The Great Awakening

Dit citaat is precies waar het om draait:

God is writing a story of redemption. The redemption arc must take the main character (and the audience) through unimaginable difficulty. They suffer brutality, injustice, rejection, disappointment, loneliness, betrayal and humiliation. The death and resurrection of Christ revealed that it is only through suffering that one can be redeemed to ultimate glory.

Trump, the United States, an indeed, the world are on a path of redemption. The divine plan requires us to pass through a time of hardship. The lessons we must learn are intended to prepare us for our divine destiny. If we learn patience during trials, if we acquire faith through tribulation, if we persevere during persecution, if we stand in the fire and are not consumed, our character will be refined as gold.

In the coming days, it may appear (at least temporarily) as if all hope is lost. But when that day comes, put a smile on your face and keep marching. Remind yourself that while it may appear dark, the destruction of the deep state, justice for traitors, and the redemption of the world is drawing near.

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

[ Foto ]
Tulsi Gabbard leaves the Democrat party and goes HAM on her old party - now she's endorsing Kari Lake!

Girl power that would make a liberal feminist REEE!

Helluva two year delta with this Q drop and the news yesterday of Zelensky getting a book deal
Tulsi is met Trump in gesprek geweest toen hij zijn kabinet aan het formeren was. Iedereen met wie Trump sprak, daar zijn afspraken mee gemaakt. Dus niet Q-team maar wel Team Trump


Igor Danchenko found not guilty on all counts.

No shock - it's hard to win a false statements case when the FBI and Mueller were uninterested in pursuing the truth.

Here are the most important highlights from the trial -


Kash gives his thoughts on the Danchenko acquittal today and calls for the incoming Congress to create a committee in the style of the 1975 Church Committee, which created congressional committees that provided oversight of the intelligence community.
Thomas Renz: "I Am Honored to Be a Hardcore Christian Nationalist"

The Time Frame & Shortlist of Ancient Structures​

PolePyramids, Sites, Temples
I: 0 – 26,000 years agoBorobudur, Konark Sun Temple, Temple of Horus, Pyramids of Giza, Tomb of Emperor Ping of Han
26,000 – 130,000Period of crustal deformation: Pole II to Pole I
II: 130,000 – 155,000 years agoBabylon, Prasat Phum Prasat, Uxmal (Pyramid of the magician), El Mirador, Ka’ba-ye Zartosht
155,000 – 210,000Period of crustal deformation: Pole III to Pole II
III: 210,000 – 225,000 years agoTeotihuacan, Pompeii (temples), Carnac, Edzna, Tomb of Emperor Zhao of Han, Antipatris
225,000 – 240,000Period of crustal deformation: Pole IV to Pole III
IV: 240,000 – 270,000 years agoYagul, Kuara (Sumer), Great Kyz Kala, El Castillo (Chichen Itza), Pyramid of Koh-Ker
270,000 – 330,000Period of crustal deformation: Pole V to Pole IV
V: 330,000 – 345,000 years agoTomb of Three Kings of Zhou, Der (Sumer), Nohoch Mul pyramid (Cobá), Caral, Madinet Habu temple, Borsippa (Sumer)
345,000 – 410,000Period of crustal deformation: Pole VI to Pole V
VI: 410,000 – 440,000 years agoNineveh (Sumer), Sippar (Sumer), Eridu (Sumer), Pyramids of Cochasqui (No. 5, 9, 14), Huaca del Sol, Zabala (Sumer), Caral

Eerste homo sapiens samenlevingen ontstonden in Azië en Zuid-Amerika.

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