The Great Awakening

Imagine not questioning every single narrative the mainstream media pushes after experiencing the 2020 plandemic awake.
There is simply no going back.

How have you changed since 2020? I know many of you have drastically changed and that's no mistake.
We are transforming and adapting.

Trump never ceases in being over the target.
There's a reason why the witch hunts never end.
The truth cannot be held back forever.
It'll shock the world.

Twitter's first batch of damning information was personally vetted by corrupt treasonous Jim Baker and it laid waste to their narratives so just imagine the level of bombshells coming that they won't be able to personally shield the population from.
This is getting spicy.

The Emoluments Clauses require that the President faithfully serves the people, free from foreign influence.

“They ensure that Americans do not have to guess whether a President who orders their sons and daughters to die in foreign lands acts out of concern for his private business interests.”

“They do not have to wonder if they lost their job due to trade negotiations in which the President has a personal stake.”

“They never have to question whether the President can sit across the bargaining table from foreign leaders and faithfully represent the world's most powerful democracy, unencumbered by fear of harming his own companies.”

“The Framers were aware that entanglements between American officials and foreign powers could pose a creeping, insidious threat to the Republic.”

~President Donald Trump


The Electoral Count Act is vague, & there’s a loophole that a corrupt Vice President could use to overturn an election.
Against the will of the American people & their State rights to control their electoral votes.

By Trump triggering a public feud with Pence, he drew attention to the loophole & scared the Democrats into thinking HE might still use it.

So now they are gonna reform the Act to make sure the Vice President’s role is clear.
The VP should only play a ceremonial role in certifying the count.

So Trump & Pence just played on the Deep State’s biggest fear & forced THEM to close the loophole.

And once closed, it’ll never be a threat to elections ever again.

Or if states decertify before next election & the 2020 election is flipped from Biden to Trump, then Kamala will not hold the power to overturn the flip.

Kash discusses upcoming investigations and the collusion between Big Tech & government officials:

“I guarantee you, you are going to find a trove of communications between government officials and Twitter on every single subject we are talking about today that needs to be investigated.”

How about stolen elections?

Coming soon! 🍿

The announcement by the J6 comittee re: criminal referrals being made to DOJ probably means the arrest of your all time favorite president is days away.

I don't know if the arrest of Trump will take us to the precipice, but it may initiate the start of the storm.

My advice for the coming days:
Ignore distractions as much as possible.
Stay focused.
Listen to the Holy Spirit like never before.

- dit zou een pagina uit het boek van Klaus Schwab zijn -

Niks nieuws natuurlijk, behalve, dat het nu aan het gebeuren is en een halt toegeroepen gaat worden maar voor velen te laat, die gingen al over de rand van het ravijn. Het grote voorbeeld hoe het niet moet


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