their golden thrones & platforms they stand upon to piss on you!

[They] don't WORSHIP Gods & Godesses!
They want to invoke, become & REPLACE them.
They Abuse & utilize God's natural "LAW & ORDER" & metaphysics that we don't have access to

By making U feel undervalued, ur energy stays LOW.
Depression = Sickness.
If U don't feel like you're 'good enough' for society, you definitely won't feel good enough for God.
THAT is what they want

Most of us grew up watching the same TV shows/news, going to the same public schools, reading the same books, etc…yet, the majority of us seem immune to the brainwashing attempts by those whose primary goal is to have complete control over every aspect of our lives.

I truly believe those of us who have a strong relationship with God were given the gift of discernment & were spared fm the ill effects of the constant barrage of attacks against all that is good and decent.

In the end, God wins.

Heel herkenbaar dit.

John Durham is absolutely brilliant. He kept his head down and put in the work. Not only does he have EVERYTHING, the way he is going lay this out will be so simple for the American people to digest, especially when the Deep State is absolutely destroying itself right now.

Durham is coming, he is incredibly thorough and NCSWIC.

Panic in DC is in effect.

All 3 movies are playing.

Enjoy The Show.

If the truth about the 2020 election and January 6th were on their side they wouldn’t be raging about Elon Musk right now.

They know it gets MUCH darker than that. These people understand that if they cannot censor the truth, they’re all going to prison for us simply speaking about the truth.

You are watching rabid animals backed into a corner and we the everyday people are the hunters who have them trapped there. 🔥

YOU have more power than you know. 👊

Donald Trump has Truth Social and Elon Musk has Twitter.

We can see the stage being set for something BIG to drop without imposing censorship and having bots spread disinfo.

Here’s the question.

What’s going to happen with Facebook?

How will the White Hats play FB?

Facebook IMO is just as implicated, if not more implicated than [Twitter] is.


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