The Great Awakening

Dorothe ik denk ook steeds meer dat een democratie niet werkt sinds wat ik heb meegemaakt in de afgelopen twee jaar. En nu snap ik pas echt goed wat een oud-Griek (Plato) ook al beweerde in zijn boek ''De Staat'': (''Politeia''): dat een democratie niet werkt. Slechts een klein deel van de samenleving bestaat uit mensen die zich laat leiden door de rede.
Democratie = tirannie van de meerderheid.

Think about it.
When Trump got into power the deep state lost Saudi Arabia. The puppet strings were cut. According to Q, Hillary Clinton tried to make a deal. Q said no.
Ukraine remained though. Ukraine had biolabs. They had human trafficking. Soros controlled the country with ease. All was well. They had Covid. They had their plans but White hats were 17 steps ahead. Call it looking glass. Call it genius. Call it whatever you like. They knew what to do.
Putin and Xi hate the Satanists. They hate the NWO. Trump steps aside from the public eye. He's insulated. Putin can remove Ukraine from the chess board. They've lost their main hub.
Literally every deep state player reees. There is no second plandemic. Not yet at least. The biolabs are gone.
As Durham inches closer to arresting Hillary...Elon Musk takes over Twitter. Public Awakening is the goal. They can't censor as easily. What will they do now. Trump controls Truth Social as a second front.
We are looking at a dangerous animal trapped in a corner. All signs point towards the Queen piece (Clinton) falling and the normies being stunned awake. NCSWIC.

Just to clarify. When I say you're watching a movie that doesn't mean everything is fake.
When you watch a movie you're learning something, you're being taught lessons. If history is "His" "story" then that means we're watching God play out a story through life's happenings. A battle between good and evil. I'm sure there are many lessons in life but one of the main ones:
God deserves to be God over everyone else. Including [their] Luciferian god. Who they believe is God.
At the end of the day. They have no chance and God will and has proven it over and over.


We’ve taken a severe beating only to come back stronger, more red pilled, and with an even greater majority on our side.
They thought they had brought MAGA to our knees and silenced us but look at us now. Ultra MAGA activate!

Durham's getting ready to drop the hammer on the entire corrupt Clinton machine and the Fake News Media still can't find him. They don’t even even get to yell at him.

Awesome, no?

De enige democratie die echt werkt is een constitutionele republiek. Kijk naar de Deep State zij omarmen 'democratie' en HATEN het Amerikaanse experiment in zelfbestuur. Zegt genoeg, lijkt me.


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