The Great Awakening

Just my opinion...
Depression is living in the past, the farther you dwell or live in the past the stronger the depression.
Anxiety is worrying of the future, whether it be long term future or simply worrying what to make for dinner.
Living in the moment is spiritual, and the sooner you can stop dwelling in the past or worrying about the future, the more rewarding and at peace you will be....
I know it's hard, every stronghold the devil has is hard to overcome.....but having faith doesn't make things easy, it makes them possible....put your trust in God.
If something bad happens right this second, the very next second puts it in the past. Keep yourself in the will thank yourself.
Remember, the Bible tells us the devil has already been defeated.
In order to win the war, the battle has to be started...we must take that step to start the battle....the devil will do what he can to create the fear so you won't take that step.
There is nothing to fear when God's hand is on your shoulder.
God bless

It's hilarious that some people have such a hard time accepting that Trump CONSTANTLY does and says things on the surface which seem odd, but behind the scenes or in hindsight were absolutely brilliant.

He's been doing this his entire life folks...and he's quite good at it.

How many of you were aware that Trump was an FBI informant back in the day?

The current military operation that we are living through wasn't the first time Trump had been asked to help take down a massive crime syndacite.

NYC mafia ✔
Atlantic City mafia ✔
Global Satanic Cabal...let's see what happens.

He's brilliant, charismatic, rich, patriotic, highly connected and clean as a whistle.

That's a deadly combination for his enemies.

I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge Justice Clarence Thomas.

A Patriot in the truest sense of the word.

Have you ever heard him bash the Constitution? The Flag? Our founding fathers, or this country? No.

Has he changed his tune amongst all the woke BS surrounding him - No, he has not.

He stands firm in his convictions, and he is one of the last institutional pillars we have standing between us, and complete totalitarianism.

He came from nothing and never once used his past as an excuse for sympathy.

To you, Mr. Thomas, we say thank you. Thank you for fighting for this country and all of us. God Bless you. 🙏🏻🇺🇸🙏🏻

Holy crap, I thought it was a joke but it’s TRUE?! A liberal think tank spent six months on focus group research to come up with “Ultra MAGA” as an ATTACK they thought would demoralize and embarrass us?

😁👉 “These people are stupid” 👈🤣

In honor of dumb ass Biden who called us ULTRA MAGA, and the dumb ass fake news reporters who get assigned to read my page on a regular basis... I've been officially upgraded from a mere Deplorable to an ULTRA Deplorable.

If this triggers you please delete all of your social media accounts, retreat to your nearest safe space, and pray to God requesting His divine assistance extracting your head from your ass.

Over de maansverduistering van vannacht:

Interesting if this moment also marks the turning point for the darkness we now endure worldwide…

I’d like to think the Durham trial starting tomorrow will bring some things to light!

YESSSS, BioClandestine zegt war ik denk!!

Also, a lot of people asking for my input on the the WHO Treaty vote coming up. To be honest, I couldn’t care less. In fact, I hope they do it. Here’s why.

Firstly, I could not give two shits what the WHO says. Nor what the US government says. Why should we care that a bunch of corrupt diplomats want to FORMALLY sign our sovereignty away? They already took it without our permission with C19. We already gave our freedom to the unelected members of the health community. What does signing a piece of paper change?

Secondly, we as a planet are at a crossroads. Russia and China are accusing the US DNC and a network of corrupt bureaucrats, of developing and utilizing biological weapons. The same people involved in the WHO, are implicated in this crime. War has already broken out to expose the labs creating the weapons. Either this is resolved and the people responsible are held accountable, or the people in power remain in power and we continue to live in this biological Orwellian nightmare forever.

Either the WHO and all corrupt diplomats and bureaucrats involved with C19, are tried for crimes against humanity, or we are all fucked anyways. Whether they write it in stone or don’t write it at all, they are going to do whatever they want, regardless of how we feel about it.

So that’s why I hope they go ahead and do it. So we have it signed in ink, of all those who agreed to impede the sovereignty of every single human on the planet. That way, we are that much more justified when we put them to death for their crimes. Allow them to exude the war-like posture and say the quiet part out loud.


YESSSS, BioClandestine zegt war ik denk!!

Also, a lot of people asking for my input on the the WHO Treaty vote coming up. To be honest, I couldn’t care less. In fact, I hope they do it. Here’s why.

Firstly, I could not give two shits what the WHO says. Nor what the US government says. Why should we care that a bunch of corrupt diplomats want to FORMALLY sign our sovereignty away? They already took it without our permission with C19. We already gave our freedom to the unelected members of the health community. What does signing a piece of paper change?

Secondly, we as a planet are at a crossroads. Russia and China are accusing the US DNC and a network of corrupt bureaucrats, of developing and utilizing biological weapons. The same people involved in the WHO, are implicated in this crime. War has already broken out to expose the labs creating the weapons. Either this is resolved and the people responsible are held accountable, or the people in power remain in power and we continue to live in this biological Orwellian nightmare forever.

Either the WHO and all corrupt diplomats and bureaucrats involved with C19, are tried for crimes against humanity, or we are all fucked anyways. Whether they write it in stone or don’t write it at all, they are going to do whatever they want, regardless of how we feel about it.

So that’s why I hope they go ahead and do it. So we have it signed in ink, of all those who agreed to impede the sovereignty of every single human on the planet. That way, we are that much more justified when we put them to death for their crimes. Allow them to exude the war-like posture and say the quiet part out loud.


Gelijk maar even door de vertaler gegooid:

Ook vragen veel mensen mijn mening over het WHO-verdrag dat binnenkort in stemming wordt gebracht. Om eerlijk te zijn, het kan me niet schelen. In feite, hoop ik dat ze het doen. Hier is waarom.

Ten eerste, het kan me geen reet schelen wat de WHO zegt. Noch wat de Amerikaanse regering zegt. Waarom zouden we ons zorgen maken dat een stelletje corrupte diplomaten onze soevereiniteit formeel willen weggeven? Ze hebben het ons al afgenomen zonder onze toestemming met C19. We hebben onze vrijheid al aan de ongekozen leden van de gezondheidsgemeenschap gegeven. Wat verandert het ondertekenen van een stuk papier daaraan?

Ten tweede, we staan als planeet op een tweesprong. Rusland en China beschuldigen de US DNC en een netwerk van corrupte bureaucraten, van het ontwikkelen en gebruiken van biologische wapens. Dezelfde mensen die betrokken zijn bij de WHO, zijn betrokken bij deze misdaad. Er is al een oorlog uitgebroken om de labs te ontmaskeren die de wapens maken. Ofwel wordt dit opgelost en worden de verantwoordelijken ter verantwoording geroepen, ofwel blijven de machthebbers aan de macht en blijven we voor altijd in deze biologische Orwelliaanse nachtmerrie leven.

Of de WHO en alle corrupte diplomaten en bureaucraten die betrokken zijn bij C19, worden berecht voor misdaden tegen de menselijkheid, of we zijn toch allemaal de lul. Of ze het nu in steen schrijven of helemaal niet, ze gaan doen wat ze willen, ongeacht hoe wij erover denken.

Dus dat is waarom ik hoop dat ze doorgaan en het doen. Zodat we het in inkt ondertekend hebben, van al diegenen die akkoord gingen om de soevereiniteit van elk mens op de planeet te belemmeren. Op die manier zijn we nog meer gerechtvaardigd als we ze ter dood brengen voor hun misdaden. Laat ze de oorlogszuchtige houding aannemen en het stille gedeelte hardop zeggen.

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