The Great Awakening

( is er ook een topic of ergens een artikeltje over het wie, wat, hoe van Q?)

Hier is een oud topic van Q (anon) waar niet meer wordt gepost. Meeste nieuwe zaken over Q gaan in topic Great Awakening

Verder is dit ook een oude topic Wwg1wga. Hier ook niet meer posten maar alleen lezen.

Ik ben geen moderator maar loop lang genoeg mee om dat te mogen zeggen hier.
Here's the wins you can latch onto in this time of turmoil and awakening:
We gained control of the house while the Senate is close and has yet to be decided.
Some amazing Patriots won their elections.
Yes, they egregiously cheated and it's extremely frustrating to witness yet again.
The cold hard truth is that we've been cheated out of the will of the people for DECADES but we didn't realize the extent of it.
The reason you are so uncomfortable is because we are actually fighting back and the enemy is pulling out all the stops. When Exodus occurred, what happened when they began to leave their slavery? They did not become more comfortable. In fact, it was probably easier to just stay and live in slavery than make the journey. But to hell with that. We are in it for the long haul and you either have to tell yourself that you cannot go back or you can keep longing for a day in the past that simply doesn't exist anymore.
The enemy wants to tell you that all is lost, but he's a liar. Do not give in to despair. Not today.
The roller-coaster of emotional swings may be intense but we are experiencing it together and that's why we have this community.
You're not alone in your love for your country, God or the children. You have an entire family of Patriots who are fighting, believing, and praying for a better day.

Trump must have known what was about to happen and he saw what traitors like Shapiro were planning to do with the narrative.
This is most likely why he threw that DeSantis comment out because he saw the writing on the wall.
To be clear: Trump is a champion for God who's been battling some of the most evil forces this world has seen.
I'm with Trump and will be loyal as long as I have a platform.

The mainstream media, the establishment, and the deep state framed Trump for treason and viciously attacked him for at least 6 years in a row.
Wake me up when Desantis gets viciously attacked for treason and then the lie is broadcast for the world 24/7 in one of the most relentless attacks to take anyone down we've ever seen.
DeSantis image to normies is so crystal clean because this did not even remotely happen to him.
They are not even in the same atmosphere of champion.
OG anons know this.

I just want to reiterate that it's not over by any means.
The feeling of despair you may feel is not justified when you think about how powerful God truly is.
Our country needs a spiritual revival over everything.
We, as anons, have seen the true face of Babylon and it's sickening reach.
Only through God can this evil be taken down.
Just because Goliath looms over us does not mean we should think we have no chance for victory.
God gives us everything we need.
Pray for our country.
We need a revival.
The stage is set.

The establishment, the deep state, the dems, the rhinos, and their sheep would rather have anyone as their President but Donald J. Trump.
This is how you know he's deeply over the target.
No one scares them like Donald Trump and there's a reason for that.
He's the one that will bring us over the finish line.

All the traitors are revealing themselves.

They are trying to tell us that Trump is controversial after he was the first President to stand up to the deep state in decades.
You see what's happening here?
This war has made the sheep uncomfortable so they want us to lay down and become complacent after we've come this far.

If it's controversial to save the children, prevent the great reset, and fight a wicked cabal industrial then I don't want to be anything but that.

The amount of complaining I'm seeing is unwarranted.
We already knew they were going to cheat this midterm and we are still going to win house majority and most likely senate majority.
This isn't about another election but about the fall of Babylon and the exposure of the systems therein.
You are either know this truth or you don't.
I implore you to get some rest, take a break, pray, and remember to look at the big picture.
God is delivering.
We the People are all fighting back.
Take heart, dear frens, and cast your cares before God.

Latch onto every win when you're in a war.
Your focus is important.
Focus on each win.
This is your bread or manna to get you through.
You can get through this with your head held high.
Show them how mentally tough you really are.
Never give up.

Instead of talking about the rampant election fraud happening all across the country, we are witnessing the establishment blame Trump for the perceived losses.
One thing is for certain:
Everyone is revealing their true colors right before we enter the next chapter of this journey.
Us anons won't forget it.

Remember what Trump posted before midterms about the Trump quicksand?

“Who is going to enter the Trump Quicksand?” the former president began.
“Many have tried, leaving permanently damaged, or never to be heard from again!”

Was he talking about DeSantis?

Trump is not a divider.
He's a truth teller.
He knows exactly who these people are.
He has it all.
He's either performing kayfabe with DeSantis to draw out all the rhinos and expose them or he knows something that we don't.
He's a stable genius in every sense of the word.
He always has a strategy.

Trump does not have a huge ego as someone who has been attacked incessantly by the mockingbird media for six years straight years. He has been humbled tremendously.
He does not do what he does for his ego, even though we all have one.
He promotes himself as part of a narrative war like strategy.
He is trying to save America from a globalist takedown, protect the children, and stop the NWO and if you don't see that then you're not thinking straight.

Wikileaks heeft zojuist al hun Wikileaks heeft zojuist al hun bestanden online gedumpt. Alles van de e-mails van Hillary Clinton, de schuld van McCain, de schietpartij in Vegas door een FBI-sluipschutter, de HIV-brief van Steve Jobs, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syrië, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA-agenten gearresteerd voor verkrachting, WHO-pandemie.
Veel plezier met graven!

👉‼️Alsjeblieft, lees het en geef het door.....

Dit zijn de e-mails van Clinton: /

Dit bericht circuleert al jaren, Henk, kont eens in de zoveel tijd voorbij.

geen idee, zat net op deze tijdlijn en zag daar berichten staan die ok ook nooit gezien heb tewijl k elke dag meerdere keren kijk. Wordt teveel afgeleid door allerlei ongein denk ik
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Remember what Trump posted before midterms about the Trump quicksand?

“Who is going to enter the Trump Quicksand?” the former president began.
“Many have tried, leaving permanently damaged, or never to be heard from again!”

Was he talking about DeSantis?

Oa Shapiro, Pierse, Candice Owen misschien

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