The Great Awakening

CEO of Konnech has been arrested.
Congratulations to Gregg Phillips and True the Vote on this victory!
Now we know why they opened that lawsuit against them.
They were over the target!

Take a wild guess at who Trump's 17th follow is....
Just so happens to be the guy who was posting frog meme after frog meme the other day and is almost certainly on the Q team.
The more you know. 😉

Citaat uit de Nag Hammadivertaling (Evangelie der Waarheid, inleiding):
'Zo waren de kinderen onwetend omtrent de Vader, want zij zagen Hem niet en dit werd reden tot angst en verwarring en onzekerheid en twijfel en onenigheid. Hierdoor kregen vele illusies en ijle waanvoorstellingen vat op hen, alsof ze in diepe slaap verzonken waren, verzeild in boze dromen.'

Een treffender citaat voor de tijd waarin wij zitten is wat mij betreft moeilijk te bedenken.
I don't want to see any black pillers in my chat right now at all. If you feel discouraged, then go outside and take a break, but when you come into the fren chat, express your concerns. Yes, but I ask that you keep it as uplifting as you can. People are going through a lot and for you to come and make it worse for the frens, I take exception to this and I've had it up to here with black pills. If you can't hang, in the storms, then step your game up, Patriots and don't be so weak. Mental fortitude is absolutely necessary right now. You can do this. And if you can't find a way just simply take a break and get your head on right and come back into the fray after a few days off.
And remember.
The closer we are to a boom, the more resistance you will feel.
It's a common cycle.
Hold. The. Line.
*End of rant*

Putin benoemt gemeenschappelijke belangen van Rusland en “liberation movements around the world” die de toekomst zullen bepalen.

Een ouwetje maar had 2022 opgenomen kunnen zijn.

Early Warning (1981)
Een ouwetje maar had 2022 opgenomen kunnen zijn.

Early Warning (1981)
Zou je dit nou pre-programming kunnen noemen? En de bijbel op het punt van de eindtijd?
Ik heb de vertaling van de Nag Hammadigeschriften gekocht.
Onder de archeologische vondsten bij Nag Hammadi in Egypte in 1947 bevond zich een geschrift dat reeds bij enkele vroege kerkvaders bekend was en ook in Nederland in de Middeleeuwen circuleerden. Dat geschrift is het evangelie van Thomas. Dit lijkt, volgens de voorstanders van de Q-hyothese, sterk op het verloren gegane Q-evangelie. Meer dan tweederde van de uitspraken van Jezus in het evangelie van Thomas komen overeen met die in het Q-evangelie die door Mattheüs en Lukas zijn overgenomen.

Ben benieuwd of je hier iets over kunt vinden FFF. 6 Oct, 2022 22:23
HomeWorld News

Enough evidence to indict Hunter Biden – WaPo​

Prosecutors to decide if they want to charge the US president’s son for tax and firearm crimes
Enough evidence to indict Hunter Biden – WaPo

File photo: Hunter Biden speaks at a World Food Program USA event on April 12, 2016. © Kris Connor/WireImage

Federal agents who have been investigating US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter have enough evidence to charge him with crimes related to taxes and a gun purchase. However, the decision to press charges is up to a career prosecutor in Delaware, the Washington Post reported on Thursday citing sources.

While the IRS has been looking into whether Hunter Biden did not declare income related to his overseas business ventures – from Ukraine to China – the FBI has been investigating a 2018 incident in which he answered “no” to the question about being a drug user or addict. In his 2021 memoir 'Beautiful Things,' the president’s son revealed that he had in fact been using crack cocaine and other drugs at the time.

Agents “determined months ago” that they had a viable criminal case against the younger Biden, but the decision is up to the US attorney for Delaware David C. Weiss to decide whether to take a case , the Post reported citing “people familiar with the case.”

Weiss is a career prosecutor, but was appointed by President Donald Trump in late 2017. Trump had pointed to Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine and the sex-and-drugs revelations from his laptop during the 2020 presidential campaign, charges which Biden and the Democrats denounced as “smears” and even “Russian disinformation.”

Stories about the laptop were suppressed on social networks in the name of “fortifying” the presidential election, but the laptop’s contents were later confirmed to be authentic.

Hunter’s false statements on the gun-purchase form would normally present a problem for his father, who is pursuing aggressive gun control legislation. According to the Post, prosecutions for the offense are “relatively rare,” with 60% of the referrals resulting in charges in 2018. However, it is “not uncommon for Justice Department investigations to take years to finish,” the paper said.

The Post’s anonymous sources insisted Attorney General Merrick Garland had vowed there would be “no political or otherwise improper interference” in the Hunter Biden case. Republicans have accused Garland of politicizing the DOJ over prosecutions for the January 6 Capitol riot and the September raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

Hunter Biden's attorney Chris Clark told the paper that leaking about the case itself is a federal felony and that he “had no contact whatsoever with any federal investigative agent.”
“It is regrettable that law enforcement agents appear to be violating the law to prejudice a case against a person who is a target simply because of his family name,”
said Clark.
The DOJ, FBI and IRS did not officially comment on the story.
Onder de archeologische vondsten bij Nag Hammadi in Egypte in 1947 bevond zich een geschrift dat reeds bij enkele vroege kerkvaders bekend was en ook in Nederland in de Middeleeuwen circuleerden. Dat geschrift is het evangelie van Thomas. Dit lijkt, volgens de voorstanders van de Q-hyothese, sterk op het verloren gegane Q-evangelie. Meer dan tweederde van de uitspraken van Jezus in het evangelie van Thomas komen overeen met die in het Q-evangelie die door Mattheüs en Lukas zijn overgenomen.

Ben benieuwd of je hier iets over kunt vinden FFF.
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