The Great Awakening

The deep state swamp wants us to return to the status quo.
Make peace with the deep state's agenda and we can live in comfortable slavery rather than freedom, which costs something valuable to attain.
Trump represents an existential threat to their power.
He represents war.
They are pleading with the population:
If you just go back to sleep and stop fighting, we will make it comfortable for you and we can return to Babylon.
Well, guess what swamp?
There is no going back.
Offer rejected.

The media is purposely attempting to psyop maga into hopelessness and despair.
Your rejection of their black pills is a proverbial middle finger to the establishment.
Become a rebel in the best way.
A rebel that refuses to let go of hope.

The doom and gloom is unwarranted for this reason:
When Trump "lost" the 2020 election all looked lost. Yet we hung in there with our faith. We took it one day at a time and look how far we've come. Each perceived loss feels disheartening like we can't go on anymore but what actually happens when the smoke clears? We move forward and we keep fighting.
God is sustaining you.
Our community of frens is lifting each other up.
It may feel like you can't go on but that is a lie that should be told to go to hell where it belongs.
Stand tall, dear frens.
You're not alone.

Imagine a scenario where Trump becomes Speaker of the House, Biden is impeached, and Kamala steps down.
Trump becomes President again in the most triggering way possible.
Liberals around the country would have the reee of a century.
The plot twist would melt minds.

"Make no mistake.
Donald Trump runs, Donald Trump is the nominee.
If somebody else wants to jump in and literally lose then they should jump in and lose...There's no question that there is only person that's been tested... If you think that any future President.. That there home isn't going to be raided and they are going to be impeached twice.. You don't understand what's happening in the Democratic party.. These people are radicals..
Donald Trump has already withstood this incredible outpouring and he's still standing.
The base has learned this lesson. They want a fighter.. We are dealing with a Democrat party that just put a woman on the Supreme Court who doesn't know the difference between a man and a woman.. These people are radicals. They have to be crushed. We can't negotiate with people who don't the difference between a man and a woman." 💯

By the way, the answer to "Q"s question "Who are the Silent Thieves?" is "The Federal Reserve."

Trump is the only man who can truly take down the swamp.
God has called him to do it.
The fact that DeSantis continues to remain silent and allow the media to tarnish the people's champion diminishes whatever trust I previously had in DeSantis.
The swamp is evil. We've seen how truly sick the system is. Only Trump could have done such a thing. Expose the hidden underbelly of the beast without being swallowed whole. Without God's anointing he would already have lost long ago.
I'm with Trump until the end and I'm not wavering.

Twitter is an echo chambers of Fake maga normies and controlled opposition. Notice how they backstab Trump as soon as they get the chance to yet they refuse to cover crimes against humanity, the children, or let me see...the fact they committed literal treason against Trump and he had to sit there and take slings and arrows incessantly for six straight years. Few are there to defend him because the anons, who know Trump's true worth, have all been kicked off each and every social media platform.
Tell the truth about Trump!

Dave Chappelle on why Trump was so loved:

"They've never seen someone like him....I've never seen a white male billionaire screaming at the top of lungs: This whole system is rigged...
No one had ever seen anything like that. No one had ever seen somebody come from inside of that house and tell all the commoners we're doing everything you think we are doing inside of that house..."

He exposed the system to everyone. Even liberals are acknowledging it in their own twisted way.

Speciaal voor Godsgeschenk:

You can admittedly hang your head in shame and discouragement.

I would not fault you for feeling that way given seeming outward circumstances.

There are two parallel truths shining at the same exact time:

We are up against an evil that cannot be defeated through human strength.

But the second truth is superior and should be elevated above all else:

God is more powerful than all the captors combined.


Now is the time to lift your heads up to God and find where He wants you to fight back, believe, and focus on.

This country is not lost until God says it is.

Your heart may be weary today, but weariness or temporary feelings does not determine the fate of our world.

God is on a mission and we get to be part of that beautiful story.

Speciaal voor Godsgeschenk:

Dank je, Mike.
Ik ben alweer wat bedaard. Ga nu met alle kracht die ik heb verder met mijn opleiding. Kijk vanuit een andere hoek naar de ontwikkelingen, wat rustiger. Laat maar komen.
Ik ben in ieder geval gespaard geweest betreffende de prik omdat ik wakker ben.
Vorige week een officiële uitnodiging voor de griepprik gekregen. Nou, ik heb er gewoonweg niet op gereageerd. Geloof niet dat ik er nog iets van hoor.
Dat kon ik alleen maar zo doen omdat ik weet hoe de hazen lopen.
Thanks aan the Awakening.
De rest komt wel.


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