The Great Awakening

Als “het” er vroeger niet was en nu opeens wel. Als “het” opeens genormaliseerd wordt en overal om je heen gepropageerd wordt. Als “het” iets is wat eigenlijk niet klopt maar iedereen doet eraan mee. Dan zit er waarschijnlijk een agenda achter.
Something fishy is going on… strange take is that this is a white hat operation to expose banks that are controlled by corrupt Globalists. Bc they didn’t bail out the BANKS— they bailed out the CUSTOMERS.

The Bank, it’s leaders & the corporations are being investigated by DOJ— & they are also already allowing Class Action Lawsuits to be filed. The customers are basically getting an early settlement, courtesy of who, I wonder?!?

All Bankers/Banks are not bad. Corruption is the problem. Privately owned institutions are necessary to keep BANKING just that, PRIVATE. Otherwise, it becomes an additional branch of the Federal Government— & that’s what Globalists want, not us.

So who’s running this show— the Government, the Deep State, Foreign Leaders, Patriots??? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Time will tell.
All I do know is, someone is doing INSTANT damage control to cover their ass. Bc NOTHING in the Federal Government happens this fast.
Prime Example: Norfolk victims.

I hope we are watching the corrupt “Old Guard’s Big Banks” be exposed & dismantled, & the ethical, smaller Community Banks becoming the future of the Banking Industry.

For every problem, Trump has a solution….but good gosh, patience is a virtue that’s sure not easy.


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