Something fishy is going on… strange take is that this is a white hat operation to expose banks that are controlled by corrupt Globalists. Bc they didn’t bail out the BANKS— they bailed out the CUSTOMERS.
The Bank, it’s leaders & the corporations are being investigated by DOJ— & they are also already allowing Class Action Lawsuits to be filed. The customers are basically getting an early settlement, courtesy of who, I wonder?!?
All Bankers/Banks are not bad. Corruption is the problem. Privately owned institutions are necessary to keep BANKING just that, PRIVATE. Otherwise, it becomes an additional branch of the Federal Government— & that’s what Globalists want, not us.
So who’s running this show— the Government, the Deep State, Foreign Leaders, Patriots???

Time will tell.
All I do know is, someone is doing INSTANT damage control to cover their ass. Bc NOTHING in the Federal Government happens this fast.
Prime Example: Norfolk victims.
I hope we are watching the corrupt “Old Guard’s Big Banks” be exposed & dismantled, & the ethical, smaller Community Banks becoming the future of the Banking Industry.
For every problem, Trump has a solution….but good gosh, patience is a virtue that’s sure not easy.
Something fishy is going on… strange take is that this is a white hat operation to expose banks that are controlled by corrupt Globalists. Bc they didn’t bail out the BANKS— they bailed out the CUSTOMERS. The Bank, it’s leaders & the corporations are being investigated by DOJ— & they are...