The Great Awakening

We’re in a dangerous situation because Democrats are in trouble. They face a historic defeat in the midterms and they know it. They’re running out of plays. Let’s hope Democrats don’t get desperate and try to provoke Russia

Faith is an action, not a word. One must be blindfolded and put to the test to apply this action called faith. Faith is believing wholeheartedly that there is light at the end of the tunnel even when that light is no where to be found.

To those who “lost faith” — I highly doubt you ever had faith to begin with. And if you can’t find the courage to practice faith, latch onto someone who isn’t afraid.

Fear vs Faith

Now is the time to exercise faith as Americans.

Armor Up ⚔️


Voor die twijfelaars of ongelovigen het volgende artikel van Roosh V., voormalige 'player' die zichzelf verloor in de hoofdzondes van materislisme en lust:

Citaat dat mij in het bijzonder aansprak:

Ik heb het vertaald en doorgestuurd naar degenen die dit kunnen gebruiken 😉 dank voor het delen!
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Binc

My guess what the comms are in those 4 Bill Gates Tweets?

1. They're here. They've come for me and you won't be seeing me for awhile.

2. but I'm not cooperating, I'm fully immune to them. My support structure is sound so they can't pressure me into flipping.

3. We have countermeasures in place we've been working on for two years that are almost ready.

4. We're all working hard to make sure we never have to deal with someone like Trump ever again.

We are witnessing an unprecedented exposure. Babylon is being unveiled before your eyes.
The pain is real.
You are not alone in your frustration.
The key is to comfort each other and remember what where we go one we go all really means. It means we are a team working to get through this precipice.
Remember that your entire life you lived in this system. Only now has there been a true opportunity to see the end of the old guard. It may look like they have all the power but do not let them convince you of this.
God is on a mission. He will humiliate them. He will not and cannot lose. Babylon is destined to fall. Literally nothing will stop it. And you've been given front row seats to watch Him move in this hour.

It's perfectly natural to feel frustration and sadness when witnessing the evils of Babylon. Allow yourself to feel the pain but don't wallow there for too long. Look at God's solutions, look at heaven's answer. Because I assure you there is always a way through every impossibility. That's not what I think... that's what God says. We have a way through this mess and the shepherd has a way. It may seem like the odds are against us but the movie wouldn't be as riveting if there was no tension, if the good guys didn't have their backs against the wall only to win at the last second. God is ultimate story teller and we all get to play a part and watch what God does. This movie has a happy ending. And who will receive more joy than anons when we watch [their] downfall? No one. No one will take that away from us.

They carefully prepared the ground in the 5 key states...

They invested over 500 million dollars just in 501C charity money rigging the election against Trump...

And Trump was cruising to victory on election night ANYWAY.

This is what the blackpillers don't want you to remember. They need you to forget this so they can reach right in there and RIP YOUR BEATING PATRIOT HEART FROM YOUR CHEST and rob you of your courage.

The Democrats are **nowhere near where they were in November of 2020.


The blackpillers MUST HIDE THIS FROM YOU.

But they can't.

I won't allow it. I won't allow them to hide this from you.

The Democratic party must have a certain large number of their base turnout to vote in November.

With the turnout they got in 2020, they were forced to take drastic dramatic actions on election night to steal the victory from Trump.

The Democrats aren't going to get anywhere near that turnout in these coming midterms.

Meanwhile, a massive red wave continues to build, and former Democrats are MAKING IT EVEN BIGGER.

It's going to be Biblical.

I would argue that Trump was the Left’s biggest hero in regards to using him as a lightening rod to spur their goon squads to destroy the country and ultimately oust him with the stolen election. They had the motivation up until the Biden’s inauguration.

Here’s the thing though for all the black pillers. That has all changed now. We are in the middle of the second year with Biden and his base is leaving him and the Democrat party behind in droves.

The more Biden blames Putin and saying the pandemic isn’t over, we should be celebrating this rhetoric. Rhetoric like this is going to continue to drive the stake into the Dem’s heart even deeper. They can’t get their infrastructure bill done, voting rights and now abortion is being ripped away from them. They haven’t come through on 1 promise for their base. How do you think this is going to end for them?

They threw the entire kitchen sink at us in 2020 and barely squeaked out a win for Joe. You think the same outcome is gonna happen again this November and in 2024?

