The Great Awakening

“If the courts lack iurisdiction to enforce the Emoluments Clauses, the political process would be the remaining avenue for enforcement.”

“In this vein, Congress could seek to enforce the Emoluments Clauses through legislation, political pressure, or potentially impeachment and removal.”

“Congress may be empowered to CREATE civil or criminal REMEDIES for violations or ESTABLISH PROPHYLACTIC reporting requirements THROUGH LEGISLATION.”

They were trying to remove all power from the Federal Courts & use their “reformed Emolument’s Act” to give themselves ALL authority & power over any violations (like all the crimes that Elon & @GarrettZ have found).

Then they would have the legislative authority to establish a new “committee”(chain of command)— comprised of the Deep State’s “puppets & handlers” who would prevent any of the SWAMP’s violations from becoming public.

They’d use it to:
A) Save Biden & themselves from the evidence being exposed by Elon.
B) Make sure neither Trump, or any of his “Band Members”, ever stepped foot in the White House again.
C) Remove Court & SCOTUS from meddling.

But it DIDN’t make it through the House fast enough……so yet again, their entire future depended on winning HOUSE majority in the MIDTERMS.

Just like Twitter censors free speech.
Just like MSM creates the narrative.
Just like the EAC helps rig Elections.
Just like Fauci created COVID.
Just like J6 was Deep State Operatives.

Now it’s the Emolument Clause— trying to remove any chance for “Justice to be Served” for their treason, sedition, corruption & WAR.

They are VIOLATING our GOD-GIVEN rights & freedoms by strategically dismantling the one thing our founders created to protect them— THE CONSTITUTION.

If this “AWAKENING” period doesn’t wrap up soon…..I fear our country will have a permanently installed DEEP STATE REGIME.

Praying we see JUSTICE in the very near future for their TREASONOUS pasts.

Elon still is talking about Jacks 'pure' heart, even though Twitter files round 1 and 2 show Jack was indeed in on everything being exposed.

Does Elon know something we don't?

Elon Musk says Perkins Coie doesn't represent Twitter any longer.

Jan Jekielek posts a document dated 2 days ago showing Perkins Coie as the law firm representing Twitter.


Did James Baker lie to Musk to conceal the fact that Perkins Coie was still representing Twitter?

This Twitter stuff has to be rolled out one big chunk at a time over the next few weeks because if it was all dropped AT ONCE things would be missed, most normies would NOT be able to process it all and if you drop it all at one moment the HIT the goons take is manageable because the news cycle will quickly move on over 24-48 hours.

I know you're not happy at the pace of this.

Well, too bad.

Information war isn't for impatient pussies.

If Twitter was censoring MAGA normies with this much fervor, just imagine how they censored the army of unstoppable anons.

Has your Titter account been reinstated yet?

(Elon has done so much already to boost the white hat narrative it's only fair we have exhibit patience while he slowly moves through saving free speech. It is likely he has a specific plan that he's
implementing and he's rolling with the punches along the way.)

And now we have the proof. EVERYTHING we said Twitter was doing to suppress and silence Conservative thought, they were doing. Information War.



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