The Great Awakening

Baby Will has been kidnapped by the state and his parents are forced to look on as their baby boy is taken away for a much needed medical procedure, the problem is that his parents didn’t want him to have vaccinated blood.

Many unvaccinated people turned up to offer their matching blood type but the state didn’t entertain it.

Jacinda Arden’s New Zealand, a vassal state of communist CHY-NA.




New Zealand Parents Give a Surgery Update & Hint at What Blood Was Used After-All

“We’d like to think that they can’t stand that there is a problem with the blood, so what we’ve been hearing from legitimate sources is that two days ago blood was taken from people that were not injected of only Will’s blood type.”

They just released thousands of bots on Twitter all with the same copy paste message trying to get people to leave Twitter…

I guess the people in charge aren’t liking the #twitterfiles drops & need people to get the heck off the platform… I’m sure these super convincing bots will definitely work 🤡 🌎

It’s almost like somebody should be regulating this… Psch just imagine expecting congress to go literally anything helpful 😂🤣🤣

They just released thousands of bots on Twitter all with the same copy paste message trying to get people to leave Twitter…

I guess the people in charge aren’t liking the #twitterfiles drops & need people to get the heck off the platform… I’m sure these super convincing bots will definitely work 🤡 🌎

It’s almost like somebody should be regulating this… Psch just imagine expecting congress to go literally anything helpful 😂🤣🤣


Nu ook voor Twitter Trollen


Holy crap.

Elon forced the resignation of JOHN PODESTA'S NIECE from the Twitter Trust & Safety Council today and then tweeted at that the head of the Trust and Safety Council at Twitter was 'the real CEO' of the company...until Elon got there and fired him and replaced that person.

Elon demanded to know WHY the T & S Council NEVER acted on NUMEROUS COMPLAINTS about child porn and child sexual exploitation despite YEARS of complaints about it.

In response, several Council members CHOSE TO RESIGN and attack him in the way out the door.

Lara Logan dropped truth bombs about Pedowood, Podesta and Satanists.
"Katy Perry doing a music video about cannibalism where she's being cooked and prepared to be eaten...These people are crazy.. Marina Abramovich holding up a severed goats head and doing spirit cooking and bathing people in blood and having fake cannibal dinners where all these hollywood celebrities are standing around taking a piece of the fake body. I'm sorry but these are the crazy people. John Podesta's art that he posts in his home.. He's insane.
We're not crazy for talking about it.
We're not crazy for wanting the truth.
We're not crazy for wanting to know who were the people that Ghislaine Maxwell was supplying children to.
We're not crazy for asking those questions.
And I don't care what they say about me."

Full interview:


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