The Great Awakening

Impatient is an understatement.

This stuff isn't a TV show. Billions of people's lives are affected by it.

100+ years of cabal rule and they can't keep fighting for another few years after all the amazing things we've already witnessed in the last five.

It's not just the impatience that gets me.

It's the idea that they are ENTITLED to be rescued by someone in the first place.

It's the lack of gratitude.

Us being complacent and expecting someone in Washington to save us is one of the main reasons we're in this mess to begin with, Q and Trump could have left us to rot and never even set the ball rolling.

They loved this country for us while we were asleep.

Note that middle one:

"Defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes,"

Has that happened yet?

Remind me what Trump announced earlier?

He took out ISIS during his first term.

What did he just announce were his plans for the second?

Gregg Philips ligt nu onder vuur. Teveel om hier allemaal te plaatsen. Anons op TG vragen zich af waarom hij zich zo pro-Oekraine heeft verklaard en waarom hij geld heeft ingezameld voor Oekraine en waar dat geld is gebleven. Onderstaande post suggereert zelfs dat hij voor de FBI werkt.

👆Zie deze uitspraak van mij op dit forum gedaan vele jaren geleden:

Er zijn ook rasspecifieke wapens. Afrikanen staan het dichtst bij de oorspronkelijke blauwdruk, van oorsprong zijn we allemaal Afrikanen. Toch vallen ze daar bij bosjes neer aan AIDS. Hoe kan dat? Je zou dat eerder verwachten in het gedegenereerde westen, maar het probleem is vele malen groter in Afrika! Als AIDS door een ‘virus’ wordt veroorzaakt, dan hebben we te maken met een wel heel racistisch virus, vind je niet? Het antwoord is simpel: vaccins. Niet voor niets zet Bill Gates volop in op vaccins in de derde wereld. En met elk pak Pampers sponsoren we ook weer ‘levensreddende’ prikken, om vervolgens een regelrechte epidemie te zien van AIDS onder Afrikanen! We hebben hier te maken met RASSPECIFIEKE en GESLACHTSSPECIFIEKE wapens.

We the People are awakening and McCarthy shows just how awake the masses have become.
No longer do the rhinos get away with pretending to be one of us without the populace noticing.
In the past, satanic families like the Bush dynasty pulled the wool over the sheep's eyes.
No longer.
You're watching Gaetz exhibit the will of the people and our will has become like a flame that can be seen for miles and those on the people's side have grown by leaps and bounds.
This is the Great Awakening.
Without this Awakening, the status quo would never change.
Make no mistake:
Everything is changing one step at a time.

One of the best ways to get through this precipice has always been you, the frens. Without friendship, many would have despaired long ago.
It has been people speaking into each other's lives, encouraging one another, helping them stand up for themselves, making each other laugh and inspiring hope that has made this wild crazy journey tolerable.
I don't believe for one second that we were awakened just to watch the destruction of the world.
There's hope behind the madness and all of you have helped be the safeguard, alleviating mental anguish and suffering for many and I thank you.
No storm is going to bring us down nor tear away our ability to endure together.


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