The Great Awakening

Kanye West mag op zoek naar een andere bank.
[Doorgestuurd van General Flynn ️]
[ Foto ]
Kanye, I know how it feels…this is “wokeness” at its very worst!!!

Per Candace Owens: “Earlier today I learned that @kanyewest was officially kicked out of JP Morgan Chase bank. I was told there was no official reason given, but they sent this letter as well to confirm that he has until late November to find another place for the Yeezy empire to bank.”
Gelukkig hebben we die hier niet. Anders hadden we die er ook kunnen uitschoppen. Ik denk (hoop) dat Kayne kandidaat mag zijn voor de eerste reclame voo rhet nieuwe banksysteem ?!?!?!? Lijkt me leuke 'karma' reclame.
Laatst bewerkt:
My take on the Tulsi Gabbard flip:
According to Q, we are watching the systematic destruction of the old guard. So what better way to red pill normies than through someone who is a Dem?
And yes, I understand that she is WEF but trust is overblown in anon circles. If someone speaks a truth, then it's probably worth highlighting. You don't have to trust her or anyone else but God.
But when a normie hears her speak things like: "The Democrat party is an elitist cabal of war mongers" how can I not support that? It doesn't mean I trust her. But sheep will see this and it will possibly fuel aspects of the awakening.
Could she turn on us in the future? Sure.
But right now, she's dropping red pills right at the outset of the most important midterms in our lifetime.
And I can't help but support truth.

Reminder to keep your expectations hopeful but tempered for this Durham trial.
The small players are for awakening.
Durham has already proven that Clinton paid for the entire Russia Gate scandal and effectively committed treason, so even if this doesn't turn out the way we hope today and this week:
The world is awakening.
But ultimately, we care about seeing the major players go down.
Not the minions doing the bidding.
Stay calm and know that the military is the only way.
Keep your faith protected and hope guarded.
Don't let anything take that away from you.
It is important.
The fall of Babylon does not hinge on one Danchenko conviction.
God is taking care of everything.
He doesn't need things to go the way us anons expect to tear the entire system down and you know this.

It took courage to remain unvaccinated and resist mass formation psychosis on the scale that we just witnessed.
The pressures we faced to comply to sheer madness were immense. Masked Karens and indoctrinated big pharma shills fought us tooth and nail yet we stood our ground.
What we went through certainly hardened our resolve to stand for freedom like never before.
Their plans always backfire.
Purebloods forever.

My take on the Tulsi Gabbard flip:
According to Q, we are watching the systematic destruction of the old guard. So what better way to red pill normies than through someone who is a Dem?
And yes, I understand that she is WEF but trust is overblown in anon circles. If someone speaks a truth, then it's probably worth highlighting. You don't have to trust her or anyone else but God.
But when a normie hears her speak things like: "The Democrat party is an elitist cabal of war mongers" how can I not support that? It doesn't mean I trust her. But sheep will see this and it will possibly fuel aspects of the awakening.
Could she turn on us in the future? Sure.
But right now, she's dropping red pills right at the outset of the most important midterms in our lifetime.
And I can't help but support truth.


The Democrat party is being dismantled before your eyes and yet people still want to tell you that nothing is happening. Do not listen to them.
When the average person witnesses sky-high gas prices, war mongering, and the threat of literal nuclear war: They start to pay attention to politics.
We are looking at not only an Exodus from Babylon but an Exodus of the Democrat party.
It. Is. Glorious.

Brian Cates over vandaag tijdens de Durham rechtszaak

Zie je, meteen nu met zijn eerste getuige zit Durham bovenop het onderwerp en hij legt het vast. De FBI bevestigde of verifieerde niets van de Steele dossier beweringen voordat zij ze gebruikten voor een FISA machtiging aangaande Carter Page.

Wat komt er vervolgens?

Wel, het is duidelijk wat er vervolgens komt:

Durham: “Oh, tussen haakjes, wanneer ontdekte je dat Christopher Steele en Igor Danchenko betaalde politieke detectives waren voor de Hillary Clinton campagne? En was dat voor of na dat je hun niet-geverifieerde beweringen gebruikte voor de FISA machtiging?”

FBI Agent: Mompelt iets onverstaanbaars.

Durham: “Sorry, kun je dat wat luider zeggen?”

FBI Agent: “Moet ik dat?”

Durham: “Ja.”

FBI Agent: “Wel, dat was in september 2016, dat…”

Durham: “Dus je wist dat zowel Steele als Danchenko oppositieonderzoek deden voor de Clinton campagne toen je deze beweringen van hen aannam en die gebruikte in je FISA machtiging om Carter Page aan te pakken? Dat zij contractanten waren die werkten voor Hillary Clinton?”

FBI Agent: “Wel… ja.”


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