The Great Awakening

Trump told us in his 2024 announcement speech that we had not yet reached the precipice. He said it quite plainly, in fact. Not enough are awake. Once the people awaken, there will be unity and breakthrough. This transition time for the weary anon has become less about digging into information and more about digging deeper into God, or at the very least, into faith in something more.

It has been said that the end won't be for everyone, but you shouldn’t worry about that, as your old self won't be around for the end.

You are changing while the world slowly wakes up. You are being reborn from the ashes. The heat of each trial is carefully crafting you and bringing you into a new and glorious place. To lose heart now, to give up would be to deny yourself and the world a precious treasure among treasures.

So feel the longing, defend your hope, do what you are called to do, but let Him do what He is doing in your life now in the meantime. Let faith guide you. Faith in a higher power, faith in yourself, faith in each other and faith in the truth.

Change your mindset and allow God to cause you to thrive, even if it just means practicing a simple change in perspective regarding what your trial really means. Maybe God is bringing you somewhere new, expanding your heart, and preparing you on the inside.

Maybe that is the plan.

If you thought the mainstream media seemed extremely upset that Trump hosted "Qanon conspiracy theorists" now just wait until they find out Donald Trump is Q plus.

The mainstream media refuses to acknowledge or look into the claims Q has made because they are complicit in crimes against children.
Who do you think hid Epstein Island from the public?
It was the mainstream media.
It all goes back to the children.
Full stop.
This is why the anon must replace them and We the People must learn to become the news for ourselves.
It is happening.

Biden's entire "presidency" has been one red pill event after another.
Whatever the worst decision is, he does it.
And he does it in a way that gives us ammunition to wake others up with on a daily basis.
If it truly had to be this way to highlight the stark contrast between globalist puppets and Donald Trump, then it's working just fine. More than fine.
Non-political people hear that Biden just released a merchant of doom for a lowly America-hating NBA player and they begin to question things.
From now until the actual precipice, expect events that bring people to their Neo waking up from the Matrix moment.
This means for you, who are already awake, there needs to be peace and laughter to go along with your deep desire to see justice carried out around the world. Else you lose your mind at the absurdity of this journey.
There are laughs to be had even on the serious trek down the abyss.
Know that this story doesn't end in doom.


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