The Great Awakening

Trump will make an announcement tomorrow. We don't know what that is yet. Even if he announces for 2024 that does not mean all hope is lost.
I will remind everyone that we were all celebrating and rejoicing Trump and Scavino's renewed open affirmation of Q these last few months.
Trump blatantly told us to believe this:
That nothing can stop what is coming.
I'm sure he knows that anons are struggling mentally but he's giving us enough breadcrumbs to hang in there.
It's easy to focus on the perceived losses now and forget about every single win or affirmation in the moment.
This intense suffering can be avoided by putting on the armor of God.
You can put it on now and decide to yourself you won't be taking it off for anything.

Obviously, I can sense that people are absolutely outraged.
We are going through PTSD flashbacks of 2020 all over again.
But this time in slow motion.
It's so obvious this time that you'd have to be completely blind not to see it.
The initial reaction would be: White hats do something or we will lose all hope.
Yet that exact same feeling occurred after 2020 and you're still alive, the country is not dead, and God isn't finished yet.
Now is the time to focus on God and give those feelings over to Him first and foremost.
The all hope is lost unless my specific scenario plays out thought pattern is simply not true.
I'm sure when they were leaving Exodus they thought there was no way forward a dozen times, yet God always moved them forward. Miraculously in many cases.
Start thinking from heaven's perspective before you drown in despair.
You can and will rise above it.

als iemand een flashback wil zien 2 uur video
The world just saw another election stolen in slow motion, all the shills and rhinos have come out of the woodworks and revealed themselves, tension is at an near all time high, and now Trump says tomorrow might turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our country.

Donald Trump just retruthed this clear reference to one of the last Q drops. In case you were feeling discouraged, he is showing that they have a plan to put an end to the endless.

Funny how they complete the 2022 midterm steal one day before Trump's big announcement and the same day he retruths and affirms Q's question:
Who will end the endless?

I feel strangely calm in my spirit.
Remember that you are the calm before and during the storms, anons.
God isn't finished yet. He's up to something.
You either believe and know that or you don't.
I do and will never relent or concede that. Feel free to join me.

If I didn't know any better I'd say that Trump sounds like he's in the middle of a WWE performance.
The rhetoric is hammering home the same talking points... all for awakening.

It's almost like he something that we don't.

Whatever comes next.
You may feel like you can't withstand even one more moment but I assure you that God can get you through absolutely anything even past your breaking point.
It's when you are at your weakest that you learn the deepest lessons from God. It's in the darkness where God reaches into your soul and builds up something beautiful. A lighthouse of strength that shines to those around you.
Your precipice is an opportunity for prosperity like you've never seen.
Say yes to God and see what happens.


Trump is going ham for anons on Truth Social right now. I'm sure he knows we need the encouragement and he's giving it.

"The Storm is upon us. Q."


Trump reposting the Q phrase: You'll love how this movie ends.
That is exactly what it feels like right now. But you can rest assured believing that there is a happy ending. I know Trump does.

Monkey Werx legt in zijn laatste video uit dat Trump vanaf 31 oktober dit jaar tot aan 31 mei volgend jaar, van de FAA een vliegrestrictie boven zijn woning Mar-a-Lago in Florida heeft gekregen. Zie afbeelding. Sinds zijn vertrek uit het Witte Huis heeft hij dat nooit gehad, dus blijkbaar is er aanleiding om dat nu wel te doen.

Deze vliegrestricties worden alleen ingesteld boven de verblijfplaatsen van de zittende president en vicepresident en de enige uitzondering daarop is de voormalige president Bush, die heeft altijd een vliegrestrictie boven zijn landgoed in Texas. Blijkbaar heeft hij iets teveel Moslims boos gemaakt door hen de schuld van 9/11 in de sandalen te schuiven, terwijl het 100% een inside job van de Amerikanen zelf was.

We moeten vandaag rekening houden met een mogelijke valse vlag in de VS. Ik zeg niet dat het beslist gaat gebeuren, maar de Deep State zal de media heel graag over iets heel anders horen praten dan over de boodschap van Trump van vanavond. En als ze dat inderdaad willen, dan zullen ze ervoor zorgen dat de media een weeklang, 24 uur per dag, aan slechts één onderwerp aandacht zullen besteden. Het is te hopen dat ze daar niet in slagen, maar als er al een dag is waarop er iets zeer ernstigs en schokkends kan gebeuren, dan is het vandaag.
President Trump deelt ontelbare memes op Truth Social uren voor zijn grote aankondiging op Mar-a-Lago vanavond.

In dit artikel zie je sommige van die memes


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