The Great Awakening

Judge people by their fruits.
Learn to rely on God for discernment.
The truth resonates when you read it.
You can feel it.
You can sense if God is speaking.
Learn to aptly receive and hear the truth for yourself.
If you hear the truth coming from me then take that and receive it. If I say something wrong, which all humans will do, then ignore that statement.
Trust is earned but no one is perfect.
Eat the meat and spit out the bones.
Not any one person will be correct about everything.
Not you. Not me. Only God.
God is an amazing shepherd.
Without Him we will always be walking in the dark. With Him, the uncertainty becomes a valuable tool in God's hands.
We become beacons of truth in the fog.
We grow into who we were always meant to be.

All signs point in the direction of anons getting their accounts reinstated, possibly even today on Thanksgiving.
This is a huge win for the Great Awakening where we can finally reach normies and liberals with truth.
I'll always support Trump on Truth Social and the frens on Telegram as a cozy home base but to pass up the opportunity to go back to Twitter is to go against Q and the army of frogs mission statement.
Are you ready to return to Twitter if he reinstates us?
Because I am.

Happy Thanksgiving, frens! 🦃

I am truly grateful for the community we have here regardless of our differences and backgrounds. It only further proves that good always triumphs evil, no matter the odds we face.

As times have grown more difficult, I’ve humbly watched many lean into historical and biblical parallels and use them to help uplift others to not only remind us of of what we’re up against but what we’re able to accomplish together.

I’ve learned to appreciate quotes as they have proven to stand the test of time and would love to share one of my favorites with you:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

I would love if you’d be willing to share in the comments below some of your favorite quotes that have helped you through hard times. Let’s remind ourselves what we’re here for and that we can accomplish nothing unless we work to stand united.

WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🌎❤️

Consider the narratives being established:
They fund wars so politicians can line their pockets with cash.
This is mainstream with FTX.
They allow open borders with human trafficking because they want a globalist order and the illegal immigrant vote.
They are coming after our children in our schools, indoctrinating them and pushing for child mutilation.
They are pushing for unlimited abortion up to birth. Evil has become blatant and over the top.
This does not show strength but rather pride and a rushed agenda. Trump stopped their 16 year plan to destroy America and now they are moving to hasten their approach.
The faster they move, the more they wake up. They won't stop until they completely destroy themselves and God is in the business of bringing the haughty down to their knees.
Only when evil is brought to light can it be dealt with.
And that's exactly what's happening.

I'm aware that some are feeling disheartened and weary at the moment.
When you are in a winter season in your soul, there is always the ability to bare fruit with God.
If God is not speaking to you loudly, perhaps He wants you to stretch your faith.
Each season has a win interlaced inside of it that God wants to work with you to bring forth.
No situation is outside of God's ability to restore, redeem, or create something entirely new and beautiful.
Not every season requires the same strategy. If you are being humbled by God, sometimes it's better to just let it happen rather than fighting it and wanting to take control.
Confusion comes from the enemy. Sometimes you have to lay your ego down even lower and let God create His masterpiece inside of you.

The attack those who are over the target.
They fear the anon army.

For years, Antifa organized violent crime and "insurrection" on Twitter and now, as soon as Elon Musk vows to ban child harm and violence on the site, they are reacting violently.
That's what you call over the target.
The culture war playing field is being leveled.

Remember when Kamala Harris' stepdaughter made her Paris fashion week debut for none other than Balenciaga?

Sara Carter is dropping anon like red pills all over the mainstream media:

"These children are being trafficked for organ harvesting. These children are being trafficked into the United States by sexual predators..And the tragedy here is that our government is literally aiding and abetting these traffickers. The only way they can make this happen is if they are allowed to enter the United States.. If the Biden administration does not change its course immediately, then they are absolutely 100% responsible for every single child that gets murdered that gets taken that is used as a slave that gets used in sexual labor."

Liberalism is frequently cited as the dominant ideology of modern times.
Hoezo? Onder meer China, India en de Islamitische wereld zijn nou niet liberaal te noemen.

During the 19th and early 20th centuries, liberalism in the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East influenced periods of reform such as the Tanzimat and Al-Nahda and the rise of constitutionalism, nationalism and secularism. These changes, along with other factors, helped to create a sense of crisis within Islam, which continues to this day, leading to Islamic revivalism.
Zou dan de bewustzijnscrisis van vandaag de dag kunnen leiden tot herijking van Westerse samenlevingen op basis van Judeo-christelijke en platoonse waarden?
Drop #4964

Wees bewust van valse profeten.
Ik ben geen profeet.
Jij bent geen profeet.
Wij zijn geen profeten.
Concentreer je op de missie.

Drop #4965

Vraag en antwoord?

Naar verloop van tijd.

Drop #4966

Wat staat er in jouw DNA gecodeerd?
Wie heeft het daar geplaatst?
De mensheid wordt onderdrukt.
We zullen niet meer onderdrukt worden.
Informatie is kennis.
Kennis is macht.
Informatie is macht.
Hoe bescherm jij je DNA?
Er is een oorlog bezig voor je DNA.
Bescherm jouw DNA.

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