There will be most likely riots this summer but they will be paid goons or smooth brains thinking they are fighting for a noble cause most likely paid by Soros, NGO’s and nonprofits. People aren’t locked down anymore and majority of Americans want to move on with their lives.

Let the Dems show the world again they are the party of death, murder and sexualizing kids. Of course we will do our part to destroy these Commies in real time, but also let’s fan the flames of their demise they are inflicting on themselves.

Ultra Maga will carry on!


I’m going to break this one up into multiple posts with supporting docs and photos so you all can follow along. The Western world needs to see this.

Russian military recently dropped a new finalized report on the entire US Biological weapons scheme… They claim the the 4 masterminds atop the biological weapons network are Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, and George Soros. As well as 12 other NATO countries knew of and assisted the US in this operation to develop biological weapons. They also include the US pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna, and others.

It’s difficult to find legitimate western sources to share this information, as none of them are addressing this at all. Complete radio silence on Russia accusing the sitting president and past 3 Democrat president families of being responsible for C19 and the US biological weapons network in Ukraine. And the Chinese military are in agreement with Russia and their findings. Complete blackout on Western Media.

I am still trying to find translations of the entire briefing, but I can give you an overall synopsis while we wait on full translations.

THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO SEE THIS. This is why control of information is so important to them. Think control of Twitter. Think Disinformation Governance Board. They cannot have this information circulating. 2 nuclear superpowers just accused the Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, and George Soros of facilitating a scheme to utilize US DoD funds to create biological weapons in Ukraine, funneled through Hunter Biden and Rosemont Seneca through Metabiota, to create the pathogens, and then reap the money from vaccines to fund their political campaigns via Pfizer and Moderna, to further their stranglehold on information and ultimately all human life.

Here is the first page outlining the US plan to utilize drones to facilitate the unleashing of pathogens in aerosol canisters. I was made aware of this via @RedPill78 and John Mark Dougan back in February.

Now here we see the actual receipts and photo evidence of a biological facility in Ukraine. Hiding stashed biological material.

Pics on the top, looks like official English documentation of some sort that I cannot make out on the bottom. I will need to wait for transcripts to get full understanding, but the Russians claim this is the proof of US biological weapons and they have a lot more.

You’ll also notice this facility does not look secure at all. It’s not a laboratory, is a black site stash house with highly suspect equipment. Far beyond negligence when the result of these pathogens getting out is what we just experienced the past 2 years and (allegedly) killed 6.26 million people.

Now, think about the absolute magnitude of this. Russia and China are directly accusing the last 3 US democratic presidents, and George Soros, of conducting a multiple decades long plan to create a biological weapons network internationally, to create pathogens so they could unleash them on the public to gain world control, using their control of the media and use the BILLIONS from forced vaccination to supply their campaigns and maintain control of information, so their citizenry don’t find out about what is actually going on. Think about 2000 Mules and how the pathogens made way for this scheme and helps the DNC maintain control.

We are in the middle of WW3, and all of Western media is complete blackout. Not a single shred of reporting on it. Anywhere. In a real world, the allegations themselves would be taken seriously and the world populace should know about it. Even if they aren’t true, we would still need to know that 2 world nuclear superpowers are accusing the US of creating bioweapons and might want to retaliate for slaughtering their citizens for political gain.

I said it back in February, this isn’t the beginning of WW3, we are in the middle of it. C19 was first weapon fired. And it claimed (allegedly) 6.26 million lives. And Russia and China have evidence suggesting the “US Democratic Party” are responsible for creating and releasing this weapon.

Feels like “the precipice” to me.


Alright I had time to translate and found some photo recognition software to find out who all the logos represent. Let’s start with the big one. Thread in following post

Let me put this diagram in a paragraph format exactly as the Russian military are portraying it.

US Coordination of Biological Laboratories and Research in Ukraine

Ideologues: The following entities were facilitating the operation:

-Democratic National Party

-Barack Obama: Launched Biological Threat Reduction Program in 2005

-Hilary Clinton: Spearheaded the adoption of US strategy to counter biological threats and promoted legalization of Dual Use Research

-Joe Biden: Coordinated the activity of the Executors of the military biological program, involved in financial fraud in Ukraine

-George Soros: Major sponsor of military biological research in Ukraine and lobbyist for Big Pharma

Organized by the Executive Branch and Academic Centers: Aforementioned “ideologues” abused their positions to “set tasks” for Executive controlled agencies. Weaponizing these agencies to carryout the bidding of the ideologues. They are as follows:

-US Dept of State
-US Dept of Defense
-US Dept of Agriculture
-US Central Intelligence Agency
-US Threat Reduction Agency
-US Center for Disease and Control
-US International Development Agency
-US Army W. Reed Research Institute
-US Army Fort Detrick, Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases

Sponsors: Aforementioned US Agencies funneled their money through a series of Non-Government Foundations and Organizations, known as “Sponsors”. They were tasked with “Allocation of Funds” before directing them to the biological laboratories themselves. Otherwise known as “money laundering”. The Sponsors assisting in the money laundering scheme, are as follows:

-The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
-The Clinton Foundation
-Rosemont Seneca (Hunter Biden)
-Open Society
-Soros Fund Management
-Civil Research Development Fund
-The Rockefeller Foundation
-Ecohealth Alliance
-Pilot Growth

Executors in Ukraine: Aforementioned Sponsors “washed” the money being sent from US Executive Agencies, and sent them to the “Executors”. The actual biological facilities themselves. The labs were given “Funding for Dual Research”. They were tasked with:

-Creating elements of selective biological weapons
-Use of Ukraine as a bio-polygon
-Clinical Trials of New Medicine

The Executors involved are as follows:

-US Embassy in Ukraine
-Ukrainian Scientific and Technological Center
-Ukraine Ministry of Defense
-Ukraine Ministry of Health
-Black and Veatch
-Metabiota (Hunter Biden)
-CH2M Hill Jacob’s Engineering
-Skymount Medical

Pharmaceutical Corporations (Big Pharma): Aforementioned Executors would then traffic biological material and research to pharmaceutical companies. Sometimes directly, sometimes via US Armed Forces. The pharmaceutical companies would then create the “cures” for the masses, because they have the research to know how to do it, resulting in billions in profit. The pharmaceutical companies who received trafficked bioweapons research and material are the following.

-Dynport Vaccine
-Eli Lilly and Co.
-Merck and Co.

Of the tens of billions in profit from all of the endless injections, some is then kicked back to the Ideologues responsible for formulating the plot. They use the funds to finance their campaigns and maintain their control.

Edit: Shoutout to August, one of my followers, sent me a link to fully English translated version of the entire slide show. I will post the pictures as well and will breakdown the full translation. Link here

For those wondering, the slide show was presented by Russian Major General Igor Kirillov, Chief of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense.

I am still looking for a full, translated video but no luck. Here is a quick snippet from the briefing where you can clearly hear him saying “Pfizer, Moderna” and the slides I referenced earlier are also shown on screen behind him.

This was all released by Russian MIL

The issue I have with a lot of news channels is that it can be so wearing on your spirit to only look at what's happening in the natural right now. It can literally exhaust you and if we don't have the right perspective I think we will despair. Without faith and keeping our eyes focused on encouraging things while yes, acknowledging the battles we face, I believe the burden becomes too heavy.
Yes we all know that these are trying times are (anons more than anyone) but to tell people over and over again how difficult this is only makes it worse in many cases.
What we think upon changes our mindset. The enemy wants us all to believe that there is no bright future. This is his mantra.
Well I will not comply with this and I suggest everyone train your eyes to focus on God and the wins He is accomplishing both at a 40k foot level, the small everyday victories in your own life, and faith (which cannot be seen but is more powerful and potent of an ally that many give credit for).
Guard your minds.
Don't persecute yourself with constant negative news.
To put it simply, you don't need to put burdens on yourself that aren't meant for you. Be wise about what you put into your mind.

If I didn't know any better I'd say that Biden was the exact perfect person to be in place for this part of the Great Awakening. He shows the world that Presidents of the old guard were weak puppets with such clarity. He red pills the world/the sheep by being so extremely Idiotic/ constantly embarrassing himself that even those who pay no attention to the news or politics inherently sense the truth that was hidden for so long. What better way to red pill the world than to have the living embodiment of a puppet hold the supposed most powerful position in the world.
Now sheep are even beginning to wonder what's behind the curtain.
And now he's even giving Trump epic nicknames and leveling up our movement by calling us Ultra MAGA. How amusing.
God couldn't have picked a better person to play this role in the movie of the Great Awakening.
I'm convinced of it.


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